View Full Version : New "toy" for the 3650
10-09-2003, 04:34 AM
Rumors say that Nokia Is going to launch a new device for the 3650 users along with a new flash...
Anyone knows something about it? :-?
10-09-2003, 12:28 PM
Rumors say that Nokia Is going to launch a new device for the 3650 users along with a new flash...
Anyone knows something about it? :-?
???? wat u mean? where u seen tis?
10-09-2003, 12:42 PM
Sony Ericsson is going to launch it I saw it.
About Nokia I dont know
10-09-2003, 02:03 PM
flash will be nice but I wonder from wher they gonna get all da power. My battery is already streched to max - charging twice a day!
11-09-2003, 03:21 AM
Good thing that i know some of the people in the local Club Nokia service point... They today confirmed to me that a flash with OS7 is being made for the 3650, and will be available when the 6600 gets out on the market worldwide.
Now, about the new "toy", what they said to me is that Nokia is making a new cover for the camera with some sort of magnifying lens. I guess that the new flash that they will release is with a zooming feature (finally!) for bouth static images and video... I think...
11-09-2003, 04:16 AM
soooo by flash you mean i can just have them upgrade the firmware on the phone and ill have symbian 7 ? can they flash by just connecting to my phone (kinda like calling it?) or will this be something i have to find some place that can flash phones where i have to physically go in and get it done? and soulness, can you find out if their will be a flash for the 3600 too??? i would hope they would do both phones...... thanks!
11-09-2003, 04:30 AM
Yep... But so far you can only upgrade it on a Nokia Service point when they get it available...
And NO! You can't upgrade the phone with a call! :-x
It's better to go to a service point then upgrading it ourselfs...
One thing is for sure, if they trash your phone, you get a new one, but if YOU trash your phone with the upgrade, you also get a new phone, but from your pocket $$$... :lol:
11-09-2003, 04:40 AM
Wow !!!!!!!! that's nice !!!!!! S70 !!!!! Great... the n6600 in theory should came on the world market in the last 3 moths of the year... probably for november-december there will be the new release of the SW....
my phone with the v3.16 don't work correctly; I'm undecided if bring the phone to the club nokia the next week or wait for the s70 upgrade....
what do you reccomend ????
11-09-2003, 04:48 AM
Wow !!!!!!!! that's nice !!!!!! S70 !!!!! Great... the n6600 in theory should came on the world market in the last 3 moths of the year... probably for november-december there will be the new release of the SW....
my phone with the v3.16 don't work correctly; I'm undecided if bring the phone to the club nokia the next week or wait for the s70 upgrade....
what do you reccomend ????
Better upgrade it! :rolleyes: cause we don't know when the OS7 flash will released. And usually problems tend to get worse... :rolleyes:
11-09-2003, 09:57 AM
im stickin w/ my firmware v. 2.01 for now :o)
john q
11-09-2003, 05:43 PM
There is no such thing as S70 or OS7.Its called Symbian 7.0s and the UI is called Series 60 2.0.Anyway,the 3650 will never get it.It will never run on Symbian 7.0s or get an upgrade to Series 60 2.0.It will stay on Symbian 6.1 and Series 60 1.x.
I don't know about the flash,but the rumour about the addon cover lense is true.You can look for it on my-symbian or allaboutsymbian.
12-09-2003, 11:49 AM
one says a symbian os7 is being made for n3650, another person says no... who to believe?!! :)
john q
14-09-2003, 04:18 AM
The Sony Ericsson p800 runs on Symbian OS 7.0.
No version of Symbian OS is developed for a specific smartphone although the first device to be powered by the Symbian OS 7.0s will be the 6600 many other devices will use it,like the upcoming Sony Ericsson p810/p900.
Its not impossible for the 3650 to recieve Symbian 7.0s and with that Series 60 2.0 as a firmware upgrade but its very unlikely to happen.Why?For one big reason.Nokia does not have anything to gain from it and everything to lose.The big difference between the 3650 and the upcoming 6600 is exactly that,the updated OS (Symbian 7.0s) and UI(Series 60 2.0) and obviously the screen and exterior design.Why would a 3650 user switch to the 6600 if he can recieve almost every of the 6600's features trough a firmware upgrade.
Like i said,although techically very dificult and very expensive when it comes to planing and developement costs,its not impossible but it will never happen for the before mentioned reasons.
14-09-2003, 05:05 PM
one says a symbian os7 is being made for n3650, another person says no... who to believe?!!
The person who says no. When the person who says yes have no reliable source (no source at all), there is no reason to believe it.
And I doubt Nokia will offer such an upgrade. Notice that in Nokia's firmware upgrades, there are almost never new features - only bug fixes or minor changes. Thats probably because they don't want everyone to upgrade, just because there is a new feature.
14-09-2003, 08:40 PM
Im sorry to say to people who are so quick to put down certain things
@ GeeZuZz
This upgrade IS being looked at and the phone as it is is well capable of taking advantage of this..
@ john q
how many Nokia phones for the last number of years had basically the same functions and menus but have not looked the same and all sold in high numbers?? so your argument is totally invalid look at the 7650 and 3650 for a recent example!!
where im from the 3650 was about to be made available by the networks but at the last minute of was pulled back for more testing with OS.7.0s because they are looking at the Software being changed up to OS7.0s, this is fact, you will here more of it soon im sure, hopefully they will release the 3650 with this, but they are testing it..
[QUOTE=john q ]Why would a 3650 user switch to the 6600 if he can recieve almost every of the 6600's features though a firmware upgrade.
Like i said,although techically very dificult and very expensive when it comes to planing and developement costs,its not impossible but it will never happen for the before mentioned reasons.[\QUOTE]
[QUOTE=GeeZuZz]The person who says no. When the person who says yes have no reliable source (no source at all), there is no reason to believe it.
i added this 26 september 03::
::Some phones are designed to target specific age groups, they may all have the same features plus one or two diff, but the look of the phone sells it just as much to a large segment of the population::
17-09-2003, 01:56 AM
There is no such thing as S70 or OS7.Its called Symbian 7.0s and the UI is called Series 60 2.0.Anyway,the 3650 will never get it.It will never run on Symbian 7.0s or get an upgrade to Series 60 2.0.It will stay on Symbian 6.1 and Series 60 1.x.
I don't know about the flash,but the rumour about the addon cover lense is true.You can look for it on my-symbian or allaboutsymbian.
Really? There's no OS7 from Symbian... hmmmm... I wonder what does p800 and Nokia 6600 use... Could it be Windows CE? lol... I don't think so...
When i say OS7, i mean version 7 of the Symbian Operative System software...
17-09-2003, 07:07 AM
Weel Soulness your right on what you say , let's say for an example the version 7 for 3650 May not have some things as the one for 6600 , but i Realy doubt it will reach Portugal , i went with my 3650 to nokia Center in Areeiro (just before i whent on vacations in start of august) and the last version they had was 2.56 (i stick with mine 2.50) and here in the forum i've seen there is in some countries a 4.xx version ....
But we Have to believe we will get it (at least there is hope)
john q
26-09-2003, 03:40 PM
Really? There's no OS7 from Symbian... hmmmm... I wonder what does p800 and Nokia 6600 use... Could it be Windows CE? lol... I don't think so...
The p800 runs on Symbian 7.0,the 6600 runs on Symbian 7.0s,notice the difference?Once again,there is no such things as OS7.
The 3650 won't get Symbian 7.0s as a firmware upgrade for one simple reason,no profit there for Nokia,instead they will release a device with a similar form factor,better screen and a different keyboard.
Lectrosoul,you have a realiable source just because you said so?
@ GeeZuZz
This upgrade IS being looked at and the phone as it is is well capable of taking advantage of this..
So the upgrade IS being looked at? If your so sure about this give a link to a source, put your money where your mouth is. My money is you cant.
@ john q
how many Nokia phones for the last number of years had basically the same functions and menus but looked the same and all sold in high numbers?? so your argument is totally invalid look at the 7650 and 3650 for a recent example!!
Let me get this right, your saying the 7650 and 3650 look the same? Give some phones then that Nokia have made that
a) look the same and
b) have the same functions as each other
Lets see how many you can find...
26-09-2003, 09:49 PM
So the upgrade IS being looked at? If your so sure about this give a link to a source, put your money where your mouth is. My money is you cant.
Let me get this right, your saying the 7650 and 3650 look the same? Give some phones then that Nokia have made that
a) look the same and
b) have the same functions as each other
Lets see how many you can find...
3510 - 3510i
3310 - 3330
7250 - 7250i
6310 - 6310i
all very very small changes
and if true
3650 - 3660/3620
26-09-2003, 10:01 PM
So the upgrade IS being looked at? If your so sure about this give a link to a source, put your money where your mouth is. My money is you cant.
Let me get this right, your saying the 7650 and 3650 look the same? Give some phones then that Nokia have made that
a) look the same and
b) have the same functions as each other
Lets see how many you can find...
when did i say they look the same?? in the context of what this thread is about are you missing the point, PLEASE READ THE TOPIC FROM THE START BEFORE JUMPING DOWN MY THROAT!
but as leespud said in his post the oposite is true on plenty of models some of which he posted, so what is Your point??
put my money where my mouth is??
whatever go back and play with your 3510i Why in gods name is their a minority on here that everytime anyone give some info they are so quick to Go 'wheres the proof, i'll believe it when i see it, god you Pi$$ me off..
be contructive or DONT POST
my apologies if ive offended any crybabies....!
when did i say they look the same?? in the context of what this thread is about are you missing the point, PLEASE READ THE TOPIC FROM THE START BEFORE JUMPING DOWN MY THROAT!
OK I miss read, but I did read the topic from the start...
No my cat thinks for me. purrrr
Imagination is a great thing, in many cases but did your great imagination dream up this upgrade?
whatever go back and play with your 3510i Why in gods name is their a minority on here that everytime anyone give some info they are so quick to Go 'wheres the proof, i'll believe it when i see it, god you Pi$$ me off..
be contructive or DONT POST
because most of the time people come on here and say "My friends uncle, best mates, dad has got a radar detector on his 3210 when can I have it on my 7650"
You cant know something without finding it out somewhere and all people ask is for is the source of the information. Whats wrong with ask for the source of the information?
Is everyone supposed to blindly believe everything anyone says? :rolleyes: The world would be in a sorry state then.
I'm not saying its not true but where did you hear/read about it?
my apologies if ive offended any crybabies....!
no offense taken.
27-09-2003, 10:03 PM
well well, lez juz wait and see, den we will know who the clowns are.
27-09-2003, 11:17 PM
to be quite honest i have no idea why u 2 are arguing over something so petty
i made a serious point in another thread that the latest nokias that are being released are basically the same as each other as leespud said
the 6600 in my opinion is exactly the same as the 7650 apart from some minor differences like screen, my screen is perfectly fine and everyone is ranting and raving about the 6600
OS7 does not exist on a nokia as someone in this thread has already pointed out, as funnily enough OS stands for OPERATING SYSTEM, and the 6600 operating system is still OS 6 but based on OS 7
and as for the new flash containg OS7, i doubt it, why create the 6600 which is based on OS7 to get more money and then create a new flash with same type of capabilities?? talk about serious lack of money as ppl would just get a free upgrade or upgrade for about £10, nokia would get nothing for that and then they would have created a new phone for nothin really, ppl would buy it for the screen.....but who cares? ok so its 65,000 colours. my 4096 7650 screen does the job and it still looks better compared to everyone elses colour phone (apart from P800!)
hopefully that makes a few points in this thread alot clearer as no one seems to be reading properly, only dreaming about what they would like to happen and squabling
cheers to the ppl who actually know shit and thanks to anyone who is actually giving reliable info not bull shit
28-09-2003, 01:02 AM
Weel Soulness your right on what you say , let's say for an example the version 7 for 3650 May not have some things as the one for 6600 , but i Realy doubt it will reach Portugal , i went with my 3650 to nokia Center in Areeiro (just before i whent on vacations in start of august) and the last version they had was 2.56 (i stick with mine 2.50) and here in the forum i've seen there is in some countries a 4.xx version ....
But we Have to believe we will get it (at least there is hope)
Mine is 3.16
Believe me... We'll get there... :)
02-10-2003, 04:15 AM
The p800 runs on Symbian 7.0,the 6600 runs on Symbian 7.0s,notice the difference?Once again,there is no such things as OS7.
The 3650 won't get Symbian 7.0s as a firmware upgrade for one simple reason,no profit there for Nokia,instead they will release a device with a similar form factor,better screen and a different keyboard.
Whatever... :) :rolleyes: But going from the beggining that when you install additional software on a phone wich you say doesn't have an OS, well... One thing leads to another... And an operative system is used without people knowing...
You say it doesn't have an OS and i say it does... So... Whatever... Since this is my oppinion only...
If it's not an OS what is it? Because i don't know any Programs that allow other programs to isntall into themselfs... Except when you are upgrading some bug on it... ;)
02-10-2003, 04:28 AM
symbian is a os that can nobody even refuse on!!! becouse symbian is a pretty big system :-P
02-10-2003, 03:07 PM
I have to dissagree with you on that
i believe nokia will do this, sony ericsson did it with t68/t68i and there Rumoured to be doing it with the p800/p900 its totally possible
symbian is an os just like windows runs on differnt pc' with different hardware etc no difference in phones, for god sake my phones processor is faster than my first Pc
john q
02-10-2003, 10:01 PM
SE is not Nokia.
Symbian is bound to specific hardware elements and can not run on generic hardware like windows.
02-10-2003, 11:55 PM
SE is not Nokia.
Symbian is bound to specific hardware elements and can not run on generic hardware like windows.
what are you on about i dont mean to diss you but your talking crap
symbain IS an operating sytem designed to run on mobile devices, and as Loads of Different Manufacturers are part of the Symbian erm..? Collective, so there is many different hardware 'elements' involved
therefore what is your point??
''Sonyericsson is not Nokia'' you said...well there you go, both run versions of symbian, both have different hardware elements so..??
This is what building a mobile OS like symbian is all about.. just like Microsoft would like you to run windows mobile on your phone etc
i was reading an article sent to me on a developer forum discussing this type of thing with the view to the future and i wrote where i think it 'may' go is that you have the option of running the OS you buy with the hardware or else you can, like on your pc CHOOSE what OS to run..
nothing is beyond the realms of possibilty, but just know what your talking about before jumping to a conclusion such as yours
as this is about education why not visit SYMBIAN (
im am always after information.. cant get enough..
nice one..
john q
03-10-2003, 08:41 PM
Like i said,Symbian is bound to specific hardware elemens:screens with specific resolution.Why do you think all Series 60 phone screens have the same resolution and all UIQ phone screens have the same resolution?Its a OS requirement,in this case,Symbian,
The develeoper who said that you can change the hardware on a mobile device on the fly was really ignorant.In order for a device to be release for the publuic it needs to pass tests from the major mobile operators so it wont have any problem with radio hardware elements that my prevent GSM from functioning correctly,like WI-FI or Bluetooth.
Maybe you should read up.
03-10-2003, 09:46 PM
Like i said,Symbian is bound to specific hardware elemens:screens with specific resolution.Why do you think all Series 60 phone screens have the same resolution and all UIQ phone screens have the same resolution?I ts a OS requirement,in this case,Symbian,
The develeoper who said that you can change the hardware on a mobile device on the fly was really ignorant.In order for a device to be release for the publuic it needs to pass tests from the major mobile operators so it wont have any problem with radio hardware elements that my prevent GSM from functioning correctly,like WI-FI or Bluetooth.
Maybe you should read up.
what are you talking about in every one of your posts you keep missing the point you said symbian is bound to specific hardware elememts unlike windows that can run on loads of different hardware and you also said No version of Symbian OS is developed for a specific smartphone so what is it? if its not disigned for one particuilar Smart phone then the hardware 'Elements' as you put it will and are gonna be different>>
also if you take the time to read my posts... :-o you will see many things.. including the fact that i never said anything about changing hardware 'on the fly' on the Mobile device..
what i did say was what i thought the future may hold.. (us forward thinking developers think ahead!!!) :rolleyes:
and i said that you 'may' have the option of running the OS you buy with the hardware or else you can, like on your pc CHOOSE what OS to run....
so just to clear things up OS=Operating System<--software
Windows=type of operating system-not hardware
Symbian=type of operating system-not hardware
palm=type of operating system-not hardware
Linux=type of operating system-not hardware :rolleyes:
read up?
read s l o w l y...
also The Software flash being talked about in the above posts for the 3650 was being looked at i reckon Nokia etc decided that a new phone (3660) would be a better choice as some countries are yet to put on sale the 3650 and as also many people loved the phone but hated the keypad design/ mono output etc although im not so sure now that there will be a Firmware upgrade to perhaps give video/camera with zoom etc but hey maybe a couple of months after the 3660 is out they might provide this upgrade option Nokia
also why is that nokia have loads of phones with lots of diffferent features but that they dont have one FLagship phone with 'All features' id like a cross between the 6600+N-gage+9210i an all round
P800 well (p900 now) buster :-P now that would be nice to play with
john q
04-10-2003, 04:00 PM
Did anyone actaully understood what Lectrosoul said?
Like i said,Symbian is not like windows,doesn't have loads of drivers built in and cannot run generic hardware.The specs of the OS tell which hardware can be used to build a Smartphone running Symbian OS.Even windows can't run generic hardware,can you get Windows 98 to run on a SMP machine and use both CPU's?Or can you get Linux kernel version prior 2.2.14 to sucessfully boot up a HDD with a larger number of cylindars then 1024?
So if you got my point,Symbian is not designed for a specific smartphone but specific hardware.
also The Software flash being talked about in the above posts for the 3650 was being looked at i reckon Nokia etc decided that a new phone (3660) would be a better choice as some countries are yet to put on sale the 3650 and as also many people loved the phone but hated the keypad design/ mono output etc although im not so sure now that there will be a Firmware upgrade to perhaps give video/camera with zoom etc but hey maybe a couple of months after the 3660 is out they might provide this upgrade option Nokia
Oh really,wasn't that exactly my point,that Nokia will not provide a firmware upgrade for the 3650 but instead roll out a brand new device with the new features?Nokia will not provide a firmware upgrade to Symbian 7.0s and Series 60 2.x to the 3650.If you want digital zoom,by Photographer.The 3660 will have mono output and will probably run on the same OS version as the 3650,Symbian 6.1 and a slightly updated UI,Series 60 1.2.
I don't think you are qualified enough to explain the differenced between hardware and software.BTW:There is a big difference from Software and a low level kernel drivers - Operating System.
BTW2:The p900 is just a small step from the p800.
04-10-2003, 07:09 PM
Did anyone actaully understood what Lectrosoul said?
Like i said,Symbian is not like windows,doesn't have loads of drivers built in and cannot run generic hardware.The specs of the OS tell which hardware can be used to build a Smartphone running Symbian OS.Even windows can't run generic hardware,can you get Windows 98 to run on a SMP machine and use both CPU's?Or can you get Linux kernel version prior 2.2.14 to sucessfully boot up a HDD with a larger number of cylindars then 1024?
So if you got my point,Symbian is not designed for a specific smartphone but specific hardware.
Oh really,wasn't that exactly my point,that Nokia will not provide a firmware upgrade for the 3650 but instead roll out a brand new device with the new features?Nokia will not provide a firmware upgrade to Symbian 7.0s and Series 60 2.x to the 3650.If you want digital zoom,by Photographer.The 3660 will have mono output and will probably run on the same OS version as the 3650,Symbian 6.1 and a slightly updated UI,Series 60 1.2.
I don't think you are qualified enough to explain the differenced between hardware and software.BTW:There is a big difference from Software and a low level kernel drivers - Operating System.
BTW2:The p900 is just a small step from the p800.
John to be fair if you dont understand what i wrote dont assume others here didnt as im sure most did, i know a fair few here are knowledgable, (not to say ur not) to be honest i tried to Spell things out in the simplest way i could, but now your just rambleling ''can you get Linux kernel version prior 2.2.14 to sucessfully boot up a HDD with a larger number of cylindars then 1024?'' :lol:
etc etc perhaps go back over the thread and look at all your statements together, you have repeatedly missed what im saying and quoted me wrong
"you dont think im qualified enough to explain blah blah blah... thats exactly right you dont think...
Dude, you dont know me, you just think you do...
so dont jump to conclusions on wether you think im qualified enough in a particular area..
the p900 is just a smal what way a 'small step'?
i have one but you again missed my Point/question
so ill leave it at that and move on to another thread as this is really tedious now...
reply if you will but suffice to say i wont bother...
Word out... 8-)
I dont think so, 6600 is coming that will be unlogical...
john q
04-10-2003, 10:53 PM
I'm not rambling,i was just trying to point out that even high end PC Operating Sytems don't run generic hardware.
I haven't missed your point,your point was that the 3650 will be upgraded to Symbian 7.0s and Series 60 2.0.That will never happen.
I have been given a p900 under NDA,There are very small hardware changes.That is why i said its just a small step.
True,i don't know you,but from what you stated in this thread u got the opinion that you have very smll grasp of how mobile devices function.Sorry if a offended you in any way.
This is my last post in this thread.
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