View Full Version : (Not tested!) HEX for PIC16F628 (Not tested!)

15-02-2002, 02:09 PM

Here is HEX & ASM for PIC16F628, but I havn't tested it
I'm so sorry to upload not-tested firmware, but I only have F84's & F877's /n/images/smiles/icon_frown.gif
The good news is that when I ran this hex with MPLAB, EEPROM routines worked fine in simulator.

Modifications done to this firmware: -Totaly new EEPROM read/write routines
-Firmware & EEPROM data on single HEX

I uploaded this NOT-TESTED version if someone wants to take a look on source code that is allso attached with HEX.

But if you test it, Please remember to select correct programming fuses when programming the chip!
At least do NOT enable LVP or Code protection fuses /n/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

- MTL -

15-02-2002, 02:53 PM
Can you tell me is this is a compatible condensator with 20 mikrofarad?? (see attachment)

Thank You

15-02-2002, 03:50 PM
Yes, 22uF capacitor can be used instead of 20uF.
(That is if you ment using it in dejan BOX)

The capacitor is there just to stabilize power output from LPT, size of capacitor is not so critical here.

15-02-2002, 04:11 PM
I have tested your hex with a pic 16F628 /04 but it won't work.
Do I need a pic 16F628 /20 or my is compatible?

Thank You

15-02-2002, 04:12 PM
not run the dejan respond bad comunication

15-02-2002, 04:19 PM
Hi cali, dejan respond me Bad connection or bad BOX, can you send me a picture of your box? What are wrote on your pic? 16F628 /04 or 16F628 /20 ??

Thank You


15-02-2002, 04:34 PM
I dont have possibility make a photo of my hardware and i write dexf628.hex in my 16f628-04p
I have one question :why the dejan1.04 when i start it acknowledge the box but when i press F1 responde with bad connection or Bad Box ?
thanks o-Mast

15-02-2002, 05:56 PM

If dejan1.04 receives serial nr. from BOX, but pressing F1 gives bad connection, you are propably using wrong type of crystal.

Box MUST be run with 8MHz crystal to make MBUS work.

If you are using 4MHz crystal, PC receives data from box but communication to phone won't work.

15-02-2002, 06:44 PM
I've MPLAB and I 'd like to know How can i tested your Hex with this program...
More late I'll try to program the Pic16f628 with your Hex and i hope it works...
Many thanks..

15-02-2002, 07:09 PM
in my box there is 8Mhz cristal but when i press F1 the Dejan responde Bad box or...
can you help me?

15-02-2002, 07:22 PM
Hi cali,
how is settet Ltp port in your computer (epp, spp, ...)
I have your same hardware (dejan box and 16F628 /04p) but when I start dejan flasher1.04 it say immediatly Bad connection or bad BOX!



15-02-2002, 07:32 PM
Can you tell me how you have setted the fuses to program the Pic16F628?
Is the same as Pic16ce625?
Many thanks...

15-02-2002, 07:36 PM
Xt oscillator
Other OFF


15-02-2002, 08:13 PM
Hi cali,
what serial number appear in your dejan 1.04?


15-02-2002, 08:44 PM
the serial number is v.01-02-5001and i make any test but the box don't run
my fuses is the same of o-Mast
why don't run ?
comunque sono italiano e si vede dal mio inglese fatemi sapere se trovate delle nuove io faccio lo stesso

15-02-2002, 09:02 PM

When using F628 I think MCLR config bit (Master Clear Enable) should be on.
In F628 MCLR pin can be configured also as digital I/O (RA5), this feature wasn't available in CE625.
If MCLR config bit is disabled, PIC uses internal RESET, and correct RESET of device may be uncertain.

If I had F628 chip I would try this kind of configuration:
(WDTE) : Disabled
(PWRTE): Enabled
(MCLR) : Enabled
(BODEN): Disabled
(LVP) : Disabled
(CP) : Disabled

(At this moment I have to run HEX in MPLAB simulator, when analysing results seems that dexF628.hex does everything that dex0.hex does, but using different EEPROM routines.)

I also visited other GSM-forum, and many people there wrote that they have same kind of problems with original dex0.hex when using CE625.

This is quote from other forum:

"Run as "cwsdpmi -s- -p" before running flasher...
If you don't have much physical ram run as "cwsdpmi -p

About M2BUS for me it only does not work in a DOS box running on Windows...
WinDLS works great, so MBUS works for me..."

I belive we can find the solution, it can't be far away since on some PC's BOX seems to send serial number.

15-02-2002, 09:36 PM
The serial number is correct... we have to study.
My box is the same of cali (i suppose /n/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif ) but it won't works!!!! /n/images/smiles/icon_frown.gif((((

Ciao cali come fai a farlo funzionare? Come setti la porta parallela nel bios??
Ti ringrazio moltissimo!
Ah di dove sei? Io di napoli.


15-02-2002, 10:01 PM
up up!

16-02-2002, 09:52 AM
Ciao o-Mast
scusa il ritardo ma non ero in sede
nel bios ho provato tutte le differenti possibilita' epp ecp e bidirezionale comunque penso che il problema sia nella comunicazione seriale con il telefono cioe' tra il pic ed il telefono ci lavoro e poi ti dico.
comunque e' molto strano che veda il box ma non il telefono.
Sono di Ravenna

16-02-2002, 12:44 PM
non ci posso credere che siamo tre italiani su questo forum; Comunque caro o_Mast io ho flashiato la F628 con le indicazioni di MTL:
(WDTE) : Disabled
(PWRTE): Enabled
(MCLR) : Enabled
(BODEN): Disabled
(LVP) : Disabled
(CP) : Disabled
... e a quanto ho visto il box viene riconosciuto correttamente... Purtroppo ancora non ho collegato il cavetto che va al telefono quindi non so se la comunicazione con il telefono č funzionante, ma tra computer e box tutto ok...
A proposito la mia porta parallela č settata come normal e io non ho usato nessun cavo per collegare il box alla porta del computer... Quindi se fossi in te controllerei bene l'assemblaggio del box, e altro quali il cavo ad esempio di collegamento (se lo usi)...
Comunque fammi sapere se riesci a falo funzionare...

(P.S. credo che il settaggio suggerito da MTL e cioč MCLR Enable sia molto importante.... in quanto configura il piedino di reset della pic)

Dear MTL,
Your Hex file works fine i think, because i've seen that the program known the box... but i don't try to connect the box to the phone again...
Now Many thanks for all... You have done a big work...

Oxo Boxo
19-02-2002, 07:55 PM

My Box work to....
Thanks MTL! /n/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif