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View Full Version : All Siemens 34 version 2.0.9 cracked

05-07-2002, 11:24 AM
SOFT Crackerd (http://www.unlock.info/all3429.rar) ;)

05-07-2002, 04:13 PM
Sorry but where can I get the flash image files from?
Have you tried it, does it "KILLS" phones?

05-07-2002, 04:40 PM
This software good for ME45 and S40. I try to repair C45 damaged Eeprom with prog. doesn't work. Then I use All 34 2.05 to repair C45 work good. If you want complete Flx files mail me...
Tested by me...
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

06-07-2002, 08:22 AM
this software has totaly killed my s35, but I have used siemens work shop 122 to repair and its fine.