View Full Version : DCT 3 Flashing / Upgrading / Modding

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  1. twin sims
  2. nokia 6100
  3. DirectIR for use with 6130
  4. Any good places to find ORIGINAL Nokia spares?
  5. unlock my phone plz
  6. Where is the FAID stored?
  7. nokia 6800 screen anygood?
  8. 8250 with russian ver 6.04?
  9. Questions about polyphonic tones for nokia 72xx
  10. Help in creating an operator logo wap site
  11. Trouble in Secode
  12. Why is a fls 4 megs, when a MCU+PPM 3.5 megs?
  13. NokiaFree Forum Reorganisation
  14. where can i get free nokia games?
  15. setting up wap
  16. ???? warez ????
  17. My experiences of flash reading with userport on XP with problems
  18. MCU Space
  19. My Flash...
  20. Dct4 Flashing Kit in Romania
  21. flasher cables
  22. Nokia 2260 Help
  23. 6610 Help...Please
  24. nokia multimedia converter problems
  25. Nokia 7210 unlocking problem
  26. 7250 -> 7250i
  27. Blocked my Sim PLEASE HELP
  28. Latest Warez & Some Tutorials Here
  29. txt messages
  30. How to send MMS from PC
  31. Stolen Phones
  32. Nokia 7210 LOGO option unavailable (country selection)
  33. !++wb-amr Support Revisited++!
  34. rhythmic backlight
  35. MSG Security code problem!
  36. arabic polyphonic
  37. help needed.... NokiaTool 1.9 won't run!
  38. Rookie in the house...
  39. 3390 and cingular
  40. 3210 upgrade
  41. Looking 4 SWAT SNIPER
  42. EEprom in DCT4?
  43. NokiaFREE IRC Chat!!!
  44. caller groups
  45. pkd file
  46. upgrading win 2000
  47. About PKD-1
  48. pictures from 7250i to pc?
  49. Quiet
  50. 3361 activation
  51. Cingular USA
  52. partial flash 8250 ERRORS!
  53. Some questions for you guys
  54. The *#30# Code
  55. Need Help on Connection my 7650 To PC Suite using IR or Bluetooth
  56. free java games
  57. looking for flash files and dont know which version to use
  58. 8310 PUK Code
  59. Goodbye Nokiafree!
  60. CEIR - barred phones to go worldwide?? -NEWS-
  61. Hmmm... Is this really possible?
  62. Free SMS Message Centre Numbers!!!
  63. Wich box is the best for repairing unlocking NOKIA phones????
  64. 7650 facia removal
  65. can't make outgoing calls and text
  66. Explanation DCT and RAE numbers
  67. Cracked Wintesla
  68. Help me
  69. Block stolen phones
  70. 5110 - change screen to blue-screen???
  71. Emailviewer Cracks
  72. Flashing 3410, what am I doing wrong now :(!
  73. Does original IMEI need to be set correctly (and how?)
  74. Neelix 3
  75. just bought nok 3310, and blocked sim
  76. Nokia 7210 Barred IMEI
  77. How do I adjust the time the LEDs stay on for?
  78. ???software update under XP with flash cable
  79. Have someone know this tutorial?
  80. can't upload operator logo?
  81. 8210, 8850, 8810 cable - all the same?
  82. Mac-user
  83. External power...
  84. Code
  85. USB data cables and Rolis
  86. Sorry to disturb you folks...
  87. Remote Control for TV with Irda ?
  88. Warez
  89. I cant flash 3315's or 3310's
  90. What is Flasher Cable?
  91. How to test Nokia's???
  92. Nokia Flasher to Mbus/Fbus converter
  93. 3310 to 3330
  94. text divert
  95. dct4 calculator
  96. Edit flash for more voice tags.
  97. Rolis Noktool 1.9 questions
  98. How to Lock??
  99. About: WAP
  100. Knok And Xp???
  101. We render the qualified help in search of the various Software.
  102. Forum reorganization: VERY important issue
  103. Use Flash,Bios choose EPP,ECP or EPP+ECP?
  104. Please tell me How do I Restore my 3650 back to the day I bought it ?
  105. 8210 screen same as 8250?
  106. new Hangango Software
  107. HELP: 8250 - Phone RAM is bad
  108. Noob Questions
  109. userport question
  110. MP3 Music
  111. Upgrade 8910-8910i
  112. Blink?Flash SMS
  113. Fading lights
  114. 3410 unlocking
  115. how to flash 3530?
  116. Is there a "Phone simulator" software?
  117. midi
  118. Networks/systems in YOUR country
  119. phonix service software
  120. Catching a cheating partner in the act
  121. Hi guys i just found a good...
  122. 3310 contact service fix
  123. To nokdoc
  124. irda remote for nokia 6800
  125. Im going down..
  126. making 8210 water resistant
  127. PUK Generator??
  128. PLaYiNG WiDeBaND AMR ON 3650?!?!
  129. how to ..........
  130. nfree.exe problem
  131. louder speaker
  132. Nokia 1260 no power
  133. Anyone got a Polyphonic Ringtone for Jurgen Vries - The Theme ?
  134. how to protect modded fls file ? :)
  135. Flasher cable -homemade- question
  136. MCC + MNC Codes
  137. Diy Mbus/fbus
  138. circuits for mbus
  139. About the nokia 3510i?
  140. Msg to the developers
  141. 5110 flash with t-9 ?
  142. how to darkflasher
  143. Menu, Button etc.. Fonts
  144. Nokia 6610, sound problems during conversations. Is this a common problem for 6610?
  145. Is it possible to extract voice recordings?
  146. Help With Wap Enabling A Nokia 2100
  147. is there any way of being able to
  148. opinion
  149. ocean deep ringtone by cliff richard
  150. Question on removing sim when unlocking
  151. Using WAP
  152. Help on cable.
  153. extention class
  154. what is a dejan box
  155. slide help.........
  156. Nokia 5125 ring tones
  157. Flasher?
  158. Anonomouse SMS
  159. WAP Website?
  160. Small Nokia Games
  161. cant access wap on my phone
  162. 3586i
  163. WAP SITE & WML limits?
  164. Flashing?
  165. To NokDoc, about modding
  166. 6610 modem
  167. Games for 6800?
  168. Midi with vibra?
  169. Looking for a programmer looking to make a quick $1000
  170. Why Doesn't my wap work?
  171. SIM not data enabled
  172. Logo
  173. anyone know what this is?
  174. nokia n-gage vs. smartphone
  175. Spacedoubler prog for N7650 ?????
  176. Spacedoubler for N7650 Help please.
  177. Repair this if u can! :))))))
  178. swopping fones how
  179. sim card registration fail?
  180. How can u know if lock code is 1# or another?
  181. 3315 by HU-1
  182. whats the diffrent
  183. midi software
  184. System ERROR!!!
  185. 6210 and genolite...
  186. over 10 SMS/ ulocking DCT3
  187. Slideshow as start up animation
  188. Polyphonic Ringtones Wanted....
  189. 3330 wap problem
  190. help to unlock nokia 6200
  191. Unlocking a Nokia 6200
  192. n00b question. Paypal donation if you can help!
  193. Picture message (SMS) format... WAP/MMS/E-Mail can?
  194. error messages
  195. Help me
  196. Anyone have swat sniper
  197. TAPZONE (OZONE) download here :
  198. Nokia PPM packages
  199. Vibrating every minute during a call, how was this modified?
  200. games for nokia 6100?
  201. auto switch F/m bus schematic diagram?
  202. Nokia 6360 Lock Questions
  203. Colour Operator Logos Dimensions
  204. are those REAL Nokia's..???
  205. Can U Put Memory On A Nokia 6610??
  206. GSM Tech mode
  207. Send SMS to IMEI... is possible ?
  208. Plophonic Ringtones Q?
  209. Nokia 252N ...where should I start?
  210. DKU-5 data cable
  211. how to put colour operator logos on 6610
  212. Is that the MCU and PPM free space function some like computer RAM?
  213. nokia java mlf
  214. New GUI for nokia 33xx and 5510 series - my IDEA
  215. GreyScale Operator Logos On 8910, possible ??
  216. 3410
  217. Why Doesn't My Wap Work?
  218. weak signal
  219. how do i get flash software for 7210
  220. Nokia 3510i colour backgrounds and stuff
  221. Nokia 6800 Registration Failed
  222. Nokia 6800 Registration Failed
  223. 128x128 Wallpapers
  224. problem with softwares
  225. If You Get Skanked Here The Mods Wont Help
  226. Unlocking Canadian Nokia and Motorolla Phones
  227. N00B Question: What is Net Monitor?
  228. Rolis 5.14 Wait for boot counter accept (TX=high)
  229. please help
  230. Pls help !!!
  231. 8210 ModZ
  232. Connection solution
  233. help
  234. Modded 3310 files?
  235. opm
  236. Sending own Ringtones...
  237. net-monitor
  238. phonebook from 6210 > 6310
  239. Java Emulator?
  240. I can not flash 2100
  241. ALL NOKIA TX=LOW how to sol...........?
  242. I can't flash
  243. While editing bars, a strange icon appeared...?
  244. Virgin SIM only connecting to T Mobile network
  245. Mod 2100 Error..
  246. help please...
  247. 6610 memory
  248. Operator logo websites, programs?
  249. Possible to unlock 21oo...
  250. help please