06-12-2003, 02:49 PM
Installation and compiling instructions for Windows
Before reading this, you will have to download the license,read AND agree with it!
MADos is a free, open source flash for Nokia 3310/3315/3330/5510/8210/8250/8850/8890/6210.
3350 should work, except LCD
3410 should work, except LCD
You can compare it with Windows and Linux...
The source of Windows is a big secret, just as the original Nokia firmware, you can adjust it, but it is very hard
Linux is opensource, you can modify, change add functions with ease, just like MADos... MADos is written in C, so it's easy to add games, applications,...
Here are some functions of MADos:
Snake3, Tetris, Othello, Hangman, tic tac toe(unactivated).
DCT-4 unlock code generator, Panasonic GD55 unlock code generator, Siemens ST55/CL50 unlock code generator, LG unlock code generator, Alcatel unlock codes, Samsung unlock codes, Fire screen saver, Stars screensaver, Matrix screen saver, Osiliscope and Time since start
Charger, Contrast, Vibra, DSP/CCONT, Flash rom, XBus, MBus, M-serial, Xbus bebug, Malloc, Sprintf(), Animation, AD-values, Interupts, MDI, User interface, Text reader, Buzzer test, And Demo_1
/First we will have to install the MADos package
/ We will need this to COMPILE MADos
/Then we will install WinCVS
/ WinCVS downloads the current MADos package from g3gg0's server
/Then, I'll show you how to use WinCVS and how to compile
Installing the compiling software and WinCVS
Download the MadOS package the compile the MadOS source here:
Run MadOS.exe and unzip the package to your C or D drive
[Choose the drive you want to install to package in, C is recommended]
If asked for a password, fill in: "pic16f87"
Download WinCVS here:
Install and run WinCVS.
If this is your first start you'll see the preferences window.
Close that window.
Go to Admin -> Preferences. Fill in the following:
* In the General tab:
Enter the CVSROOT: [email protected]:/root
Authentication: "passwd" file on the cvs server
* Globals: UNCHECK "Checkout read-only"
CHECK "USE TCP/IP compression 9"
* WinCVS: Home folder: C:\
[Just type your drive letter here.]
=> Click on OK
Go to Admin -> Login
Wait untill you see Password, then fill in "behave!", without the ""
=> You should see: *****CVS exited normally with code 0*****
Go to Create -> Checkout module. Fill in the following:
Go to the the tab Checkout settings
*Enter the module name and path on the server: nokia/MADos
*CHECK "override" Checkout as: "MADos"
*Local folder to checkout to: "c:\cygwin"
Go to the tab Globals
CHECKOUT "Checkout read-only"
CHECK " Use TCP/IP compression 9"
=> Click on OK
The MADos source is now being copied to c:\cygwin\MADos
You should end up with this: *****CVS exited normally with code 0*****
Go to File -> Save
Go the directory where you unzipped MadOS.exe and run cygwin_c.reg OR cygwin_d.reg
[Choose between these files, depends on what drive you've unzipped to]
First we will need to select what phone and what type of MADos we will need.
Open the c:\cygwin\MADos directory and open compile.conf with Notepad.
You will see something similar like this:
#export TYPE="PC"
#export TYPE="EMBED"
#export TYPE="BEAUTY"
# can be redefined by argument 1 of compile script
export PHONE="3310_old"
#export PHONE="3310_new"
#export PHONE="3330_old"
#export PHONE="3330_new"
#export PHONE="6210"
#export PHONE="8210"
#export PHONE="AUTO"
#export OS="WIN98"
# uncomment it, if your operating system is M$ Windows 98
First of all, we will chose what phone we will using. In the example above, you'll see the the standard phone is 3310_old.
If you want to use Nokia 8210, place a # before "export PHONE="3310_old" "
And delete the # before 8210.
If you are using Microft Windows 98, delete the # before "export OS="WIN98" "
Now we will need to decide what type of MADos we need.
Some info's about the versions...
*The STANDALONE version
Outputs a 192kb version of MADos. This is the most stable version. But you can't call, SMS,... with your phone anymore.
*The FULLEMBED version
This integrated MADos into the original nokia firmware. This version is not very stable and it needs 192kb of your flash chip... And; you can't use MADos and the original nokia functions at the same time. MADos OR Nokia...
You can start MADos with a shortkey (eg * and 5 ) or you can create menu...
If you've dedided what version you want, delete the # before the wanted version, and add a # before the unwanted versions.
Save compile.conf
Compile the STANDALONE version:
Now go to Start -> Run and type "cmd" or "command" to enter MS-DOS.
In MS-DOS enter [CYGWIN DIRECTORY]\cygwin.bat
If you get an error, replace cygwin.bat in the cygwin directory with mine (attached below)
Now you'll see something like this:
$ _
Type mc [ENTER]
Now navigate with your arrowkeys to above and highlight /.. [ENTER]
Again, highlight the /.. and [ENTER]
Now you'll see the contents of c:\cygwin
Select the directory MADos and [ENTER]
Select * and [ENTER]
Now the program will compile to source and output a file named standalone.fls.
In my case the file is in c:\cygwin\MADos
Flash the standalone.fls to your phone and you should have the latest!
Compile the FULLEMBED version
Now go to Start -> Run and type "cmd" or "command" to enter MS-DOS.
In MS-DOS enter [CYGWIN DIRECTORY]\cygwin.bat
If you get an error, replace cygwin.bat in the cygwin directory with mine (attached below)
Now you'll see something like this:
$ _
Type mc [ENTER]
Now navigate with your arrowkeys to above and highlight /.. [ENTER]
Again, highlight the /.. and [ENTER]
Now you'll see the contents of c:\cygwin
Select the directory MADos and [ENTER]
Select * and [ENTER]
Now the program will compile to source and output a file named FULLEMBED.fls.
In my case the file is in c:\cygwin\MADos
Open g3n0lite v2 and open your CLEAN, Nokia flash file.
Find the file size of your FULLEMBED/EMBED.fls and multiply it by 1024 you should have a large number eg: 125kb * 1024 = 128000bytes
This number is the total number of bytes we need to inject into our flash file, so in g3n0lite enter the number we got from our equation in the bytes text box and click "RESERVE PPM SPACE". if you get an error open your flash in a flash editor eg flsedit and delete a few unused languages.
Save your flash
Open Embedem (attached below: version 1.8)
In the Flash info section, click the "Open .fls" button ans select your flash file.
You should see something similar like this:
CODE Chunk found at: 0x0014002C
greetz to g3gg0 :)
Free space in code chunk at: 0x00140040
CODE Chunk found at: 0x00142760
greetz to g3gg0 :)
Free space in code chunk at: 0x00143FF8
Click on "Open mados .fls" select the FULLEMBED.fls in the c:\cygwin directory.
Click on [MADos] startup if you want to call MADos with a menu, click EMBED and click on "File", "Save generated script .gsc" and save it under the name "mados_menu.gsc"
Click on fast [MADos] if you want to call MADos with a shortkey and click on "File", "Save generated script .gsc" and save it "mados_short.gsc"
Save your flash file and open it with g3n0lite v2.
If you want to call MADos via menu:
Click on "Create 5e0 functions"
Then click on "Load" select mados_menu.gsc and click on Run.
Now you will have to make a new menu entry for MADos...
If you want to call MADos via shortkey
Click on "Load", select shortkey_main.gsc (attached below) and click on "Run"
Click on "Load" select mados_shortkey.gsc and click on "Run". The program then asks after a shortkey to use with *...
Example: If you enter 5, later, when the phone is working, if you type * and 5, MADos will start.
The, correct checksums and flash!
What you'll need to do every day
*Start WinCVS
*Select the cygwin directory
*Select the MADos directory
*First do a query update, this will check if there a changes with your files and those on the server, hit F4
*This process will only take a second and normally you should see red text, if you see green text also, there are changes...
*To download the changed files to your computer, press Ctrl+U
*CHECK "Create missing ..."
*CHECK "Get the clean copy"
*Click on OK, this process will take some more time...
*Now you'll need to compile the files as described above
__________________________________________________ ___________
I would like to thank g3gg0, for his work and effort for this soft
And also wich helped me a lot creating this tutorial.
If you have problems with WinCVS or cygwin, post your message here
Before reading this, you will have to download the license,read AND agree with it!
MADos is a free, open source flash for Nokia 3310/3315/3330/5510/8210/8250/8850/8890/6210.
3350 should work, except LCD
3410 should work, except LCD
You can compare it with Windows and Linux...
The source of Windows is a big secret, just as the original Nokia firmware, you can adjust it, but it is very hard
Linux is opensource, you can modify, change add functions with ease, just like MADos... MADos is written in C, so it's easy to add games, applications,...
Here are some functions of MADos:
Snake3, Tetris, Othello, Hangman, tic tac toe(unactivated).
DCT-4 unlock code generator, Panasonic GD55 unlock code generator, Siemens ST55/CL50 unlock code generator, LG unlock code generator, Alcatel unlock codes, Samsung unlock codes, Fire screen saver, Stars screensaver, Matrix screen saver, Osiliscope and Time since start
Charger, Contrast, Vibra, DSP/CCONT, Flash rom, XBus, MBus, M-serial, Xbus bebug, Malloc, Sprintf(), Animation, AD-values, Interupts, MDI, User interface, Text reader, Buzzer test, And Demo_1
/First we will have to install the MADos package
/ We will need this to COMPILE MADos
/Then we will install WinCVS
/ WinCVS downloads the current MADos package from g3gg0's server
/Then, I'll show you how to use WinCVS and how to compile
Installing the compiling software and WinCVS
Download the MadOS package the compile the MadOS source here:
Run MadOS.exe and unzip the package to your C or D drive
[Choose the drive you want to install to package in, C is recommended]
If asked for a password, fill in: "pic16f87"
Download WinCVS here:
Install and run WinCVS.
If this is your first start you'll see the preferences window.
Close that window.
Go to Admin -> Preferences. Fill in the following:
* In the General tab:
Enter the CVSROOT: [email protected]:/root
Authentication: "passwd" file on the cvs server
* Globals: UNCHECK "Checkout read-only"
CHECK "USE TCP/IP compression 9"
* WinCVS: Home folder: C:\
[Just type your drive letter here.]
=> Click on OK
Go to Admin -> Login
Wait untill you see Password, then fill in "behave!", without the ""
=> You should see: *****CVS exited normally with code 0*****
Go to Create -> Checkout module. Fill in the following:
Go to the the tab Checkout settings
*Enter the module name and path on the server: nokia/MADos
*CHECK "override" Checkout as: "MADos"
*Local folder to checkout to: "c:\cygwin"
Go to the tab Globals
CHECKOUT "Checkout read-only"
CHECK " Use TCP/IP compression 9"
=> Click on OK
The MADos source is now being copied to c:\cygwin\MADos
You should end up with this: *****CVS exited normally with code 0*****
Go to File -> Save
Go the directory where you unzipped MadOS.exe and run cygwin_c.reg OR cygwin_d.reg
[Choose between these files, depends on what drive you've unzipped to]
First we will need to select what phone and what type of MADos we will need.
Open the c:\cygwin\MADos directory and open compile.conf with Notepad.
You will see something similar like this:
#export TYPE="PC"
#export TYPE="EMBED"
#export TYPE="BEAUTY"
# can be redefined by argument 1 of compile script
export PHONE="3310_old"
#export PHONE="3310_new"
#export PHONE="3330_old"
#export PHONE="3330_new"
#export PHONE="6210"
#export PHONE="8210"
#export PHONE="AUTO"
#export OS="WIN98"
# uncomment it, if your operating system is M$ Windows 98
First of all, we will chose what phone we will using. In the example above, you'll see the the standard phone is 3310_old.
If you want to use Nokia 8210, place a # before "export PHONE="3310_old" "
And delete the # before 8210.
If you are using Microft Windows 98, delete the # before "export OS="WIN98" "
Now we will need to decide what type of MADos we need.
Some info's about the versions...
*The STANDALONE version
Outputs a 192kb version of MADos. This is the most stable version. But you can't call, SMS,... with your phone anymore.
*The FULLEMBED version
This integrated MADos into the original nokia firmware. This version is not very stable and it needs 192kb of your flash chip... And; you can't use MADos and the original nokia functions at the same time. MADos OR Nokia...
You can start MADos with a shortkey (eg * and 5 ) or you can create menu...
If you've dedided what version you want, delete the # before the wanted version, and add a # before the unwanted versions.
Save compile.conf
Compile the STANDALONE version:
Now go to Start -> Run and type "cmd" or "command" to enter MS-DOS.
In MS-DOS enter [CYGWIN DIRECTORY]\cygwin.bat
If you get an error, replace cygwin.bat in the cygwin directory with mine (attached below)
Now you'll see something like this:
$ _
Type mc [ENTER]
Now navigate with your arrowkeys to above and highlight /.. [ENTER]
Again, highlight the /.. and [ENTER]
Now you'll see the contents of c:\cygwin
Select the directory MADos and [ENTER]
Select * and [ENTER]
Now the program will compile to source and output a file named standalone.fls.
In my case the file is in c:\cygwin\MADos
Flash the standalone.fls to your phone and you should have the latest!
Compile the FULLEMBED version
Now go to Start -> Run and type "cmd" or "command" to enter MS-DOS.
In MS-DOS enter [CYGWIN DIRECTORY]\cygwin.bat
If you get an error, replace cygwin.bat in the cygwin directory with mine (attached below)
Now you'll see something like this:
$ _
Type mc [ENTER]
Now navigate with your arrowkeys to above and highlight /.. [ENTER]
Again, highlight the /.. and [ENTER]
Now you'll see the contents of c:\cygwin
Select the directory MADos and [ENTER]
Select * and [ENTER]
Now the program will compile to source and output a file named FULLEMBED.fls.
In my case the file is in c:\cygwin\MADos
Open g3n0lite v2 and open your CLEAN, Nokia flash file.
Find the file size of your FULLEMBED/EMBED.fls and multiply it by 1024 you should have a large number eg: 125kb * 1024 = 128000bytes
This number is the total number of bytes we need to inject into our flash file, so in g3n0lite enter the number we got from our equation in the bytes text box and click "RESERVE PPM SPACE". if you get an error open your flash in a flash editor eg flsedit and delete a few unused languages.
Save your flash
Open Embedem (attached below: version 1.8)
In the Flash info section, click the "Open .fls" button ans select your flash file.
You should see something similar like this:
CODE Chunk found at: 0x0014002C
greetz to g3gg0 :)
Free space in code chunk at: 0x00140040
CODE Chunk found at: 0x00142760
greetz to g3gg0 :)
Free space in code chunk at: 0x00143FF8
Click on "Open mados .fls" select the FULLEMBED.fls in the c:\cygwin directory.
Click on [MADos] startup if you want to call MADos with a menu, click EMBED and click on "File", "Save generated script .gsc" and save it under the name "mados_menu.gsc"
Click on fast [MADos] if you want to call MADos with a shortkey and click on "File", "Save generated script .gsc" and save it "mados_short.gsc"
Save your flash file and open it with g3n0lite v2.
If you want to call MADos via menu:
Click on "Create 5e0 functions"
Then click on "Load" select mados_menu.gsc and click on Run.
Now you will have to make a new menu entry for MADos...
If you want to call MADos via shortkey
Click on "Load", select shortkey_main.gsc (attached below) and click on "Run"
Click on "Load" select mados_shortkey.gsc and click on "Run". The program then asks after a shortkey to use with *...
Example: If you enter 5, later, when the phone is working, if you type * and 5, MADos will start.
The, correct checksums and flash!
What you'll need to do every day
*Start WinCVS
*Select the cygwin directory
*Select the MADos directory
*First do a query update, this will check if there a changes with your files and those on the server, hit F4
*This process will only take a second and normally you should see red text, if you see green text also, there are changes...
*To download the changed files to your computer, press Ctrl+U
*CHECK "Create missing ..."
*CHECK "Get the clean copy"
*Click on OK, this process will take some more time...
*Now you'll need to compile the files as described above
__________________________________________________ ___________
I would like to thank g3gg0, for his work and effort for this soft
And also wich helped me a lot creating this tutorial.
If you have problems with WinCVS or cygwin, post your message here