View Full Version : WinDDP 3.0

19-05-2002, 09:47 AM
Hi all, will the WinDDP 3.0 work with the normal flasher cable? (74HC14...)

How can I activate the custom ppm edit? Will I need the dongle?

If yes, can anyone send me the scheme of the dongle?


21-05-2002, 05:14 AM
You cannot use ordinary flash cable for this application (Dejan Flasher 1.0 Cable). You can use either Dejan 1.04 MCU & PPM Dongle/Box Or WinDDP Box for this application (either will work).

21-05-2002, 11:28 AM
Whats the actual difference in the hardware from a Dejan 1.00 flasher cable and a Dejan 1.04 mcu BOX?

I thought the interface was the 'Semi-standard' used and mostly all the software is written around it.

Is it that DDP requires a dongle, and thats why the Specific hardware as well.


21-05-2002, 06:48 PM
The normal flasher hardware is based around a 74 series chip and is just a hex inverter logic gate(s) and is driven soley from software from the PC, the Dejan 1.04 is a Pre programed PIC microprocesser with software programed in it to make it work!!! as well software in the PC.

Also about support for TDMA phones...Logomanager supports them I think????, not quite what you're after but the software obviously access' them somehow!!

21-05-2002, 08:46 PM
So thats why some softare comes up with the message
Dejan Box or (Box) not detected.

I knew the one using the 74hc series chip was the quote the generic version.. Being all software driven.. Did not realize some
of the software out there looks specifically for the Pic programmed

Those plans to build are listed as well on his site... Arent they??



22-05-2002, 11:58 PM
Here's the PCB +schematics of the Dejan box......