- 7650 Help
- cityfone service provider code
- 7210 Flashing
- Griffin guys Help!!!
- dct4 codes generatded in 2 sec freee
- 8310 restriction code
- 'UEM 6 - Type 2' Models
- Caller Group Logo on 7210
- 8310 unlock codes please
- 3510 security code
- How do I unlock a 9290?
- 8310 unlock code please
- IMEI Changing DCT-4
- Which unit is better...
- nokia NmmConvert problem...
- diagrams/pics needed.............
- When Will Dongle-Free DCT4 Unlocking Software Be Available?
- How much cost
- dct4 100% without dongle hot news
- Unlocked incorrectly or Blocked?
- need code for dct4tools!!!
- unlock 7210
- unlock 7250
- are we all finished???
- DCT4 V2 Help
- Online dct4 codegenerator is 100%
- Network code - please help
- Imei Writer Software
- DCT4 Hex ??
- nokia 8310 v05.80 (UK) connection probs
- AT & T Opertor Codes
- i need delphi dct3 flash source code.for exchange or buy
- Software
- build 3510i cable
- Problemo !! - Any help ??
- please
- Free DCT4 Imei changer???
- Nokia DCT4 Flashing Q.
- free dct4 code calulations WWW.FONECODE.CO.UK
- 3510i unlock problem
- Help
- thanks in advance
- 8310 won't power up!
- 8390 unlock codes plez
- Free Unlock Here
- help lp2002 dongle error
- Nokia 6610 V4.74?
- 350 poly ringtones
- imei change info
- aqwe
- Question about dct4 ppm and mcu utilities
- 6610 download the pictures that i've taken
- 7210 flash upgrade question
- Nokia 7250i - have someone got more details?
- Please send me a copy... lets try it.
- Newbie: What do you need to flash a Nokia?
- 6100 no ringtone
- 8310 uem
- 3510i simcard rejected problem
- DCT4 IMEI software
- @ All Free Code Requester
- Link for DCT4 unlock code requests
- 6310i on USA T Mobile
- dead 6310 npe-4 ! help
- USA Network Codes - Complicated
- need help intruct trisha box
- 7650 - 5 times Wrong Code
- Dct4 Cal
- Dct4 Cal
- dct4 imei change
- I'm in need of a little help!
- Dct4 scheme?
- 8310 restriction code wanted?
- 6310 and CARK-91
- Flasher tools software
- Please read this
- Java Game Testing.
- Flashing 6310i in the USA
- Unlock Solution with Phoenix
- DCT4 without Dongle
- dct4
- Is it possible to LOCK a DCT-4
- Free Web to MMS Request Service.
- 7250 wont turn on
- 6610 issues, plz help !
- Why different codes?
- Which T-mobile code?
- No backlight when someone calls my N6610.....Pls help
- please help problem polyphonic ringtones
- Crack WebWiever
- 6610 operator logo -> failed to save
- Reverse-engineering a dongle
- Calculator help needed !
- chip change ( dct 4) success ??
- New Dct4 Cal Software Cracked!!!
- sim registration failed
- Help please .
- need help in lp2002 please
- dct4 calculator dongle
- 6610 imei change
- fia files for flashing 8310 6.20 version
- 8310 water/power fault
- Relock 7210
- Dct4 Housin Elaski flasher 2.4
- 6610
- Real DCT4 dongle hex
- Re-configuration of data bearers
- 8310 what up
- gprs cable for nokia help
- 7210 colour screen
- JIC Unlocker
- Q: from a 6610-newbie about flashing.
- Uem Selling?
- Change Imei For Dct4
- Why 5 unlock codes for 8310?
- N6610 Sent message box.....Pls advice
- nokai 3510i unlock please
- 3595 locking up HELP
- unlock code plz
- 7210 Unlock Codes
- nokia codes
- 3510 unlock with data cable, please help !
- UserPort
- lock code for 3650 plz???
- 6510 flash to 8310 is it possible?
- Missing Accessory menu 4-6 of 8310
- Unlocking
- Is it possible to check whether a DCT-4 is locked or not?
- New Software For Changing DCT-4 IMEI
- 9210 Unlock
- 3595 data cable
- 7210 or 6610 or 6100
- nokia DCT4 CABLE
- Dct4 Unlock Wap and Gprs services
- REQ: 6610 pinout
- 8310 with German in v6.04
- Nokia 6610.
- 6310 Schematics
- Sh*t! I bought the wrong cable! (3510/3510i)
- 6510 imei
- reest counter
- Finally.... FREE Yahoo!, ICQ, MSN and AOL client!
- Calling For someone to write Java program
- no
- How to make MP3s ringtones??
- 3595 data cable
- unlocking problem
- 3510i firmware update
- Changing operator logo on 3595
- uem
- 3510i with cam??
- Rogers 3590 unlock code please
- Changeing 1900MHz to 900/1800MHz
- PHOENIX Qustions
- Virgin UK - '23430' and '23400'
- Please help to resolve FIDO unlock issue!
- 6610 software upgrade
- Unlocking Nokia 6610 with Cable
- convert siemens java apps to nokia ??
- Carrier Phones... read it if you have a chance.
- unlock 8390 using data cable
- trnsfer contaks from phone to sim
- Nokia 8310 Restriction Code
- 8310 contact service
- 6510 Codes
- Vibrations on screen of 6610
- Mod DCT4 Flash Files.......
- dct 4 8310.6510.7210.6610
- Phone still restricted
- International characters
- DCT4 Generator free not for dongle here
- Cheapest DCT4 dongle
- Solo Explorer
- nokia 7210 restriction code plz
- jic unlocker
- Imei 8310
- Any FIFA games for 6610
- free DCT4 calculator & HOW TO
- about dku-5
- Cheap DCT4 Flasher, NEED FIA
- "updating SIM card" with 3G SIM
- Have someone tried flashing 7250 -> 7250i?
- plz help
- another nokia dct4 calculator shell
- Nokia 3595
- help
- netmonitor in 3510i
- 6800 on cingular. help please
- i need a unlockind software
- Free Nokia DCT4 Calculator with instructions!!!
- i need a Visual basic source code for dct4 flasher
- Trouble with data cable for 6610
- nokia 6200 with cable
- HeLP HeLp with my dct 4/5
- My 8310 said MEMORY ALMOST FULL and after 2 days it went OFF.wHAT WRONG?
- 6100 'Contact Service' Problem
- SD card on 3650?
- a few questions
- Reset Security in 3510i
- DCT4 Unlock-Code: problem?
- 6310i
- net monitor..
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- 8310 default security code
- 6800 operator logo
- 3510i applications????
- DCT4 calculator
- I have try to use this program
- Nokia 8310 Product Code
- Why not always use 7 +
- Help Unlocking
- Nokia 8310 - no reactiion after entering code
- Is it possiblle to unlock 6200?
- 8310 Imei Chip Replacement
- 6310 i problem
- 3510 problem
- 3510 ringtones
- Is it possible...
- 6610 slow clock
- 6310i weird barred but still working
- help 8310
- gprs?
- Jordan & Baker - Explode [polyphonic ringtone]
- Need help Unlocking 6610
- Dct-4 Calc Without Dongle
- Goodies for Nokia 3650
- 6800 photo cupture
- DCT4 calculator for debitel in denmark
- help updating 8310
- How many WAP profiles on 6310i
- All DCT4 Nokia Phone code's Free!
- cable or clip ???
- Deleting the T-Mobile Text
- what is blacklist?
- need unlock codes for 5210e please
- 6800 full backup
- activate voice dialing in 6800
- 6100 Scrensaver
- Blocked 8310 Swap ?
- Wallpaper colour and power saving
- Flashing 7210 with China Flasher
- 7250
- Nokia 7650
- 8310 infra red
- Cell Info Display
- nokia 6610 IMEI
- FFF 9100 Error In Griffin
- hello sir
- Which Network?
- 6310i Barred Need help PLZ