View Full Version : Eeprom tools 3.1/4.0

21-11-2003, 03:35 AM
Hi everyone

Is Eepromtools 3.1 capable of unlocking all DCT3 Nokia phones?

Does Nokia still produce DCT3 phones?

Does anyone know a link to a site where it is possible to see which phones are DCT3 and DCT4 etc.

Thanks in advance.

21-11-2003, 01:13 PM
1. yes, eeprom tools 3.1 can unlock all nokia dct3 models.

2. yes, nokia is still producing dct3 phones. many people want a cellphone only for talking and sending sms etc, so they buy dct3s. also, there are new dct3s that came out after nokia started producing dct4s (like 2100).

3. every nokia that has gprs and/or color screen is dct4. (exepct for 9210i)