View Full Version : Nokia 5130 v4.11 is death

05-07-2002, 06:32 PM
I try to upload firmware v05.71 to nokia 5130 v4.11 phone.

Firmware is flashed o'key, but I see "Wrong version of DSP"

I try to flash firmware v4.11 back to phone, but see flashing error in adr 25c000-25dfff.

I try to flash phone with Dejan Flasher and kNok2.2, still have flashing error in 25c000-25dfff. 200000-25bfff and 25e000-300000 flashed o'key.
Flash chip is bad???

Please help me.

09-07-2002, 03:02 PM
try using knok to erase the flash. then start from scratch:)

12-07-2002, 09:46 AM
you must have put a ROM4 flash on a ROM3 phone or visa versa.

Try to erase with Knok as suggested. And restore your backup, unless your backup is corrupt, this should work.

12-07-2002, 01:29 PM
After erasing flash at all addresses i have 0xff. After I erase flash and try to flashing, the program gives out a write error at address 25cffe. After that I read the flash and compare it with backup, from address 25c004 to 25cfff data has 1 byte shift and in every even byte the third bit is 1.