View Full Version : trium eclipse Downloadable games

11-05-2003, 12:32 PM
how can i download new games to this mobile?!
and wat kind of game formats cause i always find like jad/jar games and find .sis games

wen i try to download any java game from any other mobile i just can have the jad file with a coffee cup icon drawn beside, and i cant send the jar file?!?!? why ?

i dont have any infra cables to copy from PC, i have a siemens SL45i i copy things like tones and pics to its MMC then send it by irda to my trium eclipse , but this doesnt work with java games/applications.

any one can help here i'll be so glad that he replied... thanx in advance

06-08-2003, 09:03 AM
trium don,t accept any files jad ou jar ,because don,t have da tecnology JAVA

13-10-2003, 07:04 PM
Vodaphone had the infusio ExEn game downloads. I saw like 20 games for it you can download but only 1 game at a time. I think all exen games will work on any handset that support ExEn engine.

14-10-2003, 09:09 AM
Can I upload new ExEn games from infrared port or WAP?

17-10-2003, 09:45 AM
Dont know. I think they use SMS to download the games.


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