View Full Version : DCT 4 Flashing / Upgrading / Modding

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  1. 7650 Help
  2. cityfone service provider code
  3. 7210 Flashing
  4. Griffin guys Help!!!
  5. dct4 codes generatded in 2 sec freee
  6. 8310 restriction code
  7. 'UEM 6 - Type 2' Models
  8. Caller Group Logo on 7210
  9. 8310 unlock codes please
  10. 3510 security code
  11. How do I unlock a 9290?
  12. 8310 unlock code please
  13. IMEI Changing DCT-4
  14. Which unit is better...
  15. nokia NmmConvert problem...
  16. diagrams/pics needed.............
  17. When Will Dongle-Free DCT4 Unlocking Software Be Available?
  18. How much cost
  19. dct4 100% without dongle hot news
  20. Unlocked incorrectly or Blocked?
  21. need code for dct4tools!!!
  22. unlock 7210
  23. unlock 7250
  24. are we all finished???
  25. DCT4 V2 Help
  26. Online dct4 codegenerator is 100%
  27. Network code - please help
  28. Imei Writer Software
  29. DCT4 Hex ??
  30. nokia 8310 v05.80 (UK) connection probs
  31. AT & T Opertor Codes
  32. i need delphi dct3 flash source code.for exchange or buy
  33. Software
  34. build 3510i cable
  35. Problemo !! - Any help ??
  36. please
  37. Free DCT4 Imei changer???
  38. Nokia DCT4 Flashing Q.
  39. free dct4 code calulations WWW.FONECODE.CO.UK
  40. 3510i unlock problem
  41. Help
  42. thanks in advance
  43. 8310 won't power up!
  44. 8390 unlock codes plez
  45. Free Unlock Here
  46. help lp2002 dongle error
  47. Nokia 6610 V4.74?
  48. 350 poly ringtones
  49. imei change info
  50. aqwe
  51. Question about dct4 ppm and mcu utilities
  52. 6610 download the pictures that i've taken
  53. 7210 flash upgrade question
  54. Nokia 7250i - have someone got more details?
  55. Please send me a copy... lets try it.
  56. Newbie: What do you need to flash a Nokia?
  57. 6100 no ringtone
  58. 8310 uem
  59. 3510i simcard rejected problem
  60. DCT4 IMEI software
  61. @ All Free Code Requester
  62. Link for DCT4 unlock code requests
  63. 6310i on USA T Mobile
  64. dead 6310 npe-4 ! help
  65. USA Network Codes - Complicated
  66. need help intruct trisha box
  67. 7650 - 5 times Wrong Code
  68. Dct4 Cal
  69. Dct4 Cal
  70. dct4 imei change
  71. I'm in need of a little help!
  72. Dct4 scheme?
  73. 8310 restriction code wanted?
  74. 6310 and CARK-91
  75. Flasher tools software
  76. Please read this
  77. Java Game Testing.
  78. Flashing 6310i in the USA
  79. Unlock Solution with Phoenix
  80. DCT4 without Dongle
  81. dct4
  82. Is it possible to LOCK a DCT-4
  83. Free Web to MMS Request Service.
  84. 7250 wont turn on
  85. 6610 issues, plz help !
  86. Why different codes?
  87. Which T-mobile code?
  88. No backlight when someone calls my N6610.....Pls help
  89. please help problem polyphonic ringtones
  90. Crack WebWiever
  91. 6610 operator logo -> failed to save
  92. Reverse-engineering a dongle
  93. Calculator help needed !
  94. chip change ( dct 4) success ??
  95. New Dct4 Cal Software Cracked!!!
  96. sim registration failed
  97. Help please .
  98. need help in lp2002 please
  99. dct4 calculator dongle
  100. 6610 imei change
  101. fia files for flashing 8310 6.20 version
  102. 8310 water/power fault
  103. Relock 7210
  104. Dct4 Housin Elaski flasher 2.4
  105. 6610
  106. Real DCT4 dongle hex
  107. Re-configuration of data bearers
  108. 8310 what up
  109. gprs cable for nokia help
  110. 7210 colour screen
  111. JIC Unlocker
  112. Q: from a 6610-newbie about flashing.
  113. Uem Selling?
  114. Change Imei For Dct4
  115. Why 5 unlock codes for 8310?
  116. N6610 Sent message box.....Pls advice
  117. nokai 3510i unlock please
  118. 3595 locking up HELP
  119. unlock code plz
  120. 7210 Unlock Codes
  121. nokia codes
  122. 3510 unlock with data cable, please help !
  123. UserPort
  124. lock code for 3650 plz???
  125. 6510 flash to 8310 is it possible?
  126. Missing Accessory menu 4-6 of 8310
  127. Unlocking
  128. Is it possible to check whether a DCT-4 is locked or not?
  129. New Software For Changing DCT-4 IMEI
  130. 9210 Unlock
  131. 3595 data cable
  132. 7210 or 6610 or 6100
  133. nokia DCT4 CABLE
  134. Dct4 Unlock Wap and Gprs services
  135. REQ: 6610 pinout
  136. 8310 with German in v6.04
  137. Nokia 6610.
  138. 6310 Schematics
  139. Sh*t! I bought the wrong cable! (3510/3510i)
  140. 6510 imei
  141. reest counter
  142. Finally.... FREE Yahoo!, ICQ, MSN and AOL client!
  143. Calling For someone to write Java program
  144. no
  145. How to make MP3s ringtones??
  146. 3595 data cable
  147. unlocking problem
  148. 3510i firmware update
  149. Changing operator logo on 3595
  150. uem
  151. 3510i with cam??
  152. Rogers 3590 unlock code please
  153. Changeing 1900MHz to 900/1800MHz
  154. PHOENIX Qustions
  155. Virgin UK - '23430' and '23400'
  156. Please help to resolve FIDO unlock issue!
  157. 6610 software upgrade
  158. Unlocking Nokia 6610 with Cable
  159. convert siemens java apps to nokia ??
  160. Carrier Phones... read it if you have a chance.
  161. unlock 8390 using data cable
  162. trnsfer contaks from phone to sim
  163. Nokia 8310 Restriction Code
  164. 8310 contact service
  165. 6510 Codes
  166. Vibrations on screen of 6610
  167. Mod DCT4 Flash Files.......
  168. dct 4 8310.6510.7210.6610
  169. Phone still restricted
  170. International characters
  171. DCT4 Generator free not for dongle here
  172. Cheapest DCT4 dongle
  173. Solo Explorer
  174. nokia 7210 restriction code plz
  175. jic unlocker
  176. Imei 8310
  177. Any FIFA games for 6610
  178. free DCT4 calculator & HOW TO
  179. about dku-5
  180. Cheap DCT4 Flasher, NEED FIA
  181. "updating SIM card" with 3G SIM
  182. Have someone tried flashing 7250 -> 7250i?
  183. plz help
  184. another nokia dct4 calculator shell
  185. Nokia 3595
  186. help
  187. netmonitor in 3510i
  188. 6800 on cingular. help please
  189. i need a unlockind software
  190. Free Nokia DCT4 Calculator with instructions!!!
  191. i need a Visual basic source code for dct4 flasher
  192. Trouble with data cable for 6610
  193. nokia 6200 with cable
  194. HeLP HeLp with my dct 4/5
  195. My 8310 said MEMORY ALMOST FULL and after 2 days it went OFF.wHAT WRONG?
  196. 6100 'Contact Service' Problem
  197. SD card on 3650?
  198. a few questions
  199. Reset Security in 3510i
  200. DCT4 Unlock-Code: problem?
  201. 6310i
  202. net monitor..
  203. nokia dct4 without dongle free
  204. 8310 default security code
  205. 6800 operator logo
  206. 3510i applications????
  207. DCT4 calculator
  208. I have try to use this program
  209. Nokia 8310 Product Code
  210. Why not always use 7 +
  211. Help Unlocking
  212. Nokia 8310 - no reactiion after entering code
  213. Is it possiblle to unlock 6200?
  214. 8310 Imei Chip Replacement
  215. 6310 i problem
  216. 3510 problem
  217. 3510 ringtones
  218. Is it possible...
  219. 6610 slow clock
  220. 6310i weird barred but still working
  221. help 8310
  222. gprs?
  223. Jordan & Baker - Explode [polyphonic ringtone]
  224. Need help Unlocking 6610
  225. Dct-4 Calc Without Dongle
  226. Goodies for Nokia 3650
  227. 6800 photo cupture
  228. DCT4 calculator for debitel in denmark
  229. help updating 8310
  230. How many WAP profiles on 6310i
  231. All DCT4 Nokia Phone code's Free!
  232. cable or clip ???
  233. Deleting the T-Mobile Text
  234. what is blacklist?
  235. need unlock codes for 5210e please
  236. 6800 full backup
  237. activate voice dialing in 6800
  238. 6100 Scrensaver
  239. Blocked 8310 Swap ?
  240. Wallpaper colour and power saving
  241. Flashing 7210 with China Flasher
  242. 7250
  243. Nokia 7650
  244. 8310 infra red
  245. Cell Info Display
  246. nokia 6610 IMEI
  247. FFF 9100 Error In Griffin
  248. hello sir
  249. Which Network?
  250. 6310i Barred Need help PLZ