View Full Version : 6210 T9

09-06-2002, 10:18 PM
Hi there,

I would like to use T9, but I'm from Hungary and there isn't any hungarian T9 sw out for 6210. Nokia officially says, they will release hungarian T9 in the next sw, but I think that's far away...

My question:
It is possible to copy the T9 section of a PPM from another sw (for example: 3330 4.50 has hun. T9) to my 6210 5.56 PPM flash, or not? I mean in a hex editor, or something.
I even don't know how to find out which PPM consist which languages.
I know for example in 6210 PPM "J" consist Hungarian, but which in 3310, 3330 or 8210?

Shall I wait for Nokia or someone could help for me?


ps.: sorry for my english, as I mentioned above, I'm from Hungary

10-06-2002, 04:40 PM
T9 from 33xx wont work on 6210/7110/8xxx