View Full Version : problem unlocking my3020

25-03-2003, 05:07 PM
got 1 of these fones that needs unlocking. currently it only works on t-mobile.

ive unlocked many of these fones b4 using Sagem_logger-Sagem reader 4.00 and them importing the SAGEMT.LOG file to All Sagem Calculater by logs. when the file is called up the program begins to calculate by brute force.

After a few minutes it brings up a error msg reading " Phone ID not found, check if data are correct!"

Has any1 got any ideas on how to unlock this fone.

also download that service software 2.5 but had no joy with that either

This is what is printed on he back of the fone

F022/0 N2

25-03-2003, 06:54 PM
Open you logg fle in notpad...and copy here!

25-03-2003, 07:44 PM
for hrco

the sagem log files creater in sagem loggev 4.00

26-03-2003, 11:24 AM
Only online server and is not for free...!