View Full Version : Well now...

14-08-2002, 03:11 AM
hmm... such a fuss was made about the developer section yet no one contributes nothing to it? lol

14-08-2002, 08:16 AM
w8 some hours and see..

14-08-2002, 10:53 AM
Never realized there was even a Developer section 'that was private' before. Has it been around long?

Were there any posts in it or have the msgs not been xfered to this section ??

Hopefully those actually trying to work w/different phones and creating software will post here so its easier to find than sifting through all the General Discussion threads..

@manon are you still looking for flash files to experiment with??

Out of curiousity are 'NokGuru', 'ViperBjk','ManOn' all different people and who is affiliated w/ u.cables 'ManOn'?

Phonedudes :) :grin: :)