View Full Version : pkd-1 dongle emulator

16-02-2002, 07:54 AM
does anyone know how to repair a dongle.
by accident i deactivated mine.

using winlock.
the program was asking me for password.
then when i started wintesla the program asks for activation file.
i need this dongle working.
for the service equipment i have.

16-02-2002, 09:11 PM
HI !

Sad to hear. If you don't have "official" support from Nokia , Salo Factory. It might be difficult to get it work. UNLESS, you've made backup and you can restore it. There are sources can help you in this kind of cases but that costs $$$$. Get PKD-1 file from someone who has it... make a request everywhere where it's possible (FORUMS). Good luck !
