View Full Version : T191 User's Name Change

12-02-2003, 10:03 PM
Hi Guys!
Hopefuly someone out there can help me with this question.
I've got a Motorola T191, but the service provider Left their name under the phone's "User's Name" on the main screen.

Is there any code that I can punch in to change the default User's Name and add one of my liking (prefferably without locking the phone or making it innoperable). I hate seeing the stupid provider's name everytime I look at my phone!

I had an Ericsson phone with the same problem and I was given a secret code to change the name. Anyone knows the answer for doing the same with the T191???? :confused:


13-02-2003, 01:31 PM
use dmtools and it will say the phones name instead.

19-02-2003, 05:44 PM
Could you tell me, which function I use to do this?
What version of Dmtools?
Also... How about putting my name? Can it be done?
Thanks again!

19-02-2003, 10:56 PM
Service DmTool 3.12.6[MC]
and click:
download to start program
click file
click set database file use MH1171.bin
bootfile: servicer_flash_007.mot or r_flash_006.mot
flashfile: MH1187_patched.mot
e2p clone
use either 190unl.eep or t191unl.eep
click restore

i dont know about name

good luck