View Full Version : Sederick

08-03-2003, 03:15 AM

Volvieron a ganar los "comerciantes".
Ya corrieron del foro a Luchinho, el fue el primero que posteo el Wintesla 2001 y luego el 2003, se acuerdan?.
Ahora expulsan a Sederick.
Saben porque?
Porque hacen peligrar el negocio de los "comerciantes", esos que no se cansan de decir "I have", "yo tengo", pero nunca aportaron nada desinteresadamente.
Sederick y Luchinho cometieron el "grave error" de ser generosos, desinteresados, colaboradores, pero su falta mas grave fue... ofrecer soft "gratis".

English by babelfish:
They returned to gain the "retailers". They already ran of the forum to Luchinho, it was first that posteo Wintesla 2001 and soon the 2003, remember?. Now they expel to Sederick. They know because? Because they make be in danger the business of the "retailers", those that do not get tired to say "to I have", "I have", but never they contributed nothing disinterestedly. Generous, disinterested, collaborating Sederick and Luchinho committed the "serious error" of being, but its lack but burdens was... to offer soft "free".

y.. por las dudas tambien
in rusñol
Volviyeron and of ganar of Los "chomerchiantes".Ya chorriyeron of the matters odds and Luchyuinyuo, ate fuye it ate example to tsuye posteo it ate Shintesla 2001 y of luyego it ate 2003, se achuyerdan?.Ayuora of ekhpulsan and Of sederichk.Saben to portsuye?Portsuye of yuachen of peligrar ate negochio de of Los "chomerchiantes", yesos to tsuye but se chansan de dechir "I to yuave", "yo tengo", the feather/stylus of nuncha of aportaron of nada to desinteresadamente.Sederichk y Luchyuinyuo of chometiyeron ate "Grave yerror" de sulfurs of generosos, desinteresados, cholaboradores, the feather/stylus of the sou of falta of mas Grave to fuye... of ofrecher of soft of "gratis".

08-03-2003, 08:45 PM
i think like you.