View Full Version : changing uBGA's

29-04-2002, 02:35 PM
Hi everyone at this spectacular board:)

I guess there is somone of you guys who works with electronic.
Has anyone succesfully changed a uBGA chip on a nokia phone?

I did remove the flash with hot air beeing the optimist that I am I was sure that I would manage to get it back on.

Problem is I need a new chip. It is not possible to reflow the soilders on a uBGA.

I'm guessing that I need some expensive equipment to do this succsefully.

Asked around at some service centers with workshop, but non of them are doing that cind of repair on the phones.
So if there is a moist problem under one og the BGA's they just trow away the phone and says to the custommer that the phone is unrepareable!!

This bugs me!

01-05-2002, 06:37 AM
Yes, this really bugs me as well. I have successfully removed and replaced ccont uBGA chip with heat gun but it was very difficult. I too have inquired in uBGA equipment and it's too expensive for repair shop unless you are doing huge volume. I contacted Nokia and they tell me that they use special xray machine to look through uBGA chips to look for cracked solder joints, then they also have special machine to remove/replace. These are the new generation of IC's and I'm finding on all DCT-4 that's all there is. It's getting tough for us small repair shops to do repairs. Like you said it will get to the point where the board will be thrown away and just replaced as it will be cheaper to do. :(