View Full Version : My 8210 cannot reflash because of "Tx = 0"

18-07-2003, 08:16 PM
i'm trying to reflash my 8210 hand phone with dejan flash box...but just before its started to flash a error came out stated with "Tx = 0"...what is this error how to fix it..is it software or hardware related problem......help me somebody

19-07-2003, 06:54 AM
ARE you using the Dajan flash box with Rolis???
Because the TX=0 message appears in Rolis and Rolis doesn't work with the Dejan..it is working with the LPT flasher Cable..
if you wanna use the Dejan use windls and wintesla flash files:confused:

22-07-2003, 09:07 AM
Try to chnge the delay index it works in most cases..

23-07-2003, 03:29 AM
they is 2 main possible for ur problem.
1. ur cable hav problem.
2. u r using cable in wrong software.
i guess u r using dongle type flasher(dejan1.05 ),i cant use this cable with rolis.use it with dejanv1.05 or windls.

23-07-2003, 08:30 AM
Romeo26222 hi , can you give full detailed even schemati of lpt flasher c able and its diferent in working with dejan flaher cable