View Full Version : N-gage games on 6600?
07-11-2003, 12:32 AM
will it work?!
(Note: 6600's got 10MB RAM memory)
07-11-2003, 12:35 AM
will it work?!
(Note: 6600's got 10MB RAM memory)
will u try it and tell us if it works? ^_^
07-11-2003, 12:43 AM
yeah..I'll be getting an 128MB/256MB MMC card in a couple of hours...
will definitely test it and post it here!
anybody who's already got a 6600..
please test it and let us know!
07-11-2003, 12:45 AM
yeah dude, cheers, hope u got good news for us.
07-11-2003, 01:15 AM
yeah dude, cheers, hope u got good news for us.
tried the Puyo pop (non-cracked version)..
copied all the files on the phone using Epoc file manager..
got de icon too..
when I click on it..the screen blinks and comes back to the menu
am trying the cracked version now...
hoping for it to work..
07-11-2003, 01:36 AM
I got this file called the 'BlizzardN-GAGE.SIS' from IRC and it says
This is the Blizzard Nokia N-Gage Installer.
All our releases will be distributed without this installer.
Install this release now or you will be lost in the future ...
Usage is very simple, install the application on your N-Gage,
start it up, it will immediatly detect blz-game packs in the
root dir of your memory card.
Press install and wait some time ... afterwards all needed
files are placed on your memory card in the correct order.
Goto the N-Gage menue, click the game icon and play ! :-)
1. Unpack
2. Transfer the .sis file to your N-Gage
3. Install the Application
4. Use this Application for installing games ...
what the?
I'm trying that out now....
with the puyo puy game (cracked version)
wish me luck
07-11-2003, 01:55 AM
whoa, if it works, tt would b cool... come on!!! work! work! hahaha
07-11-2003, 02:01 AM
I got the cracked version
of the N-gage game puyo puy..
it was a zip file and it had a
"puyo.blz" (similar to a .gb or a .gbc file I guess!)
Another readme file which said:
1. Unpack
2. Transfer the .blz-file to your memory card
3. Use the BLZ-Installer to install the game!
well.. did all that..
got the game on the installer too...
when I press install I get a msg saying:
file corrupt! Error!"
now trying the SonicN (cracked version!!!!) got from mIRC..
hope it works!
(work! work!! work!!!)
07-11-2003, 02:19 AM
so I found out what the
'blizzardn-gage.sis' is for..
its like an extraction software that
extracts the .blz file and places them in order on your memory card..
I tried copying the N-gage games on my 6600
on its internal memory...
it detects the .blz file and tries to extract it..
maybe it finds no memory card and thats why an error msg comes
up saying "file corrupted! aborted.."
guess i have to get a MMC card soon to try this out!
will be getting one within a day!
I have a cracked version of tombraider (system,libs,apps folders and files) but its 7.08 MB > 6600 Internal Memory
I also have a cracked version of Puyo puy and Sonic N but
these zip files carry only the (N-gage ROM) .blz files...
I hope I am making sense...
I am still trying!
07-11-2003, 04:39 AM
doesnt the 6600 comes wif a 32mb mmc? y wun u try using tt mmc?
07-11-2003, 01:20 PM
I gave away my 32 MB for an exchange for 128MB MMC or 256MB MMC (whichever is compatible)
I still haven't got my Multi-Media Card yet..
waiting for it..
by de way tzeonn (and Murda Inc)..
you wanted N-gage cracked games right?
Use mIRC..
go to Efnet (Random Server)
and go to #mediaplace channel...
hope this helps!
Will get an update about the 'N-gage games on 6600' soon!
07-11-2003, 02:57 PM
1. I Installed this Blizzard.sis file that I got from mIRC.
2. I got the .blz (N-gage ROM) from mIRC.
3. I copied the file to the root dir of my MMC (16MB MMC)
4. I used the Blizzard application to unpack the .blz file.
5. After unpacking, sonic icon appeared in the MENU
6. I clicked it and it works...!
I'll post the pics in the new thread I started!
11-11-2003, 09:51 PM
Hey yall -- Does anyone know if Sonic will play on the NOKIA 3300 ???
I know it supports JAVA games... but not sure about this new stuff ?
Please post if you know.
1. I Installed this Blizzard.sis file that I got from mIRC.
2. I got the .blz (N-gage ROM) from mIRC.
3. I copied the file to the root dir of my MMC (16MB MMC)
4. I used the Blizzard application to unpack the .blz file.
5. After unpacking, sonic icon appeared in the MENU
6. I clicked it and it works...!
I'll post the pics in the new thread I started!
11-11-2003, 10:24 PM
1. I Installed this Blizzard.sis file that I got from mIRC.
2. I got the .blz (N-gage ROM) from mIRC.
3. I copied the file to the root dir of my MMC (16MB MMC)
4. I used the Blizzard application to unpack the .blz file.
5. After unpacking, sonic icon appeared in the MENU
6. I clicked it and it works...!
What Server/Channel on IRC?
12-11-2003, 12:23 AM
WOW!! imranac, how was the quality on the game??
something like on N-gage?
Did it lag?
12-11-2003, 02:29 AM
heh heh. Sorry, I've just pissed my pants laughing at the thought of Sonic-N on the 3300.Oh, mercy....
12-11-2003, 12:16 PM
WOW!! imranac, how was the quality on the game??
something like on N-gage?
Did it lag?
sonic on my 3650 din even lag, bet it works smooth on 6600.
12-11-2003, 06:22 PM
Tested N-gage Games With Blz Installer Run On 6600
1. Sonic N
2. Puyo Pop
3. Money Ball
13-11-2003, 01:51 AM
WOW!! imranac, how was the quality on the game??
something like on N-gage?
Did it lag?
The quality was the same as that of the N-gage..
No lag! not even a pixel..
Anyways.. the games that are working for me are
[Flo Boarding]
[Space Impact Evolution X]
Puyo Puyo
Sonic N
Tomb Raider
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
13-11-2003, 02:05 AM
Hey ... you got the Tombraider to work on the 6600? I can't get the cracked version to work even on my N-Gage!! Tell me ... what should I do to make the Tombraider work? I can see the icon alright. I even see the Title Screen. But then, when I move the joypad to make a selection, a popup comes up "memory card corrupted".
I got Tombraider as a zip file. I simply unzipped the package to the MMC and it made all the directory structure properly. But the game doesn't run. : (
13-11-2003, 02:13 AM
yeah forgot..
Super Monkey Ball works too!
6600 Rules! ^_^
13-11-2003, 03:32 AM
Hello, sorry 4 the question but where i find the blz installer?
13-11-2003, 08:42 AM
Would an N-Gage game work on a 6610?
Thanks. :D
13-11-2003, 10:52 PM
there are two tomb raider files:
"The first tombraider is a cracked version of the pre-release copy
and the other is the Final retail version"
get the one that says
::: tomb.raider.FINAL.~ :::
that'll have the .blz file
use it along with the Blizzard Installer
13-11-2003, 10:54 PM
Would an N-Gage game work on a 6610?
Thanks. :D
6610 or 6600?
6610 is not even symbian dude!
14-11-2003, 06:18 AM
6610 or 6600?
6610 is not even symbian dude!
hahaha this is funny
14-11-2003, 02:31 PM
6610 or 6600?
6610 is not even symbian dude!
lol, I was talking about a 6610 becuase that's what my brother has, and I thought that it might be a similar phone.
Sorry, I'm a bit of a n00b. ;)
BTW, whats with messed up code after my smiles?
i need help i got the blz file in my inbox how to i tranfer to the blzinstall programs so i can install from there?
16-11-2003, 12:38 AM
i need help i got the blz file in my inbox how to i tranfer to the blzinstall programs so i can install from there?
well... you got to copy the file (or send the file) [.blz] to the root dir of your mmc...
says your multi media memory card is E:\
send the file to
go to blizzard installer
you will see the file..
click on install... wait for it to unpack!
any idea where to get the tony hawk file that works on 6600
16-11-2003, 03:22 PM
get it here!
[thanks to chmelic for that address]
16-11-2003, 08:23 PM
sorry guy, just want to know will N-Gage Sonic work on 3650?
16-11-2003, 10:00 PM
sorry guy, just want to know will N-Gage Sonic work on 3650?
just for your info, here are the list of compatible games for the 3650,6600 and the N-gage:
Here's the list:
::: THE LIST :::
* Working Titles are:
SonicN (v.2.5+)
Puyo Pop (v.2.5+)
Puyo Pop
Tomb Raider
Super Monkey Ball
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
Puyo Pop
Tomb Raider
Super Monkey Ball
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
* Not Working Titles are:
Puzzle Bobble X
Tomb Raider X
Pandemonium X
Super Monkey Ball X
Tony Hawks Pro Skater X
Puzzle Bobble X
* Not Yet Verified Titles are:
some guy said that Puzzle bobble works on his 6600...
but I don't know far this is true...
17-11-2003, 06:13 AM
OK, I'm an IRC newb. What do I do to get games once I get into #mediaplace on Efnet??
17-11-2003, 09:33 AM
Thanks imranac, wat a good explanation, u r really helpful, so what i need to play N-Gage's Sonic on 3650?
Pls help again...thank Q.
17-11-2003, 02:52 PM
i got N-Gage Sonic on my
17-11-2003, 03:08 PM
i got N-Gage Sonic on my
cool man!
have fun!
And Don't mention it mate!
17-11-2003, 03:23 PM
hi imran........your from india huh....which part?....ok....could you help me out ....where did you get the blizzard software which helps you play ngage games on 6600.....i got a 6600.....but consider me new at this....can you tell me where you got the software and then the games and how to go about it in a lil detail..oh yeah and also how big the memory card should be.....thanks mate.....ah'm from the us army right now stationed in kuwait.... so kinda tough to get files and all.... very grateful if you could help A.S.A.P. ......thanks again.
17-11-2003, 04:32 PM
hi imran........your from india huh....which part?....ok....could you help me out ....where did you get the blizzard software which helps you play ngage games on 6600.....i got a 6600.....but consider me new at this....can you tell me where you got the software and then the games and how to go about it in a lil detail..oh yeah and also how big the memory card should be.....thanks mate.....ah'm from the us army right now stationed in kuwait.... so kinda tough to get files and all.... very grateful if you could help A.S.A.P. ......thanks again.
get it from here!
I have written a guide on playing the N-gage games on this forum..
Use the search option in this forum!
The MMC should be >=16MB
by de way.. I am from de south..
17-11-2003, 09:20 PM
Many Thanks goes to everyone that takes the time to contribute in this great forum.
Following your instructions I 've enjoyed playing with some of these games on my N6600. Apart from formating my MMC is there another way of uninstalling these games...??? For example for SONIC, perhaps manually delete the E:\System\Apps\SONICN folder and the C:\System\Apps\SonicN folder. Am I missing something...???
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
18-11-2003, 12:43 AM
Many Thanks goes to everyone that takes the time to contribute in this great forum.
Following your instructions I 've enjoyed playing with some of these games on my N6600. Apart from formating my MMC is there another way of uninstalling these games...??? For example for SONIC, perhaps manually delete the E:\System\Apps\SONICN folder and the C:\System\Apps\SonicN folder. Am I missing something...???
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
yeah... manually delete would be fine..
but along with the Apps folder and the files in it..
there are also Libs (folder) and some files associated with it...
for some (most) of the games..
So its always better to format ur card..
here's an idea:
delete those sonicN folders and files..
Use efilemanager and go to advanced and do a 'clean up'
that should remove the folder which is not being used if any!
glad to be of service!
what software do you use to erase the files?
18-11-2003, 12:52 PM
what software do you use to erase the files?
Psiloc Extended File Manager will do the job fine.
18-11-2003, 06:11 PM
hi i got tht Blizzard Installer but it doens work on my N-gage
i transer is with my usb cable and nada! no response our what so ever.
the phone works perfect but no sign of the Blizzard Installer. should i put it in a specific file on my mmc card. like data, app system.
please help me out men!
I got this file called the 'BlizzardN-GAGE.SIS' from IRC and it says
This is the Blizzard Nokia N-Gage Installer.
All our releases will be distributed without this installer.
Install this release now or you will be lost in the future ...
Usage is very simple, install the application on your N-Gage,
start it up, it will immediatly detect blz-game packs in the
root dir of your memory card.
Press install and wait some time ... afterwards all needed
files are placed on your memory card in the correct order.
Goto the N-Gage menue, click the game icon and play ! :-)
1. Unpack
2. Transfer the .sis file to your N-Gage
3. Install the Application
4. Use this Application for installing games ...
what the?
I'm trying that out now....
with the puyo puy game (cracked version)
wish me luck
18-11-2003, 07:02 PM
ok like i said before that i am kinda new at i installed the bliz software on ma 6600...... then copied the sonic.blz file......inside the zip file i found a sonic.blz not a sonicn.blz........i ran the bliz software and it started unpacking and said successful but then i have to have a formatted mmc card? .i have a 32 mb card with tones and and a few pics on it......will it work.....???? can you give me a few more details your details in the forum imran.....would be great help if you can provide a few more details here or on ma mail....
[email protected] ....and does anyone have the climber theme or any other can you send on ma mail???
19-11-2003, 05:18 PM
ok like i said before that i am kinda new at i installed the bliz software on ma 6600...... then copied the sonic.blz file......inside the zip file i found a sonic.blz not a sonicn.blz........i ran the bliz software and it started unpacking and said successful but then i have to have a formatted mmc card? .i have a 32 mb card with tones and and a few pics on it......will it work.....???? can you give me a few more details your details in the forum imran.....would be great help if you can provide a few more details here or on ma mail....
[email protected] ....and does anyone have the climber theme or any other can you send on ma mail???
u probably just have to restart the phone!
its not necessary that u need to have a formatted MMC card..!
Any card would do..
if the blizzard thingy says its successful then no problem at all!
just check your menu and find the sonic N icon..
try sending again, unpack and restart the phone!
(sonicn.blz, sonic.blz doesnt matter.. as long as its as blz file)
19-11-2003, 06:12 PM
Can someone do me a big favour and tell me if there are any wap sites where i can download the blzinstaller from for my 6600. I don't really want to buy a bluetooth adapter but if i have to i will, but at the moment i am using GPRS to download my files. How big are the SonicN rom and the BLZInstaller file because if they are very big it will work out cheaper to buy a bluetooth adapter. cheers
19-11-2003, 06:24 PM
yeah... manually delete would be fine..
but along with the Apps folder and the files in it..
there are also Libs (folder) and some files associated with it...
for some (most) of the games..
So its always better to format ur card..
here's an idea:
delete those sonicN folders and files..
Use efilemanager and go to advanced and do a 'clean up'
that should remove the folder which is not being used if any!
glad to be of service!
Once more thank you for taking the time... much appreciate it !!!
20-11-2003, 07:56 PM
thanks ......i installed the sonic and other games on the same mmc card and they are running fine.......was thinking of getting the n-gage......but the 6600.....thanks a million to all ......sonic is scratchy in normal mode......full screen is clear.......just one last question......the best game i have played yet has to be "pademonium"...damn cool game....but when i finish the first level it gives me an error and closes.....tried 2-3 times.....but same result.....any idea why or any one else have the same prob?.....and how do i remove some of the games with out removing the others?....thanks again.
21-11-2003, 12:01 AM
thanks ......i installed the sonic and other games on the same mmc card and they are running fine.......was thinking of getting the n-gage......but the 6600.....thanks a million to all ......sonic is scratchy in normal mode......full screen is clear.......just one last question......the best game i have played yet has to be "pademonium"...damn cool game....but when i finish the first level it gives me an error and closes.....tried 2-3 times.....but same result.....any idea why or any one else have the same prob?.....and how do i remove some of the games with out removing the others?....thanks again.
Unfortunately.. no one's got de solution for de pandemonium error yet.. we hope we'll get an update on that soon!
Hmm.. if you want to delete the games individually.. just go to the systems directory in your C:\ and your MMC drive and delete the folder which carries the name of the game!
But that's a pretty risk...
its always better to format your MMC as lot of other library files and resource files get accumulated in other folders of the MMC or the C:\ drive...
21-11-2003, 12:02 AM
I have so many requests for the sonic N blizzard file...
I've uploaded it on my homepage..
here's a direct (download) link:
21-11-2003, 12:27 AM
hey imran..... cool you thought of putting things up on your website....i know this aint the place to be asking this....... but i have posted my request for teh 6600 reply from no one..... so can you upload that please.... or if you can then send me the file to ma email
[email protected] ...... been a great help dude......keep up the good any more games coming out for 6600? .....which do you say is the best? ........thanks a mil
21-11-2003, 01:42 AM
i have installed sonicN on my nokia 6600, it works fine when i press the # button to view it full screen, but when its on the options menu where it says GAME START, TIME ATTACK, etc the text is a differnet colour (its white on n-gage) and you cant tell which option you selected because it doesnt highlight the option you want to select.
is this normal on nokia 6600 or is it just my phone?
please reply asap.
[email protected]
21-11-2003, 05:05 AM
i have installed sonicN on my nokia 6600, it works fine when i press the # button to view it full screen, but when its on the options menu where it says GAME START, TIME ATTACK, etc the text is a differnet colour (its white on n-gage) and you cant tell which option you selected because it doesnt highlight the option you want to select.
is this normal on nokia 6600 or is it just my phone?
please reply asap.
[email protected]
think it is nomal since the 6600 have alot more colors than n-gage
21-11-2003, 11:51 PM
yeah.. its normal..!
The font is not in white.. its all pretty mixed up in multicolor (green)
22-11-2003, 12:02 AM
hey imran..... cool you thought of putting things up on your website....i know this aint the place to be asking this....... but i have posted my request for teh 6600 reply from no one..... so can you upload that please.... or if you can then send me the file to ma email
[email protected] ...... been a great help dude......keep up the good any more games coming out for 6600? .....which do you say is the best? ........thanks a mil
Yeah.. I have though about that and I am thinking of uploading some
N-gage games to my website...(my website is still under construction!)
hmmm.. abt de theme.. I got it thru Wap and I deleted it cuz I didn't quite like it! I don't know how to send you the 'theme' file..
just stick around this great forum and you'll get an update on getting the theme I hope!
Abt de games:
check out google or
I think red faction is up next! Waiting for it!
22-11-2003, 05:29 PM
Ok I have been searching google for ages to find tony hawk. Once I found it the download did not work :(. Would any of you be so kind to give me a link other then <--- not working anymore and <---- site was suspended or something. I already know how to install everything and already have the blz installer. Could somebody tell me more about having all games at once on your n gage on a small card. I have a 30 mb card is it possible to have all on this card?
Anyway I think you guys are doing great with the cracking and this is a nice forum keep up the good work!!!
Greetz: Sidious
P.S.: Sorry for the long post
22-11-2003, 07:10 PM
anyone wanna poast a link for pandemonium, motogp, mokeyball or tombraider,, been searchin for daze now ,, cant find the blz files ,, have them in .ice format which I think is the old lha lzh file format ,, but cant find an uncompressor for them !!!
gage rocks btw ,, th is awsome as is sonic
thanx in advance
22-11-2003, 08:38 PM
Try downloading emule( install it and then when you are connected to a server,, make a GLOBAL search finging n-gage you will se a lot of games. But better buy it, if not the developers will stop making games to the phone. (that will be owful)
23-11-2003, 12:23 AM
You can download all the n-gage games that are released from eDonley.
its like kazaa but much much better, you can find everythign in eDonkey.
go to google and search eDonkey, download the file, connect to teh server then search ngage. youll get all the games.
23-11-2003, 11:12 PM
well.. well.. well..
there's a new puzzle bobble (N-gage) version out which works on the 6600...!
So.. looks like all the N-gage games are working on the 6600 now!
(except for Pandemonium which shows error after level 1)
23-11-2003, 11:18 PM
Here's the list of N-Gage games working on the 6600:
::: THE LIST :::
* Working Titles are:
Puyo Pop
Tomb Raider
Super Monkey Ball
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
Puzzle Bobble
* Not Working Titles are:
23-11-2003, 11:31 PM
Oh by de way, guys...
You can get the working version of the
Puzzle Bobble in my homepage!
Here's the direct download link:
(If the above link doesn't work.. copy the shortcut [URL] and paste it on your address bar or your download accelerator or FlashGet or Getright or whatever!)
04-12-2003, 11:14 PM
I heard
Red Faction,
Virtua Tennis
Moto Gp
are out 'cracked'
so.. is it working for the N6600?!
no, they're just crappy cracks that only just work.
05-12-2003, 02:09 AM
well, splinter cell and rayman3 is out too. pics of the games on my groups, in the photos section, under the ngage pics folder, shld anyone haf any doubts.
05-12-2003, 04:12 PM
is it working on the 6600?
anyone tried it yet?!
05-12-2003, 06:02 PM
all the new games i got from mediaplace, hangs. onli red faction works, and i believe these games are onli meant for ngage right now, not till blz cracks them.
07-12-2003, 09:34 PM
Hey guys
Just got a 6600 - trying to get the N-gage games working.
I have the Blizzard installer, but when I try to copy games over to the MMC PC Suite says "Cannot copy because file already exists". This is after I have formatted the MMC twice!!!!
Thanks in advance for any help; I did check the forums but no-one else seems to have this problem.
07-12-2003, 11:34 PM
Hey guys
Just got a 6600 - trying to get the N-gage games working.
I have the Blizzard installer, but when I try to copy games over to the MMC PC Suite says "Cannot copy because file already exists". This is after I have formatted the MMC twice!!!!
Thanks in advance for any help; I did check the forums but no-one else seems to have this problem.
what you using to transfer the files?
get a 'MMC Card Reader/Writer'
that never gives any problem!
the good prog to transfer file
pc file manager from epocware but the problem the prog only work for 30 day
08-12-2003, 12:48 AM
Hey guys
Just got a 6600 - trying to get the N-gage games working.
I have the Blizzard installer, but when I try to copy games over to the MMC PC Suite says "Cannot copy because file already exists". This is after I have formatted the MMC twice!!!!
Thanks in advance for any help; I did check the forums but no-one else seems to have this problem.
juz use the pc suite, send to e:, the main root dir, b4 u send, delete any files tt dun belong there 1st.
08-12-2003, 06:39 PM
Can some 1 tell me where i can get these games please Puzzle Bobble (blz) & MLB Slam (blz) or give me a link so i can download it from there.
Thnak You
08-12-2003, 06:46 PM
For Nokia 6600, puzzle blz (working 1 for n6600) and MLB slam.
Thank You
09-12-2003, 01:03 AM
my my!
new games huh!
Just tested them and they work on my 6600!
Don't ask for download links and send MEs
I got em all from mIRC!
BLZ guys will work on the new games I guess!
Splinter Cell
and Fifa 2004 is up on the waiting list!
* Working Titles:
Puyo Pop
Tomb Raider
Super Monkey Ball
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
Puzzle Bobble
MLB Slam
09-12-2003, 11:27 AM
so those of you who want the games..
here's a link:
get 'em here!
Happy Gaming!
09-12-2003, 11:41 AM
Can't wait for Splinter Cell, Rayman rocks!!
09-12-2003, 07:32 PM
ahhh great, just when im about to download the games this happens:
This website is temporarily down due to heavy usage
oh well, have to wait now.
thanks for them links and thanks for the reply imran.
09-12-2003, 07:33 PM
a wuestion to imran:
did the new blz games work perfectly without any problems?
09-12-2003, 07:37 PM
A question* to Imran:
Did the games work perfectly without any problems?
Thank You
10-12-2003, 11:13 AM
I was told only red fraction and mlb slam work only on nokia 6600.
Virtual tennis (always out of RAM) and motor gp( hang after 1st stage) do not work. Pls clarify..
jus had a look through this post does puzzle bubble not work on the 6600?
10-12-2003, 04:18 PM
puzzle bobble works, juz haf to get the final version, it also works on 3650 wifout flight mode.
12-12-2003, 01:06 AM
i can get tomb raider or monkey ball to run on my 6600 but everything else seams to work
12-12-2003, 02:58 AM
All the games worked properly without a problem!!
Except Pandemonium which doesn't run after level 1..
Just tried (and clarified)
and Virtua Tennis on the N6600!
They work PERFECTly fine!!!
Just tried two new games!!
from IRC!
RAYMAN 3 and SPLINTER CELL (n-gage games) WORK ON THE 6600!!!
Rayman3 works without a problem!
Splinter cell has a lot of problems though!!
Splinter cell is supported only in 4096 colour display!!
that means..
it works on the 6600.. but the resolution and gfx sucks!!!
if u want de games!
get em at mIRC...
I tried and tested them on my N6600!!
If it doesn't work for you.. then that means.. YOU OBVIOUSLY DIDNT TRY THEM PROPERLY!!!
waiting for de next games now
Fifa 2004 N-gage and Sega Rally
12-12-2003, 03:04 AM
oh.. by de way..
the two games
Rayman 3
splinter cell
were cracked from BOSLEY..
(not Blz)
I wonder how they worked though!
Rayman Rocks.. for now!
Hey all you guys!
Thanks for keeping this Thread ACTIVE!
I will definitely POST the new and working games with guides...
any queries/post if much appreciated!
12-12-2003, 07:12 AM
rayman3 and splintercell work on the 6600 (despite being independant releases) because the patch was done slightly differently to say the first release of MLB slam (non-blz)..
there is a file which only exists on the n-gage and is required by every n-gage game to validate the MMC.. this is obvioulsy removed as part of the crack, but the reference to it wasn't being removed, so the phone was still looking for the file when the game was loaded, hence it didn't work on phones without this file.. in rayman3 and splintercell, the reference to this has been relinked to an existing dll.. this method differs slightly from what blzpda have been doing (removing it altogther, updating dll counter in header etc)..
hope that clears up any mystery about it..
13-12-2003, 01:20 PM
rayman3 and splintercell work on the 6600 (despite being independant releases) because the patch was done slightly differently to say the first release of MLB slam (non-blz)..
there is a file which only exists on the n-gage and is required by every n-gage game to validate the MMC.. this is obvioulsy removed as part of the crack, but the reference to it wasn't being removed, so the phone was still looking for the file when the game was loaded, hence it didn't work on phones without this file.. in rayman3 and splintercell, the reference to this has been relinked to an existing dll.. this method differs slightly from what blzpda have been doing (removing it altogther, updating dll counter in header etc)..
hope that clears up any mystery about it..
hey Bosley, are you working on fixing the controlls for Rayman3 or is that out of your knowledge, impossible? Thanks a lot anyways for the release, its a wonderfull game and it would be fun to have it fully funtionaly on the 6600 also.
13-12-2003, 02:46 PM
link not work for me :oops:
13-12-2003, 04:52 PM
for the umpteenth time, get them from irc, efnet, #mediaplace.
14-12-2003, 12:11 AM
Hi guys i am new to all the tech. This mite sound a bit dumb but can someone guide me step by step as to where to get irc from and how to such for the ngage games there.Thanx.
14-12-2003, 01:58 PM
Hi guys i am new to all the tech. This mite sound a bit dumb but can someone guide me step by step as to where to get irc from and how to such for the ngage games there.Thanx.
get irc from
get it and install it
connect to EFNet Random Server
and once connected.. join #mediaplace channel
ask the guys there... they'll help ya out!
14-12-2003, 08:52 PM
so I found out what the
'blizzardn-gage.sis' is for..
its like an extraction software that
extracts the .blz file and places them in order on your memory card..
I tried copying the N-gage games on my 6600
on its internal memory...
it detects the .blz file and tries to extract it..
maybe it finds no memory card and thats why an error msg comes
up saying "file corrupted! aborted.."
guess i have to get a MMC card soon to try this out!
will be getting one within a day!
I have a cracked version of tombraider (system,libs,apps folders and files) but its 7.08 MB > 6600 Internal Memory
I also have a cracked version of Puyo puy and Sonic N but
these zip files carry only the (N-gage ROM) .blz files...
I hope I am making sense...
I am still trying!
beside irc is that any other site can get free n-gage games that can play with my 6600? and where to get blz installer?
thank you
good day
14-12-2003, 10:14 PM
beside irc is that any other site can get free n-gage games that can play with my 6600? and where to get blz installer?
thank you
good day
there arnt many places as nokia are getting them shut down very fast if you are quick enough keep looking in this forum for links to sites like mattyj's.or you could try yahoo groups.
15-12-2003, 03:15 AM
the best place to get games and latest news is def irc. if u dunno how to use it, learn, more stuff to get on irc.
15-12-2003, 03:37 AM
Virtua Tennis
I'm looking for that games...
Please if anyone knows a SITE that has them (n-gage Blizzard) post it.
The irc sucks cause it always disconect!!!
Thank you.
15-12-2003, 10:50 AM
Hello, this is my first message in this forum.
I have installed Splinter cell but it does not work, good... if that works but not it sees well. so far it does not work in the 6600, right? only work in n-gage?
15-12-2003, 01:30 PM
Hello, this is my first message in this forum.
I have installed Splinter cell but it does not work, good... if that works but not it sees well. so far it does not work in the 6600, right? only work in n-gage?
it does not work on the 6600!
poor resolution of the game!
15-12-2003, 01:34 PM
well, all games by bosley are meant to work in ngage, so most probably, wun work on 6600. wait for the blz version.
15-12-2003, 02:02 PM
ok :sad: it will wait for to the version blz and to that they fix the pandemonium
thank you
15-12-2003, 04:33 PM
Please tell me how to instal n-gage games on my N6600 and where can I download them for free. One more thing: where can I download blizard.sis file.
Thanks and sorry for bad English! :-o
15-12-2003, 06:13 PM
please help me out mento find BlizzardN-Gage.sis
15-12-2003, 06:44 PM
whoa, u guys dun do a search, dun read the previous posts, and wans ppl to help u? come on man, its been discussed dozens of time, juz search for wat u wan on tis forum, and read more threads.
15-12-2003, 07:07 PM
there are two tomb raider files:
"The first tombraider is a cracked version of the pre-release copy
and the other is the Final retail version"
get the one that says
::: tomb.raider.FINAL.~ :::
that'll have the .blz file
use it along with the Blizzard Installer
hi imranac,
sorry.....wher to get blz installer and all the free n-nage games to play on my nk6600?
thank you
15-12-2003, 11:35 PM
hi imranac,
sorry.....wher to get blz installer and all the free n-nage games to play on my nk6600?
thank you
for de last time..
go to
download mirc from there..
run mirc
connect to
Efnet Random Server
and Join #mediaplace channel
(type /join mediaplace)
ask the guys there.. they will help you!
if you do not understand..
then use the *search* button in this forum just like tzeonn said
and find it!
16-12-2003, 01:16 AM
Virtua Tennis
I'm looking for that Games for 6600. (N-gage)
Also is there any Camcoder for 6600 to capture more than 10sec???
Answer and quickmail me at
[email protected]
16-12-2003, 09:21 AM
u can find all games on irc, efnet, #mediaplace
u can use eti camcorder on ur fone, swtch off audio support for it to work.
Sexy Chick
16-12-2003, 01:55 PM
Anyone know where i can get blizzard to use my 3650 with N-GAGE Games...?
yeah..I'll be getting an 128MB/256MB MMC card in a couple of hours...
will definitely test it and post it here!
anybody who's already got a 6600..
please test it and let us know!
16-12-2003, 02:13 PM
Anyone know where i can get blizzard to use my 3650 with N-GAGE Games...?
dont you guys just read the POST(thread) fully!!
Sexy Chick
16-12-2003, 03:13 PM
Well i've tried that but having trouble.
When you connect to efnet and search for blizzard, it comes up with loads of text... how do you actually download the files ?!
Sorry but i'm only a girl
dont you guys just read the POST(thread) fully!!
16-12-2003, 03:44 PM
Well i've tried that but having trouble.
When you connect to efnet and search for blizzard, it comes up with loads of text... how do you actually download the files ?!
Sorry but i'm only a girl
ask the guys there in mirc.. they'll help you out!
believe me.. its not easy to explain right here in this forum!
but i guess there was a post which has a guide to work on MIRC
search for that.. maybe you'll find it!
P.s.: dont search for blizzard after you connect to efnet..
click on join and type mediaplace
a chat window will open..
there'll be so many users/fservs/ online.. ask them..
search for the guide dudette!
16-12-2003, 06:42 PM
just for your info, here are the list of compatible games for the 3650,6600 and the N-gage:
Here's the list:
::: THE LIST :::
* Working Titles are:
SonicN (v.2.5+)
Puyo Pop (v.2.5+)
Puyo Pop
Tomb Raider
Super Monkey Ball
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
Puyo Pop
Tomb Raider
Super Monkey Ball
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
* Not Working Titles are:
Puzzle Bobble X
Tomb Raider X
Pandemonium X
Super Monkey Ball X
Tony Hawks Pro Skater X
Puzzle Bobble X
* Not Yet Verified Titles are:
some guy said that Puzzle bobble works on his 6600...
but I don't know far this is true...
hi all.........
i just installed MotoGp into nk6600......that's also a MotoGp icon on the main meun but when i click it NOTHING HAPPEN~! any experts out there can help please.....!!
thank you
16-12-2003, 06:58 PM
On the IRc EFNET #mediaplace I downloaded a full working Blz file of Puzzle bubble. it says Puzzle.bubble..... WORKING3650.blz
Enjoy (it's not that great).
16-12-2003, 09:16 PM
hi all.........
i just installed MotoGp into nk6600......that's also a MotoGp icon on the main meun but when i click it NOTHING HAPPEN~! any experts out there can help please.....!!
thank you
urs is the blz file or the bosley cracked one?
or maybe u reinstall again? bosley's crack for moto gp wun work btw.
17-12-2003, 02:40 AM
i use emule to get my games has any one got monkey ball working on there 6600 if so what one i click on it and nothing happens
17-12-2003, 07:40 AM
Super Monkey Ball is working fine on my 6600.
17-12-2003, 07:43 AM
.................................... :rolleyes:
17-12-2003, 08:53 AM
I can't use mIRC nor kazaa with my satllite provider, can someone please just email me the Sonic game. Thanks
<no send mes>
19-12-2003, 08:46 PM
Can anyone please help me and tell me where to find this BLIZ software as i have just bought a 6600.
19-12-2003, 11:09 PM
All N-Gage Games for free on this HTML-Page: Be sure to download the Games fast :smile:
Hope that Nokia will not find and delete it :lol:
Have phun and u from NOKIA too :lol:
20-12-2003, 03:29 PM
imran, tzeonn tks for the useful advice.
ive been trying to save the games but am unable to do so on my 6600. any pointers? or isit charac that the games cannot be saved on 6600.. :-?
20-12-2003, 04:10 PM
wat games u trying to save? its either u save it in the game, or go to options and save. actually, u dun even need to save, i tot it automatically saves the game?
20-12-2003, 04:30 PM
wat games u trying to save? its either u save it in the game, or go to options and save. actually, u dun even need to save, i tot it automatically saves the game?
dude, i duno man. i have tried puzzle bob, red factn, sonic, on clicking options, theres no choice to save the game... not sure if its a setting as part of the OS. any leads? tried installing and reinstalling a few times stil same results...
20-12-2003, 04:37 PM
well, try tis...
set a record in sonic, leave the game, den play the game again, if ur high score is still there, it will save itself. if u wan to save the game itself, im not so sure, mayb u press the soft key in the game? and see wat goes from there?
where are the saved files in anyway?
25-12-2003, 06:42 PM
I have a cracked version of tombraider (system,libs,apps folders and files)?
where i must put them to work!!!
the first directory called "SYSTEM"
pls help :-o :-o
25-12-2003, 08:40 PM
it does not work on the 6600!
poor resolution of the game!
To upperhand any misunderstandings in the future.
Resolution is the amout of PIXELS displayed on the screen i.e. the S60s have a 176x208 resoltion.
What Imran means is that the N-Gage only has 4096 colors, the 6600 has 65k colors!
26-12-2003, 02:56 AM
I have a cracked version of tombraider (system,libs,apps folders and files)?
where i must put them to work!!!
the first directory called "SYSTEM"
pls help :-o :-o
open the folders till the tomb raider folder, (system/app/tomb raider), copy to the system/app on ur fone, so it looks like tis e:/system/app/tomb. den rem to send the lib files to the lib folder in ur fone too.
27-12-2003, 05:12 AM
Hi guys !
Tried to transfer sonic.blz into my memory card root directory using PC Suite and Bluetooth but I've got a message saying "the peripheral is not ready...".
I can only transfer to an E existing folder, not to the root folder.
Then the blizzard installer cannot see sonic and therefore can't install it. :evil:
Any advice ?
27-12-2003, 07:50 AM
use a file manager like fexplorer to move it then.
29-12-2003, 01:55 PM
Right, but how do you move the files using Fexplorer.
There is no "Files/Move" !
Try to manage using cut & paste but this doesn't work with big files...
Any advice?
29-12-2003, 01:59 PM
Also I managed to install Poyo Pop and it works. :)
But all "small" others like Sonic or Puzzlz bubble, once installed, don't work when clicking on their icon.
Why ??
29-12-2003, 02:26 PM
Also I managed to install Poyo Pop and it works. :)
But all "small" others like Sonic or Puzzlz bubble, once installed, don't work when clicking on their icon.
Why ??
wat fone u using?
for sonic to work, u need to go to flight mode using system tools, unless theres nth in ur fone.
get the puzzle bobble fixed version.
29-12-2003, 04:33 PM
Using 6600...
I'll try Sonic on flight mode
Thanks !!
29-12-2003, 06:09 PM
Using 6600...
I'll try Sonic on flight mode
Thanks !!
u dun need flight mode on 6600 to play, get another version of sonic from irc.
03-01-2004, 12:15 AM
can someone post an up to date list of working games for the n6600, i'm getting rid of my n-gage for one tomorrow. Oh and whether we need the fixes or not and whether they are blz or bosley.
Great job people
03-01-2004, 09:06 AM
can someone post an up to date list of working games for the n6600, i'm getting rid of my n-gage for one tomorrow. Oh and whether we need the fixes or not and whether they are blz or bosley.
Great job people
well, all the blz versions shld work, ppl having prob wif pandemonium thou. and u need the final version of puzzle bobble.
04-01-2004, 12:20 PM
fifa 2004 works on the 6600!!
04-01-2004, 12:37 PM
well, all the blz versions shld work, ppl having prob wif pandemonium thou. and u need the final version of puzzle bobble.
thanks for helpin me out with the replies pal!
happy new year to you!
04-01-2004, 01:45 PM
thanks for helpin me out with the replies pal!
happy new year to you!
new yr to u too mate, but... u got fifa 2004 to work on 6600? the ngage game or the java game? coz mani cant get the ngage fifa to work.
04-01-2004, 04:02 PM
new yr to u too mate, but... u got fifa 2004 to work on 6600? the ngage game or the java game? coz mani cant get the ngage fifa to work.
I got it working..
Fifa 2004 Ngage
here's what I did..
get the Fifa 2004 Ngage System Folder [ROM] from mIRC or Shareaza
copy the system folder to the root dir...
plug in the MMC and restart the phone..
the fifa icon shows on the on it to play..
if it doesn't work.. here's what you do:
get the 'NCAA Ngage System folder' [ROM] as well
copy the system folder to the root dir and replace [overwrite] the libraries or dlls (gamecomm.dll and game*.dll)..
now try fifa.. it should work!
well.. it worked for me!!
I even played a multiplayer game..[thats how I realised first that it worked]
and..I think its better if u just copy the library file [libs folder] in your systems directory than copying the whole game..
if this fails.. i'll think of something to do..maybe i'll try to upload the working version of my Fifa 2004 somewhere.. sometime later...
simple steps:
copy fifa
copy NCAA
play fifa
hope I helped!
Happy Gaming and happy new year to all!
05-01-2004, 05:02 AM
well, i dun use a 6600, so i dun really noe, but its great u can play it on 6600.
05-01-2004, 11:50 AM
there are some problems with Fifa on the 6600..
sometimes the fifa 2004 Ngage doesn't work at all..
sometimes it works fine!
but it works very well on the Multiplayer option!!
[both HOSTing and JOINing modes]
keep trying!!
05-01-2004, 12:21 PM kinda new with this phone..and you guys kept mentioning bout deleting some files from c:/system/apps or something like thta.
now my question is how do i get to this...cuz i kept reformating my mmc every time i wanna delete blzinstaller or puzzle.blz
ur help would be greatly appreciated. :)
05-01-2004, 12:52 PM
get a SeleQ or FExplorer installed.. u can then access to those folders
06-01-2004, 10:55 AM
I got it working..
Fifa 2004 Ngage
here's what I did..
get the Fifa 2004 Ngage System Folder [ROM] from mIRC or Shareaza
copy the system folder to the root dir...
plug in the MMC and restart the phone..
the fifa icon shows on the on it to play..
if it doesn't work.. here's what you do:
get the 'NCAA Ngage System folder' [ROM] as well
copy the system folder to the root dir and replace [overwrite] the libraries or dlls (gamecomm.dll and game*.dll)..
now try fifa.. it should work!
well.. it worked for me!!
I even played a multiplayer game..[thats how I realised first that it worked]
and..I think its better if u just copy the library file [libs folder] in your systems directory than copying the whole game..
if this fails.. i'll think of something to do..maybe i'll try to upload the working version of my Fifa 2004 somewhere.. sometime later...
simple steps:
copy fifa
copy NCAA
play fifa
hope I helped!
Happy Gaming and happy new year to all!
Tried it and it still don't work, maybe have to wait for blz, NCAA works but is an absolute pile
06-01-2004, 11:39 AM
The new games like Fifa 2004, Red Faction, Sega Rally etc.... would they work on the Nokia 6600? Or is it only for the N-Gage?
06-01-2004, 05:04 PM
The new games like Fifa 2004, Red Faction, Sega Rally etc.... would they work on the Nokia 6600? Or is it only for the N-Gage?
I haven't managed to get fifa to work, but someone on here has done it, red faction works with the blz file, sega rally, won't know until it's out. Generally all blz files work on the 6600
07-01-2004, 10:53 AM
Heh, stop spreading false info. There is no difference between the Blz and the Bosley/Engage versions. They both have the exact same files in. Not only that, but i very much doubt blz are releasing any more N-Gage games, since theres no need for it.
07-01-2004, 10:59 AM
Heh, stop spreading false info. There is no difference between the Blz and the Bosley/Engage versions. They both have the exact same files in. Not only that, but i very much doubt blz are releasing any more N-Gage games, since theres no need for it.
Get off your high horse, I was asking a valid point, not all bosely games work on the n6600, so that does indicate a difference in file distribution
07-01-2004, 11:05 AM
There is no difference at all. The files are exactly the same, believe me. Look - Pandemonium Blz doesnt work on 6600 properly. Neither does my plain files version. Fifa doesnt work on 6600 properly either, and it will need a fix to work which i doubt Blz are going to do. They will go by scene rules and not re-release a working release. You say not all Bosley/Engage games work on 6600, neither do some Blz because some will just not work! We just happened to release the games that didnt work on it, thats all. Splinter Cell has a colour problem, not our fault, and Fifa 2004 has some kind of protection, although we are not quite sure about it yet.
07-01-2004, 11:20 AM
Fair point
07-01-2004, 04:17 PM
Hi ppl..!
For your reference..
These are the N-gage games that work on the 6600:
* Working Titles:
Puyo Pop
Puzzle Bobble (Fixed Version)
Pandemonium (Error after level 1)
Tomb Raider
Super Monkey Ball (No Sound)
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
MLB Slam
Rayman 3 (Crouch+walk *diagonal movement* problem)
Splinter Cell (Graphics *colours* not supported)
Fifa 2004 (Only Multiplayer *bluetooth* mode works)
please don't ask where to get 'em...
for the millionth time.. get it from mIRC...!!
And No send MEs too!!!
All the files' sizes are well above 3MB! try to understand that!
09-01-2004, 04:35 AM
Just wondering, how to actually remove all those N-Gage files installed by blzinsapp. They are not appeared in Manager. Somehow, if there is a list of files for each .blz package, we can manually delete them using SeleQ or any other file manager :rolleyes:
09-01-2004, 02:18 PM
Just wondering, how to actually remove all those N-Gage files installed by blzinsapp. They are not appeared in Manager. Somehow, if there is a list of files for each .blz package, we can manually delete them using SeleQ or any other file manager :rolleyes:
Use Seleq..
go to E:\ drive (MMC)
browse to E:\System\Apps\
you'l find the game folder there..
say E:\System\Apps\SonicN
delete the game folder to delete the game..
manually deleting it wont delete everything (like the libraries and DLLs)
but it'll delete most of the game though..
you can delete the Save Game files on your C:\ drive..
09-01-2004, 04:04 PM
Hi Imran,
I'm an Indian too. :)
Where can find that blizzard software you mentioned? I tried three of the sites you posted but to no avail as they are not in English. Please help me as I have just brought a new 6600 and I am really looking for some good games and applications.
The links are:
And does anyone has a good site address for good applications?
09-01-2004, 04:42 PM
Hi Imran,
I'm an Indian too. :)
Where can find that blizzard software you mentioned? I tried three of the sites you posted but to no avail as they are not in English. Please help me as I have just brought a new 6600 and I am really looking for some good games and applications.
The links are:
And does anyone has a good site address for good applications?
irc, efnet server, #mediaplace.
Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone knew where I could get a copy of the Blizzard.sis file?
Just kidding....
seriously though, to download the files can i just use the nokia software that came with the phone and my computers infrared port? Or do i need to buy a a bluetooth or cable shindig??
apologies if this has already been discussed, i did try a search first.
Cheers in advance this forum rules!!!
12-01-2004, 02:41 PM
TOke, u dun need to install the pc suite, but can u let me noe, juz wat fone u using 1st.
i juz send files by right clicking, den send to irda/bt.
and irda is pathetically slow, imagine u wanna send a movie...
so, y not get a bt, or better, mmc card reader?
if u r using a ngage, everything is much easier wif the supplied usb cable.
Im using a 6600, so the only method of uploading stuff is via Ir. I can get a bluetooth dongle really cheaply but where can i get a mmc readfer beraing in mind that i live in the UK??
12-01-2004, 03:23 PM
Im using a 6600, so the only method of uploading stuff is via Ir. I can get a bluetooth dongle really cheaply but where can i get a mmc readfer beraing in mind that i live in the UK??
try ebay, really cheap on there
cheap on they are not!!! good idea though. I think I'll stick with the Bluetooth it's cooler anyway.
Has anyone heard of an app that lets you use your 6600 as an mp3 player?
Someone i know claims to have one....
that would be sweeeeet
12-01-2004, 05:11 PM
cheap on they are not!!! good idea though. I think I'll stick with the Bluetooth it's cooler anyway.
Has anyone heard of an app that lets you use your 6600 as an mp3 player?
Someone i know claims to have one....
that would be sweeeeet
well, mp3player, mp3go, ultramp3, advanced real one player, some tt can play mp3s.
12-01-2004, 05:57 PM
ULTRA MP3 ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its da BEST !
its kinda like WINAMP
i hav cracked VERSION :D :lol: :D :lol: :D
12-01-2004, 07:21 PM
i think you all have wrong info about the RAM of the mobile fones you guys are using..i know that the RAM of 3650 and 6600 is only 379kb not 10 mb or 3 mb..if you want proof here it is..have you guys installed the program SeleQ on your fones? run the program and you will see 4 drives c: d: e: z:.. c: is the internal memory of the fone d: is the RAM e: is the mmc and z: is the ROM drive..if you wanna see the size and type of each highlight the drive letter then press options then file then click on properties you will see the general details of the drive like the capacity and the free then if you press going right you will see the details where the type of memory written and i can clearly read the 3 letters RAM. i dont know where you guys got the 10 mb RAM..could someone explain to me where the 10mb figure came from? tnx in advance :)
13-01-2004, 12:48 AM
cheap on they are not!!! good idea though. I think I'll stick with the Bluetooth it's cooler anyway.
Has anyone heard of an app that lets you use your 6600 as an mp3 player?
Someone i know claims to have one....
that would be sweeeeet
Cheap they R, I think £10 inc Postage for one is good, better than the 20 to 30 quids in the shops
13-01-2004, 02:02 AM
i think you all have wrong info about the RAM of the mobile fones you guys are using..i know that the RAM of 3650 and 6600 is only 379kb not 10 mb or 3 mb..if you want proof here it is..have you guys installed the program SeleQ on your fones? run the program and you will see 4 drives c: d: e: z:.. c: is the internal memory of the fone d: is the RAM e: is the mmc and z: is the ROM drive..if you wanna see the size and type of each highlight the drive letter then press options then file then click on properties you will see the general details of the drive like the capacity and the free then if you press going right you will see the details where the type of memory written and i can clearly read the 3 letters RAM. i dont know where you guys got the 10 mb RAM..could someone explain to me where the 10mb figure came from? tnx in advance :)
379 kb? no no, ngage has 11++ mb, and i use fexplorer to see. no way ram can be so low, u cant run anything wif tt amt.
where, where greenturnip? Your e-bay navigation skills are impressive indeed... the closest i can find is a USB data cable for 28 squid!
is this the same ting?
will the bluetooth dongle be sufficient enough for the downloads?
what shops sell the cable?
why do toasters have settings that burn the toast!!!?
13-01-2004, 03:56 PM
where, where greenturnip? Your e-bay navigation skills are impressive indeed... the closest i can find is a USB data cable for 28 squid!
is this the same ting?
will the bluetooth dongle be sufficient enough for the downloads?
what shops sell the cable?
why do toasters have settings that burn the toast!!!?
LOL, Just search using 'MMC' and the reader and writers will be among the results, but here are a few links to help you
Bluetooth will work, but I never got on with it, the good thing about a card reader, its just like haveing the n-gage where the disk comes up as a storage device so you can put files easily where you want instead of moving them about on the phone using a fexplorer etc
And regarding the toaster, the setting is for toasting frozen bread :)
Hope this all helps
14-01-2004, 03:25 PM
379 kb? no no, ngage has 11++ mb, and i use fexplorer to see. no way ram can be so low, u cant run anything wif tt amt.
Yup it is 379 kb..but you did not read my article right. i said that the 3650 and 6600 ONLY has 379 kb of RAM not the N-gage. I dont have a clue how much RAM the N-gage has because i never had it. please read carefully :)
14-01-2004, 04:20 PM
Yup it is 379 kb..but you did not read my article right. i said that the 3650 and 6600 ONLY has 379 kb of RAM not the N-gage. I dont have a clue how much RAM the N-gage has because i never had it. please read carefully :)
oh, ok, my fault, but no way it can be tt low too.
my 3650 got 3 mb ram.
6600 onli 379? impossible. guess its not the ram, but sth else eh.
Greenturnip you are a true legend...
and you're sure these are compatible with a 6600 mmc?
by the by, my toaster has a seperate button for frozen toast yet still has settings that burn the toast.... explain that....
(In addition when I see a sign that says 'wet paint' why do i always have to touch the affected area to see if it's actually wet?)
15-01-2004, 12:35 AM
Greenturnip you are a true legend...
and you're sure these are compatible with a 6600 mmc?
by the by, my toaster has a seperate button for frozen toast yet still has settings that burn the toast.... explain that....
(In addition when I see a sign that says 'wet paint' why do i always have to touch the affected area to see if it's actually wet?)
I've got the PQI reader/writer and it works fine with the MMC in my 6600
Well, now that you have thrown the button in i'd have to say that it may be for the more thicker slices of bread, and maybe crumpets as they do take longer to toast
I'm afraid I can't help with te wet paint theory
15-01-2004, 05:13 PM
Greenturnip you are a true legend...
and you're sure these are compatible with a 6600 mmc?
by the by, my toaster has a seperate button for frozen toast yet still has settings that burn the toast.... explain that....
(In addition when I see a sign that says 'wet paint' why do i always have to touch the affected area to see if it's actually wet?)
u din noe it works?
yup, legends are made like tis, hehe, the rest get flamed :D
15-01-2004, 09:33 PM
hi evry1
isnt there a website (not mirc) that has all these programs 4 playin n-gage games?
and will the games work well on my 3650?
16-01-2004, 12:27 AM
hi evry1
isnt there a website (not mirc) that has all these programs 4 playin n-gage games?
and will the games work well on my 3650?
PLease no one reply to this, if this guy is even to lazy to READ then let him rot!!!
16-01-2004, 08:55 AM
hi evry1
isnt there a website (not mirc) that has all these programs 4 playin n-gage games?
and will the games work well on my 3650?
not tt we are not willing to help, any sites hosting ngage games will be closed by nokia.
use irc, u dun noe, too bad, tts ur problem.
20-01-2004, 07:36 PM
PLease no one reply to this, if this guy is even to lazy to READ then let him rot!!!
theres no need to run mouth, if you dont want to answer me then dont.
you also dont have to get exited because your on the internet.
21-01-2004, 01:17 AM
learn to use irc mate. it has everything u will need.
21-01-2004, 11:16 AM
Hey guys...
I could'nt found BlizzardN-Gage.SIS in #mediaplace.
What I found was Is that the same file?
It has these files...
I don't have a RAR decompressor.
Please help...
21-01-2004, 05:56 PM
Hey guys...
I could'nt found BlizzardN-Gage.SIS in #mediaplace.
What I found was Is that the same file?
It has these files...
I don't have a RAR decompressor.
Please help...
ya, tts the one, u haf to extract the rar file.
if u dun haf winrar, get it! do a search on for winrar.
21-01-2004, 07:38 PM
ya, tts the one, u haf to extract the rar file.
if u dun haf winrar, get it! do a search on for winrar.
21-01-2004, 08:12 PM
is it only sonicN that works on the 3650?
i tried tomb raider but it says system error.
any ideas?
22-01-2004, 05:09 AM
i think you all have wrong info about the RAM of the mobile fones you guys are using..i know that the RAM of 3650 and 6600 is only 379kb not 10 mb or 3 mb..if you want proof here it is..have you guys installed the program SeleQ on your fones? run the program and you will see 4 drives c: d: e: z:.. c: is the internal memory of the fone d: is the RAM e: is the mmc and z: is the ROM drive..if you wanna see the size and type of each highlight the drive letter then press options then file then click on properties you will see the general details of the drive like the capacity and the free then if you press going right you will see the details where the type of memory written and i can clearly read the 3 letters RAM. i dont know where you guys got the 10 mb RAM..could someone explain to me where the 10mb figure came from? tnx in advance :)
first of all lol second if you mean the d: it is the sim card size how mutch space that have 3. there are no way you can run a hole os with so poor ram or eks a kamera or a game++++ use memory monitor to show the ram get it on 8-)
d: its used for the wap cache and wap
22-01-2004, 07:15 AM
is it only sonicN that works on the 3650?
i tried tomb raider but it says system error.
any ideas?
onli 4 games work, sonic, puyo pop, mlb and puzzle bobble
mlb might not work for u, needs some luck getting it to work, puzzle bobble can b played wifout going into flight mode or wat.
Mark Hoepfl
22-01-2004, 07:25 AM
hey tzeonn,
i was wondering if you can PLEASE help me!
i have been posting on the nokia flash forum for awhile and have a 6600 phone.
i have some ngage games on it and have been having MAJOR problems trying to get mame to work on it. i have also had problems now with some other ngage games...i have read the forum and posted messages but still stuck...
i then did a search and noticed you live in singapore which is great as so do i!
i was wondering if there was any way, whenever you have some spare time (i am in singapore over CNY - happy new year by the way!), if i could meet you somewhere in singapore and perhaps you can please help me out. i am prepared to pay for your time, or even we just meet over lunch or dinner, my treat.
i live in chinatown but can meet you wherever...
my hand phone number is 9639 0015
my email is
[email protected] (this is my work email which i use for all emails - panalpina is a international freight company)
it would be MUCH appreciated if you could please help me....
also, i noticed on your profile you like basketball. FYI, we have a group of guys (aussies, americans, locals) that meet up ever sat AM near kallang MRT to play basketball, you are most welcome to join in if you wish....
22-01-2004, 08:17 AM
hey mark, nice noeing tt u stay in singapore. regarding emame, i wish i can help, but i haf no knowledge of emame watsoever, coz i nv tried it yet. for the rest, i will use msn or sms to contact u, esp the part bout bball, coz i stay aljunied!!! v near kallang!
will contact u again mate.
Mark Hoepfl
22-01-2004, 08:42 AM
thanks mate. i am not on msn, so just send me an sms.
22-01-2004, 10:05 AM
thanks mate. i am not on msn, so just send me an sms.
k man, maybe after CNY, im celebrating!!! hehehe.
Mark Hoepfl
22-01-2004, 01:15 PM
we will definitely be playing next week. we play in the AM and the court is actually in the shade which is great.
hey, can u pls also email me at
[email protected] as i want to ask you some quesitons re the 6600...
24-01-2004, 11:47 PM
Hi everyone!
Just wanna say thanks first, this is a great forum that has helped me out loads!
I've got a bit of advice that might help some people (Newbs especially) out. When I first got into putting ngage games on my 6600 I had a problem.
I was copying the files to my 64meg MMC using a mem card reader. Then when I went to the BLZ installer APP it wasn't recognising a game to install.
I got round this when I noticed that as soon as I moved the game file to another folder on the MMC using Fexplorer, that the BLZ APP recognised it!
Hope this helps someone out.
Just to join in the Toaster debate, I have a question. Why is it that crumpets take longer to toast than normal toast?
I know they probably have a bigger density or whatever than toast, but surely that should be cancelled out by it's greater thickness and therefore closerness to the fiery strips of metal?
I dunno, we can master the art of using our phones as NGAGEs, but toast is beyond the best of us!
As this is my first post I feel obliged to ask the following (Including Spelling Misookes of course!) :
1 : What is Mirc?
2 : Where can I found the Blitzer installer apploocation?
3 : Will Sonic-N work on my 8210?
4 : Can my 6600 play regular DVDees?
I'm joking of course! :D
Have fun guys!
25-01-2004, 05:54 AM
mIRC is a prog for internet chat relay. u can get files from irc, read my faq here:
u cant play sonic on 8210, its pretty obvious y, and im surprised u asked.
u cant play dvds, but u can play dvd movies converted into .rm or other compatible format for ur fone. all on irc.
26-01-2004, 12:36 AM
mIRC is a prog for internet chat relay. u can get files from irc, read my faq here:
u cant play sonic on 8210, its pretty obvious y, and im surprised u asked.
u cant play dvds, but u can play dvd movies converted into .rm or other compatible format for ur fone. all on irc.
Cheers for replying to my Post, I was kidding with all the questions, they were supposed to be making fun of all the people who don't read the forum properly then ask silly questions!
Thanks for your help anyway!
Anyone know where we can get an XP compatible version of the excellent theme studio from Nokia?
26-01-2004, 04:26 PM
I have a Nokia 6600 and have been trying the whole week to play Tomb Raider and Tony Hawk on it. But no luck. Sonic N works, as did the first level of Pandemonium. Virtua Tennis also works perfectly.
Somehow Tony Hawk and Tomb Raider won't install. blzinstapp just quits, after unpacking about 7 MB of the package. I have a 128 MB MMC card with 95 MB free, so that should be sufficient. I used my default bluetooth program to transfer the .blz file, which seems to work just fine.
I also downloaded a non-blz version of Tomb Raider and tried copying all the files to the phone using zip files. That went great and for the first time ever, I got the Tomb Raider icon in my menu. But it won't start.
I also tried re-downloading the .blz files, but all different versions give me the same problem.
What could be the problem? I just want Blz Installer to unpack the files correctly.
26-01-2004, 07:32 PM
blzinstapp just quits, after unpacking about 7 MB of the package
Don't be upset!
according to what you have said, try to avoid ur screen saver from coming out while installing. It may help to install it smoothly.
26-01-2004, 09:42 PM
I have a Nokia 6600 and have been trying the whole week to play Tomb Raider and Tony Hawk on it. But no luck. Sonic N works, as did the first level of Pandemonium. Virtua Tennis also works perfectly.
Somehow Tony Hawk and Tomb Raider won't install. blzinstapp just quits, after unpacking about 7 MB of the package. I have a 128 MB MMC card with 95 MB free, so that should be sufficient. I used my default bluetooth program to transfer the .blz file, which seems to work just fine.
I also downloaded a non-blz version of Tomb Raider and tried copying all the files to the phone using zip files. That went great and for the first time ever, I got the Tomb Raider icon in my menu. But it won't start.
I also tried re-downloading the .blz files, but all different versions give me the same problem.
What could be the problem? I just want Blz Installer to unpack the files correctly.
turn off your screensaver (or set it on 10 minutes) while unpacking with your blzinstaller
Thnks to my man on the inside - Greenturnip, my 6600 is now ruded up to the max. but i have to admit some of the games are a little bit disappointing... tony hawks for example is amazing to look at but completely impossible to control with the little pissy black joystick. I have similar problems with sonic and my thumb has a constant indent...
so riddle me this:
which games are the best on the 6600? tomb raider and mosquito are my personal favs at the moment.
(also: seatbelts on planes: why bother?)
Thnks to my man on the inside - Greenturnip, my 6600 is now ruded up to the max. but i have to admit some of the games are a little bit disappointing... tony hawks for example is amazing to look at but completely impossible to control with the little pissy black joystick. I have similar problems with sonic and my thumb has a constant indent...
so riddle me this:
which games are the best on the 6600? tomb raider and mosquito are my personal favs at the moment.
(also: seatbelts on planes: why bother?)
i like puyopop
29-01-2004, 12:01 AM
Hi ppl..!
For your reference..
These are the N-gage games that work on the 6600:
* Working Titles:
Puyo Pop
Puzzle Bobble (Fixed Version)
Pandemonium (Error after level 1)
Tomb Raider
Super Monkey Ball (No Sound)
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
MLB Slam
Rayman 3 (Crouch+walk *diagonal movement* problem)
Splinter Cell (Graphics *colours* not supported)
Fifa 2004 (Only Multiplayer *bluetooth* mode works)
please don't ask where to get 'em...
for the millionth time.. get it from mIRC...!!
And No send MEs too!!!
All the files' sizes are well above 3MB! try to understand that!
does anyone of u experienced sound thread closed upon exiting MLB slam? and the MLB slam icon still appears at the task manager and could not be closed. Am using 6600 by the way.
29-01-2004, 12:36 AM
Yep MLB Slam does have that problem, use application manager to kill the thread afterwards.
My Fav game has to be Tomb Raider, I did like Fifa when i had the n-gage, but it aint working at the moment for the 6600, i could also say the same thing for red faction
29-01-2004, 02:19 AM
how do u get fifa to work on 6600? please tell me m8.
29-01-2004, 06:04 AM
how do u get fifa to work on 6600? please tell me m8.
it wun work on 6600. heard bt multiplay works, cant confirm tt thou.
29-01-2004, 10:35 AM
get it from here!
I have written a guide on playing the N-gage games on this forum..
Use the search option in this forum!
The MMC should be >=16MB
by de way.. I am from de south..
Why can't I access to the link site at all? Please help!
29-01-2004, 11:09 AM
Why can't I access to the link site at all? Please help!
You'll be pushed to find any link that works, as Nokia close them down quite sharpish. As everyone on here says, use mIrc, it works for me and its eay to use. And before anyone asks how to use it, do a search
29-01-2004, 01:04 PM
Has anyone managed to pass the part in Rayman 3 where you have to crouch+walk.??? (diagonal movement)
Also I noticed thay Splinter Cell graphics are very bad due to the 65000colours display . The funny thing is that WHEN you lose a life and the "mission failed" appears.... the graphics and the colours are fine.... So there is no problem with the display... we just need to find a patch file to fix it.
Also notice that some companied are using the crouch+walk and the bad colours on purpose ... it is a good way to protect the games for being played on other mobiles.
29-01-2004, 01:18 PM
I managed to find a savegame for Rayman3 but it is a finished game.... so there is no way to play all the previous levels... since all the gold balls are already collected. Is there anyone with N-GAGE that can give as a save-game just after the crouch movement in level 2
29-01-2004, 01:24 PM
I'm so glad that I'm getting my N-gage tomorrow.
I will be having a professional Nokia 6600 in my left pocket and a gaming N-gage in my right pocket. :lol:
My friends are envious already with my 6600. Wonder what damage will be caused when they see my N-gage ... :D
29-01-2004, 03:23 PM
I'm so glad that I'm getting my N-gage tomorrow.
I will be having a professional Nokia 6600 in my left pocket and a gaming N-gage in my right pocket. :lol:
My friends are envious already with my 6600. Wonder what damage will be caused when they see my N-gage ... :D
damage? collateral... lol.
04-02-2004, 11:04 AM
I've done all the necessary steps to install sonic in my 6600 and i found the file their in the BLZ installer, when i try to install it gives me this message Note enough disk space unpacking.
then another message App closed blizinsta pp
i thought that u dont have enough space on my 16 MB MMC so i deleted lot of applications and games and i treid installing several times with turing of and on the mobile but nothin worked,
any one can help.
04-02-2004, 12:48 PM
[i tried several times to down load your apploads but nothin working, also i have some questions if you can help:
1- i tried installing Sonic on my 6600 but it never works i did insall the Blz installer and even i got the sonic title their but when try to install it give me this selly message-Note enough disk space unpacking.aborting?? then App closed Blz installed?
i deleted lot of files as i assumed their is no enough space to unpack but i dont know nothin happened?
2-i always got this message whwn i'm playing with heavy games like Saga of stone or steel bluster -Appl closed ??? i dont know why??
3-some application consumes a portion of the phone memory regardless that i'm installing it on the MMC???
4- what is the the meanining of platform application game??
thanx alot
05-02-2004, 07:43 PM
I downloaded fifa from mediaplace at the frontpage,but after puting it on the mmc and puting it back in the phone EVERYTHING was lost.How? i dont know.after formating and trying again, the same thing happend.
And the same with the other games on the frontpage on mediaplace.
Is it the card,the mmc card reader,or maybe the phone.
Please can someone help me,or dous someone got the same problem?
06-02-2004, 02:10 AM
hi there, ive downloaded the blz installer onto the mmc card, but when trying to install tombraider over bluetooth, it defaults to saving it in the text message inbox, and as such runs out of memory before its installed, i'm using a crappy mitsumi bluetooth adaptor, so pc suite doesnt work, is there any way to install it directly to the mmc card rather than c: i have the tombraider.blz file jus tdont know how to get the file onto the mmc card? is a mmc card reader/writer going to be the easiest solution?
thanks..any help much appreciated.
06-02-2004, 03:19 AM
no you need to use pc suite to place the app in the other folder
or you could yous a card reader if you have one?
sorry for the bad news :rolleyes:
06-02-2004, 09:37 AM
hi there, ive downloaded the blz installer onto the mmc card, but when trying to install tombraider over bluetooth, it defaults to saving it in the text message inbox, and as such runs out of memory before its installed, i'm using a crappy mitsumi bluetooth adaptor, so pc suite doesnt work, is there any way to install it directly to the mmc card rather than c: i have the tombraider.blz file jus tdont know how to get the file onto the mmc card? is a mmc card reader/writer going to be the easiest solution?
thanks..any help much appreciated.
go to messages, options, settings, other, set mem in use to mmc.
den use a file explorer like fexplorer or seleq to move the files. files from ur inbox are in e:/system/mail/(1st folder), and its in 1 of the 16 folders, labelled 0-9, a-f.
when moving files, wait a lil while, the bigger the file, the longer to move it.
good luck mate.
06-02-2004, 09:39 AM
[i tried several times to down load your apploads but nothin working, also i have some questions if you can help:
1- i tried installing Sonic on my 6600 but it never works i did insall the Blz installer and even i got the sonic title their but when try to install it give me this selly message-Note enough disk space unpacking.aborting?? then App closed Blz installed?
i deleted lot of files as i assumed their is no enough space to unpack but i dont know nothin happened?
2-i always got this message whwn i'm playing with heavy games like Saga of stone or steel bluster -Appl closed ??? i dont know why??
3-some application consumes a portion of the phone memory regardless that i'm installing it on the MMC???
4- what is the the meanining of platform application game??
thanx alot
hold menu and see wat app are running, press c to close them. not enough mem doesnt mean low in mem, could b ram is low. or juz restart fone, and try again.
any app/games installed, when runned, will take up ram.
not sure bout the platform application game. hehe.
06-02-2004, 09:59 AM
i'll be short guys...
i have money to buy either a n-gage + headphone + 64MB MMC
or only 6600 (no accessories)
i'm not interested in having a camera... interested in 8 way direction joypad, that leaves me n-gage...
all the people who post have n6600... if i get n-gage, then i can't have the cracked versions (do i have to buy the original games)... or will it be the same as n6600 (i can install blitzer on n-gage and run cracked games from ngage from the 64 mmc i'll buy?)
don't worry, i know where to get the files from irc (i read the posts :D )
plz i need the guy who answers me to HAVE an N-gage and tried out what i asked for..
thx a million
one last question (for guys who have both ngage and 6600):
Does gamephone (GB emulator) run faster on ngage or 6600, or runs same speed on both?!
06-02-2004, 06:33 PM
i'll be short guys...
i have money to buy either a n-gage + headphone + 64MB MMC
or only 6600 (no accessories)
i'm not interested in having a camera... interested in 8 way direction joypad, that leaves me n-gage...
all the people who post have n6600... if i get n-gage, then i can't have the cracked versions (do i have to buy the original games)... or will it be the same as n6600 (i can install blitzer on n-gage and run cracked games from ngage from the 64 mmc i'll buy?)
don't worry, i know where to get the files from irc (i read the posts :D )
plz i need the guy who answers me to HAVE an N-gage and tried out what i asked for..
thx a million
one last question (for guys who have both ngage and 6600):
Does gamephone (GB emulator) run faster on ngage or 6600, or runs same speed on both?!
not sure bout gamephone, but ngage games work 100% on ngage, except for arena, which is disabled. get the ngage, more worth ur money.
07-02-2004, 05:50 PM
not sure bout gamephone, but ngage games work 100% on ngage, except for arena, which is disabled. get the ngage, more worth ur money.
N-gage doesn't have a camera, that is one of the greatest lacks ever.
Nokia 6600 has the best Phonecamera on the market today
07-02-2004, 06:54 PM
N-gage doesn't have a camera, that is one of the greatest lacks ever.
Nokia 6600 has the best Phonecamera on the market today
yea agree. its up to wat the individual wants, cheap gaming fone or a more ex cam fone.
08-02-2004, 01:18 AM
what is url
URL: Universal Resource Locator a.k.a. WEB ADDRESS
08-02-2004, 11:14 AM
I've tried what you said but still giving me the same selly message :-o
08-02-2004, 05:10 PM
I've tried what you said but still giving me the same selly message :-o
how bout, use an app called system tools, den compress ram wif it?
08-02-2004, 07:40 PM
yea agree. its up to wat the individual wants, cheap gaming fone or a more ex cam fone.
yeah man, main reasons are 6600 hard handling of n-gage games, and lack of stereo,
I can live with that,
10-02-2004, 02:27 AM
Anyone else agree that Virtua Tennis on the Ngage and 6600 is pretty lame?!!
Looking at the graphics of tombraider and pandemonium it's clear that they didn't try very hard with V tennis at all!!
Someone get working on a stick on joypad for the 6600!!! My thumb is bleeding as I write this
I'm sure sonic games never used to be so hard!
Anyone mastered the Art of Ripping a DVD then converting it to nokia sized movie using the Real Helix producer? If anyone knows a good site with a guide to doing it on that would be great!
We need some more Ngage games, the scenes really dried up at the moment.
10-02-2004, 03:17 AM
HI ...
10-02-2004, 07:58 AM
this is my first post :D
yesh ima noob but got one quick question,
gona get a 6600 soon and was wonderin
if the blz or ngage games will b fun. Meaning since that it
has an only 4 way joystick and i can imagine ppl placing
their hands all wierd on the phone just to play.
whoever gotz a 6600 plz reply.
Is the controls good?
or at least usuable?
THNKZ!!! :D :D
10-02-2004, 01:38 PM
the games are on irc. muz haf mentioned mani times. but heck...
due to lack of diag keys on 6600, some games are hard to play, like thps, fifa, and u cant get past rayman 3.
other games, u cant play at all, like pandemonium, which dun let u play after lvl 2, splintercell, wif real weird colors.
u wan the games, go use irc. wat? u dunno how to?
dun worry, go to:
these 2 forums haf some faqs tt might help u. join and help contribute there, its new and still relatively bare!
cheers, happy gaming mates.
10-02-2004, 11:30 PM
Here it is man, Relax,
You're not the only one who has been searchin his fingers blue...
Just click the link....
<link taken down>
11-02-2004, 02:03 AM
this is my first post :D
yesh ima noob but got one quick question,
gona get a 6600 soon and was wonderin
if the blz or ngage games will b fun. Meaning since that it
has an only 4 way joystick and i can imagine ppl placing
their hands all wierd on the phone just to play.
whoever gotz a 6600 plz reply.
Is the controls good?
or at least usuable?
THNKZ!!! :D :D
I've got a 6600 and have got to admit that playing N-gage games on it is trickier than with the N-gage pad. I've tried almost all the games out on the 6600, Tomb raider works well because Lara runs forwards constantly with one quick push of UP so you can let go of the stick and steer left and right while she legs it forward. Sonic is playable, but after about an hour you might have an indent in your thumb!!! Red faction works ok cause you can switch the control to the keypad being left right forward n back, V tennis is okish to control but not very good anyway, Puyo Pop is fine cause it's easy on the pad anyway, erm... Pandemonium is ok too, someone needs to invent like a stick on little joystick for the 6600!!
I can just see some people out there going crazy and taking a screwdriver ot their 6600 to mod it!
In summary, you can definately play the games ok, just not as easy as Ngage.
Lets hope the bods at Nokia don't cotton onto the simplicity of the Rayman Crouch / Walk copy protection!!
11-02-2004, 02:40 AM
thx a lot abby :lol:
do any of u 6600 pros think
it will ever be possible that someone
super smart could figure out a way to
actually enjoy these coOlz games?
kK thx
latezz ppL!
11-02-2004, 12:24 PM
well, get an ngage, hehe.
darn great of nokia to miss out the diag keys eh.
11-02-2004, 12:25 PM
I reckon! Rayman 3 and what other game, was it Pandemonium?
12-02-2004, 09:14 PM
Pandemonium not...
It crashes after 1st level....
12-02-2004, 11:10 PM
hi everyone,
this is great news if u can run N-Games in our N6600. If u r able to do so, pls let me know and i will be very much pleased to have them installed.
13-02-2004, 03:41 PM
hi everyone,
this is great news if u can run N-Games in our N6600. If u r able to do so, pls let me know and i will be very much pleased to have them installed.
juz read some threads in symbian games, or do a search for ngage games, sure u can find it.
I got the cracked version
of the N-gage game puyo puy..
it was a zip file and it had a
"puyo.blz" (similar to a .gb or a .gbc file I guess!)
Another readme file which said:
1. Unpack
2. Transfer the .blz-file to your memory card
3. Use the BLZ-Installer to install the game!
well.. did all that..
got the game on the installer too...
when I press install I get a msg saying:
file corrupt! Error!"
now trying the SonicN (cracked version!!!!) got from mIRC..
hope it works!
(work! work!! work!!!)
can u tell me where can get all N-gage games??
The quality was the same as that of the N-gage..
No lag! not even a pixel..
Anyways.. the games that are working for me are
[Flo Boarding]
[Space Impact Evolution X]
Puyo Puyo
Sonic N
Tomb Raider
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
anybody can help me!!....
any ideal where can get N-gage games?? pls
can u give me some N-gage games pls .......TQ alot
13-02-2004, 09:57 PM
Go to
lick on downloads then on games
You see all n-gage games
13-02-2004, 09:58 PM
yeah plz plz plz plz can someone just post the game instead of sending us to weird sites?the guy who posted the sonic game is the smartest on this forum! :D
13-02-2004, 10:17 PM
if u upload games here they will be pending for approval for ages... + it wont even get added at all coz its against the rules...
14-02-2004, 01:38 AM
yeah plz plz plz plz can someone just post the game instead of sending us to weird sites?the guy who posted the sonic game is the smartest on this forum! :D
i think it was me who posted the SonicN link,
So tell me what game you want
14-02-2004, 01:45 AM
Here are all the links:
<links removed>
Have a great time playing them
14-02-2004, 03:06 PM
yea, get them quick b4 nokia closes these sites!
hi there, ive downloaded the blz installer onto the mmc card, but when trying to install tombraider over bluetooth, it defaults to saving it in the text message inbox, and as such runs out of memory before its installed, i'm using a crappy mitsumi bluetooth adaptor, so pc suite doesnt work, is there any way to install it directly to the mmc card rather than c: i have the tombraider.blz file jus tdont know how to get the file onto the mmc card? is a mmc card reader/writer going to be the easiest solution?
thanks..any help much appreciated.
Pls where can download blz????TQ
14-02-2004, 04:26 PM
did u ever even THINK making a search?
14-02-2004, 04:51 PM
Pls where can download blz????TQ
erm... they are 2 posts up...
14-02-2004, 05:20 PM
yea, get them quick b4 nokia closes these sites!
i think is a site that lets people upload.
So the site will not be closed I think...
14-02-2004, 06:51 PM
i think it was me who posted the SonicN link,
So tell me what game you want
hey are you like the nicest guy in the world?
anyway thanks alot
14-02-2004, 06:52 PM
hey are you like the nicest guy in the world?
anyway thanks alot
I like helping people
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