View Full Version : TomTom CityMaps
06-11-2003, 06:18 PM
can anyone get this lovely app??
download citymaps from
--HERE-- (
--group-- (
--BLOG-- (
17-11-2003, 10:12 PM
I did some uploading to Yuppo's group.(hope he don't mind)
18-11-2003, 11:18 AM
Milan and Malaga too !!!
18-11-2003, 11:29 AM
i need this app long time ago but can't get it. Can anyone get some map for asia... Singapore or Malaysia etc...
i found some of citymaps
cities available from tomtom
(we need them all, we look for all)
Amsterdam <----------download!! --HERE-- (
Antwerp (Antwerpen)
Barcelona <----------download!! --HERE-- (
Berlin <----------in the group!!
Birmingham <----------download!! --HERE-- (
Brussels (Bruxelles / Brussel) --HERE-- (
Cologne-Ruhr Area (Kφln-Ruhr)
Copenhagen (Kψbenhavn)
Dόsseldorf <----------download!! --HERE-- (ό
Genoa (Genova)
Glasgow <----------download!! --HERE-- (
Gothenburg (Gφteborg)
Helsinki <----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
Lisbon (Lisboa) <---------download!! --HERE-- (
London <----------download!! --HERE-- (
Madrid <----------download!! --HERE-- (
Malaga <----------download!! --HERE-- (
Manchester <----------in the group!! original--HERE-- (
Marseilles (Marseille)
Milan (Milano) <----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
Munich (Mόnchen)
Naples (Napoli) <----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
Oslo <----------download!! --HERE-- (
Paris <----------download!! --HERE-- (
Rome (Roma) <----------in the group!!
Sevilla <----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
Stockholm <----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
The Hague (’s-Gravenhage)
Turin (Torino)<----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
Valencia <----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
Venice (Venezia) <----------download!! --HERE-- (
Vienna (Wien) <----------in the group!! --HERE-- ( --HERE-- (
Zaragoza <----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
Zurich (Zόrich)
Boston, MA
Las Vegas, NV
Manhattan, NY <----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
Miami, FL
New Orleans, LA
Philadelphia, PA
San Diego, CA
Washington, DC
AND non tomtom available
Innsbruck <----------download!! --HERE-- (
London Area Big map 5MB <----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
Roma Surroundings 1.5MB<----------in the group!! --HERE-- (
Manchester <----------in the group!! (North East) --HERE-- (
++GET FILE++ (
18-11-2003, 11:48 PM
anybody have london?
19-11-2003, 11:57 AM
anybody have Philippine road map...?
i just uploaded düsseldorf (Germany) citymap ;)
19-11-2003, 02:24 PM
i through they only have US/European cities
tias thanks us for the uploading!!
we are looking everything,but i have a lot of requests for london
milan NY naples uploaded and also dusseldorf re-created for faster download
21-11-2003, 05:09 PM
London Please :)
"milan NY naples uploaded and also dusseldorf re-created for faster download"
I can't download the new york, naples maps on topoland!!!How can I do j0j0?Thanks for your response
eLeKtriK EyE
21-11-2003, 07:54 PM
Is there a map for Athens, Greece? If not how do we create one?
21-11-2003, 08:14 PM
I can see the files on topoland but they're there as a reminder, impossible to click and download them.
Plz i need Milan and Naples, how can i download them?
Is there someone to told us how to click an download the maps on topoland?!!!Thanks very much for you comprehension!
21-11-2003, 11:18 PM
chicago, LA , New York city please!
NY map will be available from tonight till tomorrow so i can control the bandwidth of my group.
tomorrow till sunday i will unlock Milan and NY will be locked
(for the same reason)
22-11-2003, 01:50 AM
Well, I'm one of the few norwegians around here... Anyone with Oslo? :sad:
paris uploaded.
thanks to stormrage
22-11-2003, 12:13 PM
Is there a map for ROma ??thancks!! :-P :-P :D
Hello j0j0 the best!!!!I'm very glad to have NY map!This app is perfect!But I'm french and it would be cool if I had the Paris and the Lyon one (where I always go)!So when will you unlock the Paris one?Thanks very much for your work.
22-11-2003, 03:56 PM
omg, no one here lives in the UK? we (read - I) need a UK map please.
london uploaded,
thanks to stormrage.
i hope i will have roma this week.
if the group will be deleted(cause of copyrights) the maps will be uploaded to greek server)
what is the greek server j0j0?
22-11-2003, 04:36 PM
having trouble finding london, can someone post a link
22-11-2003, 07:08 PM
I moved all the ones that were uploaded to yupposseries60 to uk7650, cheers.
22-11-2003, 07:55 PM
sorry yuppo, i still can't find the london map on any site, has it been posted anywhere yet?
22-11-2003, 07:58 PM
cant find it in uk7650 either?
22-11-2003, 08:04 PM
If you send the london map to me i can host it on my ISP server.
if you sent anything please send again the bloody account was full. cheers!
[email protected]
22-11-2003, 09:58 PM
cheers everybody, j0j0 when do u think london be unlocked on your yahoo group? thanx
probably tommorow i will unlock london
keep on checking the group
and if you have any map please upload it in uploads folder
22-11-2003, 11:41 PM
ok mate, efkaristo (thanx)
23-11-2003, 01:11 AM
i need paris please
Hi j0j0!When will you unlock the London map on topoland?!!Thanks for your job.
23-11-2003, 02:54 PM
I have tried to join this guys yahoo group-but my membership is still pending....will i get approved? Is this the only place i can get the london map from?Thanks
23-11-2003, 04:00 PM
has anybody yet seen the london map? i am browsing the internet at regular intervals and as yet i can't find it anywhere, does it exist?
Yes, the London map exists and j0j0 has it on topoland yahoo group.He probably will unlock it today so be patient!Ciao.
Sorry j0j0, we probably respond on the same time!!Ok, so London will be unlock tomorrow!
23-11-2003, 05:42 PM
ill wait till he does, ta v much
Somebody has Vienna or other austrian maps?
23-11-2003, 07:22 PM
Has anybody yet seen the Turin map? Thanks
23-11-2003, 08:11 PM
can someone lead me to the link to download the application (F*LL)
23-11-2003, 08:16 PM
weird i cant install it on my N6600 the paris map : i get an error with paris-j.sis
23-11-2003, 09:31 PM
me too cyclonefr
you all have 6600s? whats the message that u receive?
23-11-2003, 11:55 PM
i can translate it for u :
"internal error cannot find the mapcity by jojo" and then it exit
eLeKtriK EyE
24-11-2003, 12:57 AM
jojo, why don't you upload these maps to ?
24-11-2003, 01:30 AM
Pleaze j0j0 ... looking for Rome Map ... it's hard to find !!
jojo where do you get these maps from?
Is there a way to search for the vienna map for my own?
24-11-2003, 01:39 AM
jojo where do you get these maps from?
Is there a way to search for the vienna map for my own?
Litl, if it was simple ... what we doing here ???
24-11-2003, 01:51 AM
Litl, if it was simple ... what we doing here ???
Well, we're all desperate! Aren't we? I'm still asking for a Oslo map, even though I know that no one has it! :rolleyes:
24-11-2003, 01:53 AM
i fixed my bug i had to install CITYMAPS.SIS! !!!
else how does GPS mode works??? does it really seek for a BT apparel??? cause i dont c the point between BT apparel and the GPS localisation
24-11-2003, 01:59 AM
look wot i is the link for the london map. this will help out j0jo
24-11-2003, 02:15 AM
look wot i is the link for the london map. this will help out j0jo
Mmmm ... have you read forum title lambs ?? : 9000 / 91xx / 92xx
It's for another Phones !!!!!
24-11-2003, 02:19 AM
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh really sorry everyone, ignore that, im really sorry, its bcos i was happy 2 c it wen i searched for it. sorry again. thanx c@wb@y for pointin that out
Litl, if it was simple ... what we doing here ???
Man... i know it would be not easy!
It was just a simple question!
Jojo makes a great job for all of us... maybe there is a way to help him!
But for my own, i have no idea how!
24-11-2003, 02:42 AM
Man... i know it would be not easy!
It was just a simple question!
Jojo makes a great job for all of us... maybe there is a way to help him!
But for my own, i have no idea how!
Yes Litl, I had understood your question.
Are many days now that I trying to find something to help j0j0 and his great job. Seems to be very very hard to find what we are looking for !!!
Are not true men ?
Pleaze j0j0 save us !!
hey u, m8s, paris is ok.
all you need it the patch(for citymaps)
and of course the citymaps application!!
i will unlock it tommorow again(with the london map)
electric mati, pathfinder has greek links, yahoo is popular now adays,
so i upload it there,so i can receive requsts, etc.
(and also get uploads,too!)
Im looking for rome, too! what de fak, i need my favourite city!!
24-11-2003, 08:27 AM
OHMAGAD...JOJO I LOVE YOU!!! great work!!.. cant wait for chicago :P
24-11-2003, 11:06 AM
What is the patch for?
I have a problem: when i go to "find" menu, the app crashes.
What can i do?
The patch is very important to see the differents maps like NY or Paris!You have to install it with the app and you'll be sure that all the maps will work on your phone. Except if you have a 6600!!!With this phone I know that Paris works (with patch) but I don't knoww with the other maps!!
24-11-2003, 11:49 AM
I use Milan map without patch and it works great, except for the problem i posted before: when i try to use "find" the app crashes.
So you have to use the patch and you won't have this problem!!!!!capisce lol!
24-11-2003, 03:09 PM
Do you have Maps for Hull or York on your site???Or any other Yorkshire towns???Please tell me if you have any
24-11-2003, 03:14 PM
Ok i installed the patch but i still have that crash problem when trying to use the "find" feature. Anyone else have this problem?
24-11-2003, 04:07 PM
Ok i installed the patch but i still have that crash problem when trying to use the "find" feature. Anyone else have this problem?
It works fine with my Nokia 6600... 'Central London map' little app
I had installed the patch, citymap s60, london map and london ovp
total of 4 files!
Thx JoJo
24-11-2003, 04:24 PM
Do you have Maps for Hull or York on your site???Or any other Yorkshire towns???Please tell me if you have any
TomTom City Map (
Cities available for Nokia 7650/3650/3660/3620/6600/N-Gage are:
Antwerp (Antwerpen)
Brussels (Bruxelles / Brussel)
Cologne-Ruhr Area (Köln-Ruhr)
Copenhagen (København)
Genoa (Genova)
Gothenburg (Göteborg)
Lisbon (Lisboa)
Marseilles (Marseille)
Milan (Milano)
Munich (München)
Naples (Napoli)
Rome (Roma)
The Hague (’s-Gravenhage)
Turin (Torino)
Venice (Venezia)
Vienna (Wien)
Zurich (Zürich)
Boston, MA
Las Vegas, NV
Manhattan, NY
Miami, FL
New Orleans, LA
Philadelphia, PA
San Diego, CA
Washington, DC
Can get some of these maps from
Have fun!
24-11-2003, 08:34 PM
Does anyone know if you can customize your own city maps if you have the pc software. For example if you have the program streets and trips, you can customize maps for your pocket pc. Isnt there something similar like this for tomtom maps?
24-11-2003, 08:40 PM
thanks for the london map
24-11-2003, 08:44 PM
else how does GPS mode works??? does it really seek for a BT apparel??? cause i dont c the point between BT apparel and the GPS localisation
as far as i know you are able to midify just the overviews
24-11-2003, 10:34 PM
Ok i installed the patch but i still have that crash problem when trying to use the "find" feature. Anyone else have this problem?
...Mmmm... I had same problem with 3650 !! I have installed CMap on MMC card with 2 map on. I have installed the patch ... but I still have crash too.
the patch don't ask me where I want install : memory or MMC... but I think that it's normal ... wrong j0j0 ??
Waiting for Rome map... :)
24-11-2003, 10:50 PM
always the same problem for me
i install citymaps.sis and then when i try to install paris-j.sis --->unable to find citymaps by jojo
25-11-2003, 01:15 AM
Thank you JOJO for the map, your work ara perfect, but i have the same problem of routz. for first i had installed "CityMap series60", than a "pach for citymap" and for last the map(barcellona-j and barcellona_ovc) and other map. but i still have that crash problem when trying to use the "find" feature. I have mistake the sequence? Excuseme for my english, i don't know if i write right or no.
25-11-2003, 05:11 AM
i still waiting there make some map for asia country...waiting and waiting...anyone can help?
25-11-2003, 12:13 PM
plz how can we solve this annoying crash problem?
Im still looking for citymap of rome.
i can solve any problem of you, Im waiting your pm with the specified problem and map name.
25-11-2003, 03:05 PM
Has any of you bumped into any other maps of Finnish cities than Helsinki?
25-11-2003, 04:05 PM
anyone seen any east yorkshire town maps (Hull ,York)
25-11-2003, 10:22 PM
Hi JoJo i reply you for the crash problem when trying to use the "find" feature. for all map i had installed (new york,london, paris) , when i select find, the phone write on the screen (in italian)
"Appl. chiusa
USER 11 "
Thank you
26-11-2003, 07:07 PM
venezia map uploaded
i have searched for Milan and Venezia maps, but i cant find them.
please some help
venezia has problem with "find" feature.
milan is ok (to my 7650).
27-11-2003, 05:24 PM
any chance of the manchester map please?
ermm....any Singapore MAP???hehe
29-11-2003, 08:22 PM
yup, some asia country map pls>>>......
01-12-2003, 12:31 AM
i have the tomtom city map for birmingham, if anyone wants me to e-mail it or upload it anywhere let me know
01-12-2003, 04:16 AM
maybe tomorrow i'll buy a Rome map :-( really nobody got it?
i'm suck of gettin' stuck in this city :-)
can i get this progrom from any of you guys ?
thnx alot
02-12-2003, 12:05 AM
Just wondering if anyone read my last post. If we could customize our own maps from PC software this would solve everyone's problem.
JOJO are you out there???
02-12-2003, 07:39 PM
Does anyone have stockholm? I'd be really happy if someone did. =)
02-12-2003, 09:37 PM
Does anyone have the glasgow map? I can't seem to click it in the topos group. I have the London map, very nice j0j0 you're s star. Can someone maybe mail me the glasgow map please?
[email protected]
sorry guys i was in bulgaria for vacation, i am back.
i customise some maps, but the 'find' and 'route'
function are not working. so the custmised maps are just for
zoom in-out etc
i hope to have oslo and wien maps into this week, if you are interested.
i see that nobody requests any more and i hope that anybody who has
any map which is not my group can share it with us
thanks to fertigmc for birmingham
Space monkey
07-12-2003, 02:31 AM
Dutch people are searching for the map of Rotterdam.
1000 times thanx in advance
07-12-2003, 03:59 AM
@j0j0: oh yes, i'm interested in the map of Wien!
I hope you'll get this map soon, i'm waiting for the map such a long time!
07-12-2003, 12:39 PM
has anyone seen or heard of a porable (non connection based) map of south africa?
(kwazulu natal - durban)
08-12-2003, 08:26 PM
Dutch people are searching for the map of Rotterdam.Yes we do love to have Rotterdam, and The Hague. I also like to have a map of Antwerpen in Belgium.
But first thing first :cool::
A big applause for the guys (and dearly beloved women) who made this f******g great forum!
Yeah yeah yeah :P :D
as you see from page no 1#:
(the post in orange)
and also:
@jojo Yes! i´m very interested on Wien (Vienna) too!!! :)
please make a notice here when it is available.
10-12-2003, 08:32 PM
J0J0 what program do you use to custom make maps? Do you know of any channels on irc where we could find it?
10-12-2003, 09:30 PM
Has anyone got hold of Sheffield (UK) yet?
12-12-2003, 02:17 AM
I think this is useless, because i'm sure nobody has it, but ifd someone do, please tell me. Lisbon, Portugal.
Thanks in advance
12-12-2003, 11:15 AM
JoJo: if you happen to find Stockholm out there, please let us know. there´s quite a lot of ppl looking for it.
Thanx in advance :-P
12-12-2003, 12:32 PM
Lisbon map was realeased by Ximpda, and there is one app also from Ximpda that is cityhelp that have maps from Porto, Lisboa e Portugal todo... U can get these on Irc..
jojo when will it be unlocked can u plse tell me asap thankx
12-12-2003, 08:07 PM
i got the map of london but its not complete.
The Isle of Dogs area does not appear its blank white :sad:
Someone please help
12-12-2003, 10:05 PM
how about ATHENS GREECE since the olympics will be held here it would be useful!!!!!
13-12-2003, 02:42 AM
is there a FULL london map
13-12-2003, 03:03 AM
Balls to it, paid £3.60 for the full map no fuss.
The zip is strange though, found 3 sis files to extract which worked fine, but they were labelled as 9210 :S
is there a FULL london map
probably there will be, but what you mean FULL map? :-?
probably there will be, but what you mean FULL map? :-?
[email protected] IF SO PLSE SEND IT.
Any news about the map of vienna please?
16-12-2003, 07:18 PM
Do any one have a stockholm map ?
those motherfuckers!!
as they delete 2 accounts of me
(dimitrelo and they understood that i have another "salonicorush" because
one post of me, i think that i will do more uploads, to yahoo groups, again.
new group
available for banning again :lol: :lol:
16-12-2003, 10:13 PM
new group
available for banning again :lol: :lol:
Weee :D LOL :P i have sign up, please accept me :P
16-12-2003, 10:46 PM
Weee :D LOL :P i have sign up, please accept me :P
Thanks, Great, But do you have the Stockholm map or sweden ? :rolleyes:
17-12-2003, 01:33 AM
please accept me too....with the name KaraKule1985
17-12-2003, 01:37 AM
Has anybody a Citymap of Luxembourg ????
17-12-2003, 09:37 AM
Are there any Maps for Orange County, or in fact San Diego county as well?
17-12-2003, 01:50 PM
Sign me up too... (enigma6600) nice one... off to London on friday... could be useful! :smile:
new group
available for banning again :lol: :lol:
17-12-2003, 06:41 PM
Thanks, Great, But do you have the Stockholm map or sweden ? :rolleyes:
do u have Sweden - Malmo Map toooo
17-12-2003, 07:01 PM
probably there will be, but what you mean FULL map? :-?
Well the area that I live in is not covered. Isle of Dogs which is E14 post code
so ne help please
18-12-2003, 12:11 AM
Okay so I signed up to the yahoo group... managed to download the software and the patch... but there are NO MAPS!
Any ideas where I can get them from?? I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed london for friday!
Thanks a lot JoJo for offering Wien and Innsbruck in your group!
But i also have the crash-problem when i try to search by street-name...
is there any way to fix this bug?
18-12-2003, 01:55 AM
Does anybody have a citymap of luxembourg, please tell reply me, it's important .... :sad:
18-12-2003, 11:18 AM
anybody got Las Vegas maps. Please let me know
more cities added in the group
18-12-2003, 12:37 PM
Anyone came across Belfast or an northern ireland map?
18-12-2003, 12:52 PM
Hi JoJo,
i wanna be member of your group, please approve my request.
My YahooID is schnippepool
cause they killed my account treetzyman and all my groups also my S40 Group NOKIA-FUN.
18-12-2003, 12:55 PM
Sorry JoJo,
i'm blind. I'm already meber of your group.
18-12-2003, 02:08 PM
Athens Greece Map Jojo?????where Is It?
i think that athens will be the 1st map that i will
buy from tomtom. i"m thinking to email them and request it,
for the olympics2004
18-12-2003, 03:08 PM
Guys just wanna know how I can use this software, first where should I get the application from... and then Once i installed it on the phone how do i upload maps...
is it available in any yahoo group??
Please give me all the info you can..
THX every1.
roma uploaded, thanks to klain.
i test it first and then is free to download
18-12-2003, 04:40 PM
JOJO, where can i get NEW DELHI map???!!!; if its not available, PLZ ADD IT TO YOUR GROUP. PLZZZZZZZ.
Its the capital of country India.
It would become very very very cooooooooool for me if you plz add it.
Thanx in advance!!!
Also, plz give me access to your groups. ID is rbrkb.
18-12-2003, 07:07 PM
yo jojo how can i download files on your group?
if je must accept me my name is hellrazaor thnx
18-12-2003, 09:35 PM
Hey JoJo could you please let meathead717 in your group so that i can get some maps.... Thanks in advance!!! :smile:
18-12-2003, 10:36 PM
huh? ican't find the citymaps from Rotterdam (Holland)
19-12-2003, 08:31 AM
yahoo group is dead...
(JOJO an thes to link gia to diko mou group pou exw anevasei gkousgkounh pes mou)
sorry for writing in greek
19-12-2003, 02:41 PM
j0j0:s tomtom-group is down again. There must be someone in this forum who is spying. Let´s find j0j0 some space where he can put up the tomtom-files without beeing afraid that someone gonna shut it down. If anyone got their own server-space, please send a mess in this thread.
dalai, thanks , but i dunno care about banning.
i will make another group,
i will find my sever too, but i will fuck those mother fuckers
with my constancy of purpose sharing my files.
i have cls project, too, but i try to collect maps and share with all!!!
i need a couple of hours to upload all again
19-12-2003, 09:38 PM
Took the liberty to help you with uploading the citymaps.(High Speed Upload)
Greetings to all.
Ps: Still looking for Rotterdam!!!
19-12-2003, 10:50 PM
Seems like we are having a battle with the Yahoo~~
Great to know that the new yahoo group opened again!!
REALLY 1000000000 x thz to all guys who share their map~~
but... could anyone make a Hong Kong map or teach me how to make it?
Dommass u rule man!!
i came to the netafe to upload them and all are there!!!
i add some more
20-12-2003, 05:47 AM
Ps: Still looking for Rotterdam!!!
is this roma map working for you without bugs?
20-12-2003, 03:34 PM
jojo if tomtom_citymaps_here is your group please authorize me please i neeeeed the london map, if it aint, then whomever it is, please authorize me!!! in lost in london!!! LOL
20-12-2003, 04:06 PM
**When you get a error trying downloading,try again later.<Yahoo Group Bandwith problem>
Answer Yahoo:
Each group has a daily limit for the amount of data that can be downloaded from it.This limit was applied due to abuse of the groups.The limit varies from group to group depending on certain aspects of the individual group.In the event that you receive this message,you will need to wait 24 hours to download the data.
20-12-2003, 04:15 PM
yea i dont get that message, i get a message saying: 'you are not authorized to veiw this page' what does dat mean?
20-12-2003, 04:17 PM
It's just a message.Everybody gets this message when the group is out of bandwith.
20-12-2003, 04:51 PM
yea thanks for that, ill try back later, now im gonna try fifa football on my ngage!!!
got it from MOBICLIPS
thanks mate
20-12-2003, 07:25 PM
hi all
search for the map of munich/Germany for citymaps :)
thx in advance
20-12-2003, 07:27 PM
Me again :) Do any one have the map over stockholm ?
/Rodan :D
20-12-2003, 07:55 PM
does anyone know where i can get the full london map? because the one i have got is limited, i cant get postcodes such as E14 or places such as romford? can anyone help?
tell me r those places north or south of london.
munich will be available, when i will find the opportunity
to upload it to a stable group.
i dont lock the folders now, but the bandwidth is high,
so u check the group later to download
20-12-2003, 08:48 PM
I finally downloaded the map of Wien!
Thanks to jojo!!!!
20-12-2003, 09:03 PM
both in east london, but i need the WHOLE london map pleeease anyone?
jojo i go to your site but topoland group dont exist am i doing somthing wrong?
what is your device momagic?
i ' ve fixed the dead link from my page, thanks
novi follow this link
20-12-2003, 09:23 PM
yea i got a ngage, but im already joined to your group but when i click in london it says 'You are not authorized to view this page' whats the mattter? dommass says its the bandwidth? :D
anyone know where else i can get the full london map?
20-12-2003, 10:46 PM
can anyone get me the Gothenburg (sweden) map????
check here:
21-12-2003, 12:03 AM
jojo i know im being a pain, first thanks i got the london map, but the thing is a msg comes when im trying to install it says 'unable to install citymaps by jojo required' whys that? i have city maps already installed, do i need the version cracked by you? if so where can i get it from?
?????????still says the same thing!!!!!!!!!
21-12-2003, 02:13 AM
check here:
great ..seems to work. Can you PLz PLZ upload the citymap of munich ?
need it badly .
many thx in advance
21-12-2003, 03:02 AM
Still looking for Rotterdam please
jojo i know im being a pain, first thanks i got the london map, but the thing is a msg comes when im trying to install it says 'unable to install citymaps by jojo required' whys that? i have city maps already installed, do i need the version cracked by you? if so where can i get it from?
?????????still says the same thing!!!!!!!!!
i havent upload the patch now,
if u have wap, go to download it from -> main -> links -> patch
21-12-2003, 02:47 PM
roma uploaded, thanks to klain.
i test it first and then is free to download
Pleazzzzzeeee j0j0 ... When you think to release Rome for DL ??? I hope early ... Thankx in advance !! Good work men !!
Please jojo or anyone other...
is there a way to fix the crash bug (when searching by street name or plan a route) at the map of Vienna and Innsbruck?
21-12-2003, 04:15 PM
Yeahhh .... I try to connect my NMEA Bluetooth GPS unit to CM !!! It works fine !! But I want to try it with real map of city where I am for holiday : Rome !!!
Pleazeeee j0j0 ... I hope to find Rome before is too late ! :(
i got a roma map which doesnt even work.
i have 3 maps for roma which have bugs(roma city, roma center, roma surr)
into pathfinder u will find the 1st.
do u have same problem while opening the roma map(kernel-exec)?
21-12-2003, 09:42 PM
i havent upload the patch now,
if u have wap, go to download it from -> main -> links -> patch
jojo thanks for that mate, it works but the thing is, the london map is not the full map, do you know where i can get the FULL map? ie: the area betwwen the M25? the map i have got is only london city, is has the street i live on but not roads like romford road and the ilse of dog? can you help?
21-12-2003, 09:42 PM
i havent upload the patch now,
if u have wap, go to download it from -> main -> links -> patch
jojo thanks for that mate, it works but the thing is, the london map is not the full map, do you know where i can get the FULL map? ie: the area betwwen the M25? the map i have got is only london city, is has the street i live on but not roads like romford road and the ilse of dog? can you help?
21-12-2003, 09:43 PM
i havent upload the patch now,
if u have wap, go to download it from -> main -> links -> patch
jojo thanks for that mate, it works but the thing is, the london map is not the full map, do you know where i can get the FULL map? ie: the area betwwen the M25? the map i have got is only london city, is has the street i live on but not roads like romford road and the ilse of dog? can you help?
21-12-2003, 11:12 PM
jojo can you upload rotterdam please?
22-12-2003, 02:02 AM
first of all thx to JoJo for uploading the maps i need.
i dl the maps from hamburg and munich and install it but when i start citymaps it tells me "no map installed" .
tried this on mmc and on flash. same result.
i install the citymaps for series 60 .. it tells version 1.00
but when i install the munich an hamburg maps .. they thell me in the installprocess citymaps 2.00
maybe that´s the problem .. or the nokia 6600 iam using.
on the other side .. i have a map form viena with two sis file .. map and ovc data. This Map works rockstable with search function and all the stuff.
anyone know .. if a new version of citymaps for s60 is available ??
thx in advance
first of all thx to JoJo for uploading the maps i need.
i dl the maps from hamburg and munich and install it but when i start citymaps it tells me "no map installed" .
tried this on mmc and on flash. same result.
i install the citymaps for series 60 .. it tells version 1.00
but when i install the munich an hamburg maps .. they thell me in the installprocess citymaps 2.00
maybe that´s the problem .. or the nokia 6600 iam using.
on the other side .. i have a map form viena with two sis file .. map and ovc data. This Map works rockstable with search function and all the stuff.
anyone know .. if a new version of citymaps for s60 is available ??
thx in advance
Hi Beckingmaster!
Sorry, can´t test if munich and hamburg maps are working.... can´t dl it- seems bandwith is reached!
Another question...
Where did you get from this vienna map with ovc???
can´t test it now too, but 2 days ago i dl vienna map from jojo´s group but there was only the one sis-file in the archive!
Maybe you can send me the vienna map by mail?
[email protected]
thanks in advance
22-12-2003, 09:31 AM
Please send me the Vienna map with ovc data
[email protected]
22-12-2003, 11:07 AM
@DragonM & Litl
it´s on the way .. hope it works for you too .. :D
thanks for the guys for uploading the maps.
22-12-2003, 02:50 PM
jojo? anyone? FULL london map? pleeeeeeeeeeease!
22-12-2003, 04:57 PM
i seen a non buggy munich citymap on the yahoo group .. but i can´t download cuased by the bandwith problem.. but now its gone totaly wuuaaahhhaa ..
@ JOJO .. wheres the map .. it has an different size than the one i have .. (still dont work) . Was it buggy ? . I dont remember the uploade .. think a name with K....
can anyone re upload the map .. so i can test it with my 6600 .
thx thx thx
22-12-2003, 05:08 PM
What about putting all the maps in a single file and share it on emule/edonkey ?
Then we all can help keeping it alive by sharing it trough emule..
I would be happy to share it on full priority (release) on my 1.5/1.5 mbit connection trough eMule if someone could send me all the files.
22-12-2003, 07:10 PM
nice idee bergetun ..
but i think the best solution is .. zip this maps and seed it on bittorrent.
So everyone can leech an spread this thingy ..with highspeed...
and no spy can fucked up this when it started.
@DragonM & Litl
it´s on the way .. hope it works for you too .. :D
Thx soooo much!
works great!
23-12-2003, 04:53 AM
jojo can you upload rotterdam please? ????????????????????????? .
23-12-2003, 08:48 AM
can you get map for las vegas.
Originally Posted by hellrazor
jojo can you upload rotterdam please?
????????????????????????? .
i got a buggy map, hellrazor
23-12-2003, 01:50 PM
Is there a map for OSLO available ?
23-12-2003, 04:52 PM
anyone help me with london map? ive got london city, but i need the full map i.e: outer london?
23-12-2003, 06:31 PM
Okay so i got what i wanted...
the software, the patch and the london map.
In stalled them on the memory card (in that order) using data suite and...
when I run the map software, I get a message saying "no maps installed" what am i doing wrong? :(
23-12-2003, 06:49 PM
Okay so i got what i wanted...
the software, the patch and the london map.
In stalled them on the memory card (in that order) using data suite and...
when I run the map software, I get a message saying "no maps installed" what am i doing wrong? :(
so youve got the london map? is it the full one, obvisously u aint seen it yet, can i ask wats the filesize? is it around 750kb? and im sorry i dont know wat the problem is, ive got an ngage and i installed it in the same order, i owrked,
23-12-2003, 07:02 PM
so youve got the london map? is it the full one, obvisously u aint seen it yet, can i ask wats the filesize? is it around 750kb? and im sorry i dont know wat the problem is, ive got an ngage and i installed it in the same order, i owrked,
yeah that's the one... I'll try it again... see what happens!
Is that not the full map then?
23-12-2003, 08:29 PM
yea its not the full map of london its only central london
23-12-2003, 10:59 PM
Right I legitimately paid for Sheffield.
What other things do I need to install to have london as well? Do i need this patch?
23-12-2003, 11:11 PM
Right I legitimately paid for Sheffield.
What other things do I need to install to have london as well? Do i need this patch?
Why does it say I need citymaps by jo jo instaleld? What's wrong with the normal version? :S
23-12-2003, 11:17 PM
you need jojos patch to get it to work, i had the same problem. do you have the london map? is it the full one? whts the filesize? if its about 750kb it aint.
23-12-2003, 11:57 PM
you need jojos patch to get it to work, i had the same problem. do you have the london map? is it the full one? whts the filesize? if its about 750kb it aint.
Right, so I need a patch then.
Yup it's 750kb.
So long as it's central london it's fine for me :)
24-12-2003, 12:04 AM
the patch is in the zip file
24-12-2003, 12:33 AM
i got a roma map which doesnt even work.
i have 3 maps for roma which have bugs(roma city, roma center, roma surr)
into pathfinder u will find the 1st.
do u have same problem while opening the roma map(kernel-exec)?
Many many thx j0j0 ... I have DLed "Roma city" and I installed it on my 3650 without any kind of problem !! The only thing is the "find" function that crash and exit CM... but for me is not a relevant issue.
I see that "Rome City" is only a small part of Rome .... Can you release the other two map about Rome ??
Thx in advance.
its xmas days, i am to a netcafe, now, on holidays.
i think that in a week u will have them from roma
26-12-2003, 12:53 AM
any one here have a map for :: JEDDAH :: ---> saudi arabia ?? 8-)
and can i use it with any programme without GPS sys. ? coz i hav't coz it v.expensive here :sad: ... or it dosen't established :-o !!!
try plz .. :rolleyes:
more thanx :-P
Right I legitimately paid for Sheffield.
What other things do I need to install to have london as well? Do i need this patch?
why dont you share us the sheffield map?
here we all share what we got from tomtom
upload it to the yahoo group, please!
the big maps of london are about
1800kb, 3770kb and 5260kb ( 5,26 MB)
26-12-2003, 09:57 PM
i got a buggy map, hellrazorWhere is it?
I like to try it...
Originally Posted by Bossworld
Right I legitimately paid for Sheffield.
What other things do I need to install to have london as well? Do i need this patch?
Where is Bossworld??
Im not at home, mate, i dont have the maps with me
27-12-2003, 02:23 AM
Can someone please send gothenburg map to
[email protected] :>
27-12-2003, 02:28 AM
so the london map is that big? my brother said its would be big but i thought he was chattin shite, so jojo u have the maps? can i have a peek? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-P
27-12-2003, 07:01 PM
Any maps for Philippines Man? :D
27-12-2003, 08:38 PM
Hi Guys ! I would like to buy the Rome's map because I would like to use the functions Itinerary and Search . Are the maps that don't have this functions or are the c*acked program ? :-?
I have the italian version , if I will buy a tomtom map, will work all the program functions (search..)? Can I use the program that I already have with the original maps? :-?
Thanks ! ;)
Nanni please share that map to us!!!
we need the search field, mate!!!
its just 5 euro and if i had credit i would buy it for me,
the roma map has the search bug, damn!!
your version will work with new roma map.
however, they will send you another application.
if the cracked version works, dont over-right the new one;)
27-12-2003, 10:29 PM
I don't buy yet.
Before buying it on I wanted to know after i give my infos and the number of the credit card etc. they allow me to download the file ?
If you confirm me this I will buy it and I'll share it ;)
i think that they will send it to you by email.
its about 2MB file. we need it here.
when u got it, share it here, thanks
28-12-2003, 12:20 PM
have u got a version of tomtom for the ngage as i keep getting a app error with citmap and route software , allso uk.sis wont install it just keeps saying not enuff memory but i have 64mgs free .. any help would be greatfullly recived
thanks again skedone
p.s i did have the amsterdam map running fine but i cant find the version of citymap i used agian now lol
28-12-2003, 01:09 PM
I have a citymaps patch but i don't have installed yet.
What this patch do ? :-? 2Kb?
Nanni, if you dont want, dont install it.
its a harmless patch (add on) with info about how to download
the files, required for the citymaps of my group
you can click HERE ( and buy any map you want.
they cost 5 euro each.
however, --HERE-- ( we try to share what we all have with each other ;)
when i will be back, u will have London big map and manchester
28-12-2003, 01:58 PM
Great nanni...Please share with us your rome map ! J0j0 doing a good work for us ... So when is possible we must help him. Thx nanni.
29-12-2003, 01:31 PM
don't worry ;)
I will buy it soon and I will share it
29-12-2003, 05:58 PM
Does any1 have up to date full UK tomtom road map?
29-12-2003, 08:20 PM
if someone has Paris map, please could you send it at
[email protected] please!!! :rolleyes: :)
29-12-2003, 09:39 PM
were is patch for the series 60 file i downloaded from your site and it is not in the archive or is it built in to the file its self ? also do u have the route software for seriesd 60 software as well?
thanks in advance
30-12-2003, 01:50 AM
were is patch for the series 60 file i downloaded from your site and it is not in the archive or is it built in to the file its self ? also do u have the route software for seriesd 60 software as well?
thanks in advance
not to worry i sorted that problem i found the patch else were, the only bummer is that uk.sis wont install on n-gage it allways say not enuff memory free and i have 3 mb system and 64mb mmc in it at mo??!! wierd anyone managed to install the uk map on there n-gage?
i already have (for UK)
London map
when i will be back for holidays i will release manchester map(with the search bug) and probably a bigger london map
look: 'Συνέχεια' is the right button(means continue) OR:
thanks for sharing
30-12-2003, 10:23 AM
The TomTom Rome's map that I'll buy is bigger than the jojo's Rome City Map ?
Thanks ;)
30-12-2003, 10:49 AM
i already have (for UK)
London map
when i will be back for holidays i will release manchester map(with the search bug) and probably a bigger london map
look: 'Συνέχεια' is the right button(means continue) OR:
thanks for sharing
i know u allready have them maps mate that is not what i said what i said is i have the lonodon map installed now , and i cant install the uk map On my n-gage it allways says not enuff memory , has anyone maged to install the uk map on there n-gage?
30-12-2003, 01:16 PM
30-12-2003, 01:49 PM
please get full london map i am waiting for it still
sk3done the reply about UK maps was for MrDus
as fas as they will ban me at,
so i keep inviting people to underground forums, not
like allaboutsymbian which sucks with all these copyrights
30-12-2003, 03:08 PM
Does any1 have the Antwerp map available? or a link to?
I have searched everywhere, even on Kazaa :-?
30-12-2003, 04:41 PM
Anyone knows where can i find rome's map?
30-12-2003, 07:30 PM
Hi guys ! I have finally bought the Rome's map . It's complete and the itinerary works. They are 2 files (map + ovc). All this 5€ on Handango (not too much expensive)
If you want, I upload it on the site of jojo ;)
Jojo tell me your e-mail so I send it
Ciao 8-)
31-12-2003, 12:35 AM
hi guys,
I m desperately in need for the Washington, Dc map.
if any1 can upload, i ll be most grateful. ;)
31-12-2003, 11:03 AM
Happy New Year !
Nanni, the day you will send me the map,
the same day will be in my yahoo groups and pathfinder greek server
thanks(i sent reply PM with my email. please dont publish my email)
Buon Natale Anno, Capodanno!
2 of january i will be in roma
31-12-2003, 02:06 PM
ehi nanni are you italian right??me too!!
so do you have the jojo patch?
i don't have,and the citymaps don't works without...
the links over is dead..if you have please sent at my mail
[email protected]
thanks in advance!
buon anno!!
happy new year!!
31-12-2003, 02:11 PM
ehi jojo if you are online please sent me your "jojo patch",without i can't use the program..
so you come in italy soon,so you'll see rome..WELCOME!!! :D
get it from my yahoo group,
pathfinder briefcase or wap page
31-12-2003, 02:21 PM
Ciao Pocos si sono italiano ora ti mando la patch di jojo ;)
Ciao e Auguri
i got the map, nanni.
its also with plan and search bug, i upload it to
and to
--please dont post in italian, only in english, or you will have problem with the admin--
auguri per capodanno
31-12-2003, 02:35 PM
thanks nanni!!grazie!!!
thanks jojo!great work!!
good new year's day at everybody!! :D
31-12-2003, 02:58 PM
Prego ;)
I think that the search bug is on the TomTom program and not in the map .
I've bought the original tomtom map and the Search function doesn't works but the Plan Route function works good !!! :-? :-? :-?
I'tried also whit the tomtom city maps program that I've found in the zip file that I've downloaded when I have purchased the map, but the same ! :sad:
perhaps a new tomtom version (whitout search bug) will released ....
I hope !
31-12-2003, 03:03 PM
Grazie nanni!!!
Ho scaricato la mappa di Roma dal sito di JoJo!! Tutto Ok!!
Buon Anno!
31-12-2003, 04:54 PM
Thanks ;)
31-12-2003, 06:17 PM
j0j0 i've sent you a bugged map of Palermo.
I hope you can repair it whit the Plan Route function
thanks ;)
31-12-2003, 07:31 PM
nobody can help me for the Paris map? if you've got it, please send to
[email protected], it just takes 1 minute!
get it from here:
takes 1/2 minute ;)
31-12-2003, 10:11 PM
hey Jojo,
I still cannot find the patch, I downloaded and istalled the citymap file but still can t install any map
what s the patch filename? and what exactly is yewnes.v1.21
Thx for ure help man, I really appreciate it
hey u, is aint that difficult!
dowload the citymaps application. there is the patch inside the archive
according to symbian developers:(in simple words)
"KERN-EXEC" error means that the application uses a standand
database to look for(like a dead link to your symbian) and it sends
back this error.
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