View Full Version : Blzinstapp Start Up Error

13-11-2003, 02:36 PM
I have installed successfully Sonic N on my 6600 with the Blzinstapp.

However, when I tried to install another N-gage game - Tomb Raider the blizinstapp closed with by displaying a message box "App. closed Blizinstaapp! "

Anyone could help?

13-11-2003, 03:10 PM
I have installed successfully Sonic N on my 6600 with the Blzinstapp.

However, when I tried to install another N-gage game - Tomb Raider the blizinstapp closed with by displaying a message box "App. closed Blizinstaapp! "

Anyone could help?

It's because you don't have free space to put ther tomb raider.

13-11-2003, 05:02 PM
I solved the problem already.

The reason is the tom raider blz file was not copied properly to my MMC card. I took out the card while the last bit of data still writing.

It's because you don't have free space to put ther tomb raider.