View Full Version : help to unlock 6610

14-07-2003, 04:58 PM
I'm trying to unlock Nokia 6610 from the Vodafone UK network.


I downloaded a program that I obtained in this forum, but the codes it comes up with seem to be wrong,
or so the phone says :-(
hopefully somebody has got a better source.

14-07-2003, 05:00 PM
IMEI is '350894100455908'
ASIC Type is 2
Provider is '23415'
Box serial is '33820'


14-07-2003, 05:07 PM
I am afraid the codes provided are not working. I've tried code 1 and 7. I'd welcome any ideas. thankx

14-07-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by jvmuk
I'm trying to unlock Nokia 6610 from the Vodafone UK network.


I downloaded a program that I obtained in this forum, but the codes it comes up with seem to be wrong,
or so the phone says :-(
hopefully somebody has got a better source.

IMEI: 350894100455908
MCC+MNC: 23415


14-07-2003, 05:35 PM
these are the v1 codes, which are the same ones I obtained with the DCT4 program. Tried them already. Not working.
I only have 1 shot left out of the 5 possible, so it'd better be the right one, or I guess I'll have to send the phone in to cable it.
I am beginning to have second thought about how effective all this is ...

14-07-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by jvmuk
these are the v1 codes, which are the same ones I obtained with the DCT4 program. Tried them already. Not working.
I only have 1 shot left out of the 5 possible, so it'd better be the right one, or I guess I'll have to send the phone in to cable it.
I am beginning to have second thought about how effective all this is ...

IMEI: 350894100455908
MCC+MNC: 23415

These are V2 codes. No difference from V1 and V2 for your phone mobile.

14-07-2003, 06:03 PM
In that case, something is not working, because
I've tried those codes (1 & 7) and still gimme an error.
thanks anyway.

14-07-2003, 09:23 PM
You must have entered the incorrect code more then 5 times.
Even when you key in the correct code as given above, it will display onscreen "Code not Allowed" whereas if you had not entered the code wrong 5 times then it would say "Code Error".

Sorry friend but hardware solutions only for you :(

gsm community
14-07-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by jvmuk
In that case, something is not working, because
I've tried those codes (1 & 7) and still gimme an error.
thanks anyway.

Are you sure that your phone is simlocked?

Vodafone UK usually doesn't lock contract phones!

That could be the reason for your code errors because phones with which are unlocked out of factory have 00101 as configuration key.

15-07-2003, 11:51 AM
Hi "gsm community",

Sorry, I do not understand your latest msg. I took for granted the phone is network-locked, but on second thoughts, I've tried a UK O2 SIM and a spanish Amena SIM and the phone comes up with an error, requiring a "security code", both in spanish if spanish SIM, or english if english SIM, so I figure it might be something in the SIM??
I guess I am missing something here, but don't quite understand what it is. Would that 00101 be the security code requested, and as you suggest the phone is not network locked?

Thanks in advance for you help. I am finding all this a bit confussing, with all these code and more code :-(


15-07-2003, 12:12 PM
The code it asks for on the other sims is probably just the pin code for that sim.

put a sim in it that doesnt ask for the pin code.

15-07-2003, 12:33 PM
Hi wwanthony,

Thanks for your reply, but I don't think that is the solution. I've read in manual that security code is configured in phone, so that when a new SIM is inserted, it asks for code. Nothing to do with info encoded in SIM, but in phone. As a matter of fact, the other SIM inserted is code-free as far as I know (or at least never asked for one or I remember ever inputting one, anyway).
I've also tried another friend's SIM card, which has got a security codes in his phone, and when entered it did not work either. Which makes sense now, as with all the info I am gathering, I believe the answer is in my phone, not in the SIM.
Unfortunately the default code (as it says in manual) 12345 does not work, neither does the one given in previous posting 00101, if I have understood that posting correctly. Previous owner does not remember changing anything, so I am stuck, unless somebody knows of a magic combination of keys to retrieve the code :-(

Thanks a lot altogether. I'll keep searching for info ...


15-07-2003, 03:13 PM
when you insert a new simcard to the phone (new=simcard that is not one of the last 5 simcards inserted) the phone will ask for security code.

the security code is on the phone, not on the sim, and it has nothing to do with the pin code.

the default security code is uaually 12345, 00000 or 11111. if none of them work the owner must have changed it.

you can use the software "Fbus by Maestro" that was posted here somewhere in this section to read the security code from the phone.

if you can't read the securitiy code using this program, maybe a full factory reset will also restore the security code back to the default.