View Full Version : 6210 signal/reception fault?

19-07-2002, 10:33 PM
my 6210 is getting no reception/signal, it will turn on for a few seconds when the phone is first switched on but then reception goes, everything inside the phone, like the arial and the screen etc are all intact and firmly in place, could this be a software problem? or is it something else?

please help

thanks guys

which progs are safest to use

this phone hasnt yet been flashed, it has the original flash file 5.02v

22-07-2002, 09:13 AM
If you want to make 6210 from your 6250, then you need a balanced EEPROM.
I can transmit to you a Fullbackup by email where the EEPROM was adjusted and with me function it perfect along to software-Version 5.02

With Rolis 4,77 flashen, after which flashen Imei input, Simlocks remove and Faid again calculate, this time none full factory RESETS, which the alignment in the EEPROM is again deleted.