View Full Version : To NokDoc, about modding

09-08-2003, 06:55 PM


I saw BOEBOE's flash and I seem to be very interested in Nokia's 5110.

My question is, how to place the netbars in the below of the screen... I know this has been alot in the forum, but it's never been posted how!

I know you can move them with PPMedit, so that's not the problem, but my question is, how to change the refresh zones in the 5110 MCU? Can you post a tutorial? How to do it on 5110? And how to make that the netbars and battery bars always stay on the screen, always on ,like the menu... Or only the battery and netstrenth icons? On 5110?


10-08-2003, 10:32 AM
Nothing NokDoc?

10-08-2003, 11:14 AM
Hi Mr. Dries,


Ok, I see the importance of Ur question now. ;)

Anyway, it is hard to explain, U will gonna have to use WinArm too.

First of all, U said U are familiar with the display zones, and the 0z0ne tool.

There U have to adjust the area height for the bars, and make the text area some smaller.

Next U said that the ppmedit does the replacing for U, that's great.

I not know ppmedit, but I'm sure it saves U alot of troubles.

But the most essential thing is that there are also some zone area definitions inside the bars calling functions.

If they are kept on the original sizes (eg 05*25h), U will get that refresh bug with the disapearing logos.

Finding these functions where these values are is the hard part.

Some global steps U can do in WinArm:

- Find 'a' certain battery logo.
- Trace back the address to the first logo in that 4 logo sequence.
- Search for that (addr+20.0000h), than U get another address.
- Now search from where that (2nd addr+20.0000h) is called from.
It should lead U to an area with some LDR data values.
- Now browse some upwards in WinArm (max. 400h bytes) to see what function uses that LDR data block.

So hopefully U ended up in the correct function now.

In the end of that specific function, U will see MOV 05's and MOV 25's

Those are the values U wanna adjust to 05*30h, to let the refresh cover all of Ur zones.

Do this for both the battery & the network bars functions.


I am very sorry if this is way to confusing.
I understand people not understand me.
Especially when it comes to matters that are in fact too complicated to explain simply.

Still I have strong hopes it will work out for U. ;)

Good Luck


10-08-2003, 11:27 AM
Well, we just need such moderators here!

THANK YOU very much!

10-08-2003, 01:02 PM
OK, Ended up with phone that wouldn't start-up....

Maybe in genolite 2?