View Full Version : M-router, anyone?
05-10-2003, 09:09 PM
Does anyone have the m-router software from ?
I've heard that it allows the Nokia 9210 / 9210i to use the Internet
connection of the PC it is connected to. I've been looking for the
software but was unable to find it. Any help would be greatly
And if anyone needs any software / serials, PM me.
Try here:
Its only the pc version. Also looking for the 9210 version... :sad:
06-10-2003, 01:55 AM
Its only the pc version. Also looking for the 9210 version... :sad:
Hey SmOg ... thanks a lot man ! You're great.
Well, I guess you're right there. I read that I will also be needing
a m-Router client to be installed on the Nokia 9210 Communicator.
Gosh .... all this time I was thinking that the m-Router comes
bundled with the installations for all the platforms it supports!
BTW I tried the MochPPP / Extended Internet method to use
the Internet on the Nokia 9210 Communicator. Somehow, it
didn't work. I don't know what went wrong. I'm sure I had
set up everything the way it was told.
06-10-2003, 12:51 PM
try download m-router from this link
the page is in german but u can translate it using google
here is the tranlsated page.
06-10-2003, 05:18 PM
try download m-router from this link
the page is in german but u can translate it using google
here is the tranlsated page.
Thanks Sektor! But you see, this is the version which gets installed
on the Windows host to which the 9210 Communicator is connected.
There's another component of m-Router - one that installs on the
9210 and allows it to connect to the PC m-Router. I am looking
for the 9210 client for m-Router !
06-10-2003, 07:27 PM
extended internet/mocha does work as long as you've set Remote Link right.
Nevertheless, I could never get email via the PC connection..and extended internet uses vital RAM so the whole thing is rather annoying. (not to mention how quickly that RAM gets used up when one's browsing on ADSL)
M-Router sounds simpler?
06-10-2003, 07:50 PM
extended internet/mocha does work as long as you've set Remote Link right.
Nevertheless, I could never get email via the PC connection..and extended internet uses vital RAM so the whole thing is rather annoying. (not to mention how quickly that RAM gets used up when one's browsing on ADSL)
M-Router sounds simpler?
The Remote Link in MochaPPP does work and the connection
status says connected. I can even see the bytes transferred to
and from PALM in MochaPPP. Data does get transferred between
the Extended Internet and MochaPPP but the 9210 Communicator
can't browse the Internet.
I tried to alter the DNS settings to match the settings we use
in this region but no use.
Here are the DNS settings for my ISP (infact the only ISP in this
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
HTTP Proxy:
Port: 8080
I tried putting the "Automatic IP Address" to both Yes and No but
still doesn't work.
Don't know what's going wrong.
07-10-2003, 09:27 PM
Please can somebody explame my something
I am behind a Real PC whits have a internet connection
Next to the PC I Have My Nokia 9210 whit serial cable connected to the Real PC
Now I use the Nokia 9210 whit his thiny litte keyboard (whit not all keys on it) to surf on the Internet
I am stupid ore something I don't get it Why I Want to do :-? that ????????????????????? and not use the normal PC to surf the internet.
Please can somebody explame my ??????????
08-10-2003, 08:22 AM
ok lets say you are using some program on communicator which needs updates from the internet or you simply want to download something which can only be downloaded directoly from the communicator e.g. you want to download games for ZX9200, i surely wont use direct internet connection on the communicator, thats gonna cost me bags of money so i will just connect it to my PC and will use PC's connection.. This is just one scenario there can be others, so hopefully you will get the point :)
08-10-2003, 10:32 AM
Please can somebody explame my something
I am behind a Real PC whits have a internet connection
Next to the PC I Have My Nokia 9210 whit serial cable connected to the Real PC
Now I use the Nokia 9210 whit his thiny litte keyboard (whit not all keys on it) to surf on the Internet
I am stupid ore something I don't get it Why I Want to do :-? that ????????????????????? and not use the normal PC to surf the internet.
Please can somebody explame my ??????????
Right now, it means u r learning how to browse internet w/ ur Nokia 9210 which connected to "ur pc" thru serial cable. :smile:
But in case:
1. U r not at home and using public pc, do u want to transfer money or buy anything from the public pc? (but still using serial cable...)
2. Someday w/ a new communicator with a new technology like bluetooh, wi-fi or the lattest tech "mobile broadband" , u can browse internet on ur way everywhere on this planet (without hot-spot) which support the mobile broadband to control everything on ur office or ur home or ur business or even ur car. :-o
oops ... Sorry, I dream again for the new commy ...
08-10-2003, 08:02 PM
Yes, that's what my friend asked me as well when I told him that I am using the Internet on my Nokia 9210i using the serial cable.
Here are the reasons that I could think of:
1. If you want to use Internet on the Nokia 9210, you've got to use the Internet on 9210! You could use the Internet on a full fledged browser on the PC but that wouldn't be the same thing.
2. The primary reason why anyone would want to use the Internet on the Nokia 9210 using the serial cable is for developing and testing an application for the 9210 that makes use of the Internet e.g. a web browser, VNC like applications (, e-mail applications, even small on-line games, etc.
3. Other use could be checking your e-mail on your 9210 when you're at work or home without wanting to pay anything.
Any other questions?
Anyone has M-router? (the 9210 part, because i only have the Pc part)
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