View Full Version : [MadOS] Installation and compiling instructions

06-12-2003, 02:49 PM
Installation and compiling instructions for Windows

Before reading this, you will have to download the license,read AND agree with it!

MADos is a free, open source flash for Nokia 3310/3315/3330/5510/8210/8250/8850/8890/6210.

3350 should work, except LCD
3410 should work, except LCD

You can compare it with Windows and Linux...

The source of Windows is a big secret, just as the original Nokia firmware, you can adjust it, but it is very hard

Linux is opensource, you can modify, change add functions with ease, just like MADos... MADos is written in C, so it's easy to add games, applications,...

Here are some functions of MADos:

Snake3, Tetris, Othello, Hangman, tic tac toe(unactivated).

DCT-4 unlock code generator, Panasonic GD55 unlock code generator, Siemens ST55/CL50 unlock code generator, LG unlock code generator, Alcatel unlock codes, Samsung unlock codes, Fire screen saver, Stars screensaver, Matrix screen saver, Osiliscope and Time since start

Charger, Contrast, Vibra, DSP/CCONT, Flash rom, XBus, MBus, M-serial, Xbus bebug, Malloc, Sprintf(), Animation, AD-values, Interupts, MDI, User interface, Text reader, Buzzer test, And Demo_1

/First we will have to install the MADos package
/ We will need this to COMPILE MADos
/Then we will install WinCVS
/ WinCVS downloads the current MADos package from g3gg0's server
/Then, I'll show you how to use WinCVS and how to compile

Installing the compiling software and WinCVS

Download the MadOS package the compile the MadOS source here:

Run MadOS.exe and unzip the package to your C or D drive
[Choose the drive you want to install to package in, C is recommended]

If asked for a password, fill in: "pic16f87"

Download WinCVS here:

Install and run WinCVS.

If this is your first start you'll see the preferences window.
Close that window.

Go to Admin -> Preferences. Fill in the following:

* In the General tab:

Enter the CVSROOT: [email protected]:/root
Authentication: "passwd" file on the cvs server

* Globals: UNCHECK "Checkout read-only"
CHECK "USE TCP/IP compression 9"

* WinCVS: Home folder: C:\
[Just type your drive letter here.]

=> Click on OK

Go to Admin -> Login
Wait untill you see Password, then fill in "behave!", without the ""

=> You should see: *****CVS exited normally with code 0*****

Go to Create -> Checkout module. Fill in the following:

Go to the the tab Checkout settings

*Enter the module name and path on the server: nokia/MADos
*CHECK "override" Checkout as: "MADos"
*Local folder to checkout to: "c:\cygwin"

Go to the tab Globals

CHECKOUT "Checkout read-only"
CHECK " Use TCP/IP compression 9"

=> Click on OK

The MADos source is now being copied to c:\cygwin\MADos

You should end up with this: *****CVS exited normally with code 0*****

Go to File -> Save

Go the directory where you unzipped MadOS.exe and run cygwin_c.reg OR cygwin_d.reg
[Choose between these files, depends on what drive you've unzipped to]


First we will need to select what phone and what type of MADos we will need.

Open the c:\cygwin\MADos directory and open compile.conf with Notepad.

You will see something similar like this:

#export TYPE="PC"
#export TYPE="EMBED"
#export TYPE="BEAUTY"
# can be redefined by argument 1 of compile script

export PHONE="3310_old"
#export PHONE="3310_new"
#export PHONE="3330_old"
#export PHONE="3330_new"
#export PHONE="6210"
#export PHONE="8210"
#export PHONE="AUTO"

#export OS="WIN98"
# uncomment it, if your operating system is M$ Windows 98

First of all, we will chose what phone we will using. In the example above, you'll see the the standard phone is 3310_old.

If you want to use Nokia 8210, place a # before "export PHONE="3310_old" "
And delete the # before 8210.

If you are using Microft Windows 98, delete the # before "export OS="WIN98" "

Now we will need to decide what type of MADos we need.

Some info's about the versions...

*The STANDALONE version
Outputs a 192kb version of MADos. This is the most stable version. But you can't call, SMS,... with your phone anymore.

*The FULLEMBED version
This integrated MADos into the original nokia firmware. This version is not very stable and it needs 192kb of your flash chip... And; you can't use MADos and the original nokia functions at the same time. MADos OR Nokia...
You can start MADos with a shortkey (eg * and 5 ) or you can create menu...

If you've dedided what version you want, delete the # before the wanted version, and add a # before the unwanted versions.

Save compile.conf

Compile the STANDALONE version:

Now go to Start -> Run and type "cmd" or "command" to enter MS-DOS.

In MS-DOS enter [CYGWIN DIRECTORY]\cygwin.bat

If you get an error, replace cygwin.bat in the cygwin directory with mine (attached below)

Now you'll see something like this:
$ _

Type mc [ENTER]

Now navigate with your arrowkeys to above and highlight /.. [ENTER]
Again, highlight the /.. and [ENTER]
Now you'll see the contents of c:\cygwin
Select the directory MADos and [ENTER]
Select *compile_all.sh and [ENTER]
Now the program will compile to source and output a file named standalone.fls.
In my case the file is in c:\cygwin\MADos

Flash the standalone.fls to your phone and you should have the latest!

Compile the FULLEMBED version

Now go to Start -> Run and type "cmd" or "command" to enter MS-DOS.

In MS-DOS enter [CYGWIN DIRECTORY]\cygwin.bat

If you get an error, replace cygwin.bat in the cygwin directory with mine (attached below)

Now you'll see something like this:
$ _

Type mc [ENTER]

Now navigate with your arrowkeys to above and highlight /.. [ENTER]
Again, highlight the /.. and [ENTER]
Now you'll see the contents of c:\cygwin
Select the directory MADos and [ENTER]
Select *compile_all.sh and [ENTER]
Now the program will compile to source and output a file named FULLEMBED.fls.
In my case the file is in c:\cygwin\MADos

Open g3n0lite v2 and open your CLEAN, Nokia flash file.

Find the file size of your FULLEMBED/EMBED.fls and multiply it by 1024 you should have a large number eg: 125kb * 1024 = 128000bytes

This number is the total number of bytes we need to inject into our flash file, so in g3n0lite enter the number we got from our equation in the bytes text box and click "RESERVE PPM SPACE". if you get an error open your flash in a flash editor eg flsedit and delete a few unused languages.

Save your flash

Open Embedem (attached below: version 1.8)

In the Flash info section, click the "Open .fls" button ans select your flash file.

You should see something similar like this:

CODE Chunk found at: 0x0014002C
greetz to g3gg0 :)
Free space in code chunk at: 0x00140040

CODE Chunk found at: 0x00142760
greetz to g3gg0 :)
Free space in code chunk at: 0x00143FF8

Click on "Open mados .fls" select the FULLEMBED.fls in the c:\cygwin directory.

Click on [MADos] startup if you want to call MADos with a menu, click EMBED and click on "File", "Save generated script .gsc" and save it under the name "mados_menu.gsc"


Click on fast [MADos] if you want to call MADos with a shortkey and click on "File", "Save generated script .gsc" and save it "mados_short.gsc"

Save your flash file and open it with g3n0lite v2.

If you want to call MADos via menu:

Click on "Create 5e0 functions"

Then click on "Load" select mados_menu.gsc and click on Run.

Now you will have to make a new menu entry for MADos...

If you want to call MADos via shortkey

Click on "Load", select shortkey_main.gsc (attached below) and click on "Run"

Click on "Load" select mados_shortkey.gsc and click on "Run". The program then asks after a shortkey to use with *...

Example: If you enter 5, later, when the phone is working, if you type * and 5, MADos will start.

The, correct checksums and flash!

What you'll need to do every day

*Start WinCVS
*Select the cygwin directory
*Select the MADos directory
*First do a query update, this will check if there a changes with your files and those on the server, hit F4
*This process will only take a second and normally you should see red text, if you see green text also, there are changes...
*To download the changed files to your computer, press Ctrl+U
*CHECK "Create missing ..."
*CHECK "Get the clean copy"
*Click on OK, this process will take some more time...
*Now you'll need to compile the files as described above

__________________________________________________ ___________

I would like to thank g3gg0, for his work and effort for this soft

And also www.mados.tk wich helped me a lot creating this tutorial.

If you have problems with WinCVS or cygwin, post your message here

10-12-2003, 01:39 PM
made all above instructions
but i get errors while compiling the flash :-?
plz c the attached gif

10-12-2003, 03:22 PM

I had the same problem, update with WinCVS...

10-12-2003, 03:27 PM
whiche one the mados src or the wincvs :)

10-12-2003, 03:28 PM
Update the MadOS package with WinCVS :)

10-12-2003, 03:33 PM
already done that but prob still the same :rolleyes:

10-12-2003, 03:36 PM
Can't be!

5 minutes ago I had the same problem

I've updated the package and everything works!

Try this: press CTRL+U and check the "Get the clean file" option.

10-12-2003, 03:42 PM
prop solved but too many other errors and and no flash.fls :-?

10-12-2003, 04:03 PM
This is due to a really stupid error on my side (wrong compiler path in compilation script), it should be fixed though.

10-12-2003, 04:09 PM
(wrong compiler path in compilation script), it should be fixed though.

plz c the attached gif

10-12-2003, 04:53 PM
AIIIEEIIII, segfaults in gcc. This is really, really bad stuff.

Could be an error in the MADos development environment, but I doubt it, as it is working great for most people.

Memory full? Disk (almost) full? Too many background processes?

10-12-2003, 05:02 PM
the disk is not full neither memory
so should i 4get abt it :rolleyes:

10-12-2003, 05:49 PM
the disk is not full neither memory
so should i 4get abt it :rolleyes:
I dunno, maybe g3gg0 has an idea.
You could try re-downloading and reinstalling the whole MADos environment.
This error is so weird (it gives no source line, and chokes on *every* file, which is what makes this so strange)

10-12-2003, 09:04 PM
thx man 4 ur help i'll try installing it again :) and nice work all of u guyz we hope to c more abt mados :)

13-12-2003, 02:50 AM
plz c the attached gif

this error occur with gcc-arm on win98 os.
i wasn't able to fix this bug on my system.
think recompiling could result in the same error.

my solution:
upgraded old pc to win xp,
and using this pc for compiling
over network.
i splittet compile.sh into 3 parts,
so only the gcc - part have to run
on this old slow pc. now my pc
manage the process and starts
all three parts after each other.
( without telnet *g* )

p.s. needn't waste your time with redownloading or reinstalling, i already did it for you ;)

13-12-2003, 04:02 AM
i cant compile compile_crux.sh

13-12-2003, 07:46 AM
thx man it worked :)

14-12-2003, 03:01 PM
Added instructions to compile an embedded flash.

15-12-2003, 12:25 AM
Can please someone explain what compile_loader.sh, compile_pc.sh and compile_crux.sh are for? :confused:

15-12-2003, 11:40 PM
Its really 35MB?
I have dial-up connection with max 5kb/sec.
is there anybody from Slovakia who can send me it on a CD?

18-12-2003, 10:26 AM
WinCVS download link is not working for me :-?

19-12-2003, 05:48 AM
WinCVS download link is not working for me :-?

true. it's shorted link. go to sourceforge.net and search wincvs and you'll find latest win32 executables.

19-12-2003, 06:16 AM
hy i have a mados for 3310 it has 128 KB how can i make this fls wotking on my mob
what is the adress for flashing or what should i do?

19-12-2003, 06:41 AM
just flash it as it was a MCU+PPM from 0x00200000

19-12-2003, 06:44 AM
but the file has only 128 kb
so i open rolis and i flash this file from 200000 and should work???

19-12-2003, 06:52 AM
but the file has only 128 kb
so i open rolis and i flash this file from 200000 and should work???

yes it is 128kb and yes it will work :)


19-12-2003, 10:53 AM
When i go to start cygwin.bat in the command prompt i get an error saying:

The device is not ready.
The device is not ready.
'bash' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I have run cygwin_c.reg and I have updated the mados using wincvs.

If anyone can help me that would be great


20-12-2003, 12:04 AM
Did you install Cygwin on your C drive?

20-12-2003, 05:44 AM

Yes i have installed cygwin onto my c: drive, i have removed it completly from the registry and my hard drive and started from sctracth several time but no luck,


20-12-2003, 12:52 PM
When i go to start cygwin.bat in the command prompt i get an error saying:

The device is not ready.
The device is not ready.
'bash' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I have run cygwin_c.reg and I have updated the mados using wincvs.

If anyone can help me that would be great


hi. if u run cygwin_c.reg then it must be in c:\cygwin dir.

cant be a sub-directory

and try to edit cygwin.bat and add in first line.

path = %path% ; c:\cygwin

or something lke this

20-12-2003, 06:04 PM
true. it's shorted link. go to sourceforge.net and search wincvs and you'll find latest win32 executables.

sorry, i can't find, can you help me :rolleyes:

20-12-2003, 08:59 PM
sorry, i can't find, can you help me :rolleyes:
problem between keyboard and chair? :)
i grabbed wincvs here http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/cvsgui/ (there's mac versions too) named WinCvs13b9.zip.

21-12-2003, 02:45 AM
the link for WinCVS doesn't work can u post a new one
i have tried with /out download manager

21-12-2003, 02:53 AM
go to www.wincvs.org or try this

and u will need also python



22-12-2003, 02:44 AM
i found on internet a scipt for g3nolite 2.o made by g3ggo for integrate mados in the 5e0 function
but i flashed the mados file from 200000 and read a fubu and the with g3nolite a had wrote the menu for mados
but i can enter to the original nokia menu i only get mados menu
in the script the star adress for mados is 000000 it is the safe ram, no
it is safe to write the mados from 0x000000 and the the nokia flash from 0x200000 and then make a fubu from 0x000000 to 0x400000
i'll attach the file

22-12-2003, 09:34 AM
Thanks for your help BOEBOE and Crux2002, i had to edit the .bat file to direct it to my c: :)

23-12-2003, 02:37 AM
i found on internet a scipt for g3nolite 2.o made by g3ggo for integrate mados in the 5e0 function
but i flashed the mados file from 200000 and read a fubu and the with g3nolite a had wrote the menu for mados
but i can enter to the original nokia menu i only get mados menu
in the script the star adress for mados is 000000 it is the safe ram, no
it is safe to write the mados from 0x000000 and the the nokia flash from 0x200000 and then make a fubu from 0x000000 to 0x400000
i'll attach the file

g3gg0 included this script to the compile process. you just need to run "compile_all.sh EMBED" and create a menupoint with the ID, the compile process puts out.

my version of wincvs don't need python ;)

23-12-2003, 03:12 AM

please update cvs

i just added Alcatel and Samsung universal codes.

If you find any wrong code or any missing code, please PM me so i can correct it.


27-12-2003, 11:51 PM
I downloaded wincvs and folllowed the instructions to login.

So far I didn't succeed to login. WinCVS showed the following error

cvs -z9 -d :pserver:[email protected]:/root login
Logging in to :pserver:[email protected]:2401:/root
cvs [login aborted]: connect to g3gg0.dyndns.org:2401 failed: Een verbindingspoging is mislukt omdat de verbonden party niet correct heeft geantwoord na een bepaalde tijd, of de gemaakte verbinding is mislukt omdat de verbonden host niet heeft geantwoord.

***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

Any suggestions for a successful login?

27-12-2003, 11:54 PM

Hi, I also have the same error, just wait an hour.


Ik heb ook dikwijls deze error, je moet gewoon even wachten...

28-12-2003, 01:51 PM
u better wait for tomorrow. seems the cvs server will be down all weekend

29-12-2003, 03:37 PM

06-01-2004, 05:32 PM
Hi, I am trying to compile the latest update of mados but , I encountered errors. I have extracted the mados.exe in "C:\" directory, and I have downloaded the WinCVS. I have already updated the latest MADos files . but the problem is when i run the cygwin_c.reg, it ends in an error message. I attached my proceedure on extracting mados.exe

06-01-2004, 08:56 PM
hey paskee

i had the same error so u have to edit that file


and erase all lines and past this there

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2]
"cygdrive prefix"="/cygdrive"
"cygdrive flags"=dword:00000022

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options]

then edit also


and change the disc to c:

got something like this ..

@echo off

chdir C:\cygwin\bin

bash --login -i

do the same to


like this

@echo off
cd c:\cygwin\bin
bash --login -i

i think this should work..

:-P ;)


07-01-2004, 03:43 AM
I had troubles with cygwin_c.reg too.
In the end i just manually input the keys,strings and dwords manually with regedit.

I have come accross this problem which is shown in the attached picture, seams to be segmentation fault or something and i know it has been mentioned before but i was wondering if three was a way around it?

07-01-2004, 05:38 PM
hey paskee

i had the same error so u have to edit that file


and erase all lines and past this there

then edit also


and change the disc to c:

got something like this ..

do the same to


like this

i think this should work..

:-P ;)


sir, i have tried your solution but when i run cygwin_c.reg it ends in the same error, anyway i will try to re-dowload the mados.exe, maybe bad mados.exe files and i will post the result later

07-01-2004, 08:09 PM
hey paskee this is my file and it works with me.. try it.. because if u download mados again u got the same problem..



i got the same problem.. i think is because of the SO.. i use win 98 SE i think mados only works fine in XP or Win2K wen u install says that on the first screen.. if u know how to fix tell.. because i have made a search and didn't find nothing to fix.. :(

08-01-2004, 02:38 PM
I have come accross this problem as shown in attached picture. It happens at the end of the compiling process but no flash is created.

This is under Win XP too.
Does anyone have a solution?

08-01-2004, 02:42 PM
Update wincvs and try again!
Make sure you have the correct compile type set!

What does compiling PC do??
I haven't tryed it!
Does it create a .exe??

08-01-2004, 08:48 PM
Update wincvs and try again!
Make sure you have the correct compile type set!

What does compiling PC do??
I haven't tryed it!
Does it create a .exe??

Hi Dan,
I have the latest wincvs but I have no idea if i have the correct compile set, could you inform me of how i should check?

I dont know what compiling PC does, the screen in the picture i previously posted is what came up just after i ran compile_all.sh
It doesnt create an .exe , but it does create litte files like warn.212 and warn.596, dont know what they are though??

please could someone offer some guidance please.

08-01-2004, 09:03 PM
Open up the compile.conf thats in the mados directory
you will see at the top something like this

#export TYPE="PC"
#export TYPE="EMBED"
#export TYPE="BEAUTY"

the above has all lines rem'd out so the program doesn't read them yours may look like this

export TYPE="PC"
#export TYPE="EMBED"
#export TYPE="BEAUTY"

or something like that

If you want to compile the standalone Mados just put a # infront of the 'export type="PC"' and delete the one infront of standalone!
the same goes for the embed and fullembed!

This is not the proper way to do it but it works better than typing in the command!

08-01-2004, 09:38 PM

This is normal, it is even 2 weeks that problem

But it should create test.exe in the MADos dir

You must run it with Cygwin

This emulates MADos on your PC

These are the keys to control MADos:

a: UP
q: exit the emulation
0-9,*,#: keys like on the phone

But sometime you must type aa, yy, xx

But in some menus a,y,x will just work as normal

PS: The "crappy" view is also normal
Not to insult you g3gg0, but MADos wasn't designed to run on PC's, rite?

09-01-2004, 10:05 PM
I've downloaded standalone.fls from mados.tk, but where do I out it to compile it, as the file is only 120Kb

Also, when I try to use wincvs to get the latest source, I get the error

cvs -z9 -d :local:[email protected]:/root login
cvs login: CVSROOT "[email protected]:/root" must be an absolute pathname
cvs [login aborted]: Bad CVSROOT.

***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

What am I doing wrong?

10-01-2004, 02:15 AM
can any one upload here the file "compile_embed.sh" because i have updated my mados and this file wasn't there.

10-01-2004, 02:37 AM
hy again
after i have updated my mados i tryed to complie the flash
but i have a error that wasn't before the update
before to update i have complied with aby problem but now it give me an error msg
i have atached below a picture with this msg
pls hlp

10-01-2004, 03:19 AM
can any one upload here the file "compile_embed.sh" because i have updated my mados and this file wasn't there.

All the compile commands are in compile_all as in the name!
The way it is defined has already been posted by me below
You have to edit the compile.conf

please read all posts through before posting

I would update your wincvs checking "get clean copy" etc.
I updated last week and mine works fine!

10-01-2004, 04:14 AM
hey paskee this is my file and it works with me.. try it.. because if u download mados again u got the same problem..



i got the same problem.. i think is because of the SO.. i use win 98 SE i think mados only works fine in XP or Win2K wen u install says that on the first screen.. if u know how to fix tell.. because i have made a search and didn't find nothing to fix.. :(

yes your file works with me, i am also using win98se, i start compiling and in the end, i meet the same problem with wwanthony & your's too, Now i have upgraded to win2000 and i am able to compile now without error, but i need to install user port to run my rolis flasher properly, and i noticed that some of my program runs slowly, i hope we found a solution to our problem because i want to switch back to win98se

12-01-2004, 03:25 AM
PS: The "crappy" view is also normal
Not to insult you g3gg0, but MADos wasn't designed to run on PC's, rite?

if you're running xp it should be possible to change the size of the cygwin box...
on win98 took a look into lcd.c, there's a define for win98.
this will cut the screen, but don't result in a crappy view ;)

@win98 segmentation fault compil0rs:
how often to post?
arm-gcc can't compile with win98. it always results to a segmentation fault.
i wasn't able to fix that and it seems really hard to do that.

12-01-2004, 03:53 AM
@win98 segmentation fault compil0rs:
how often to post?
arm-gcc can't compile with win98. it always results to a segmentation fault.
i wasn't able to fix that and it seems really hard to do that.

Hi Krisha

with my jurasic computers. i am force to use win98 only.

hope one day it will work on win98se... more power...


12-01-2004, 10:28 AM
@ReaperXP ,
the files you downloaded from mados.tk are already compiled all u need to do:
Standalone: flash from 0x00200000
Fullembed: Embed file ni nokias firmware at 0x00140040
Embed: Embed file ni nokias firmware at 0x00140040

Hope this helps

20-01-2004, 07:54 PM
So I could flash my phone with a customised flash, then reflash it with a mados flash, but from 0x00140040

20-01-2004, 07:59 PM
So I could flash my phone with a customised flash, then reflash it with a mados flash, but from 0x00140040

First of all take a blank flash reserve the space needed
You could then do as you said flash to 0x00140040
You'd then need to read the flash off again fix checksums
Run the MADos startup gsc
Create menu

Fix checks again

Reflash to phone


Dunno if this would work haven't tried it but sounds like it could

23-01-2004, 12:56 PM
I have a strange problem:
I backed up my 3310 (V4.02) flash (with Flasher478b6 by rolis)
This backup (2048 Kb) was cleaned up (removing some unused languages with FLSEdit).

g3n0lite v2.0 I reserved 150000 bits PPM space and fixed all checks.
I saved the flash as nokia.fls and started compile_all.sh with mc (with edited compile.conf: fullembedded and 3310_old).
In g30lite I can see my PPM space begins @ 120040 !! )

Compiling is ok, no problems, but after linking the following error occurs:
"wrong nokia.fls.."

I also tried with a virgin.fls (backup only cleaned up unused languages).
But with the same error..

How is it possible that my PPM space begins @ 120040 in the flash and not @ 140040?

23-01-2004, 02:15 PM
The whole 'wrong nokia.fls' message I recieve every time I try to compile an embeded flash with mados

The way to do it is to paste in the embed.fls output file that is given by the mados compiler

Make sure you overwrite the hex data rather than actually pasting it in!
Just make sure the file is the same size after as before!

Read below it is all there

23-01-2004, 02:43 PM
OK thanks for the info.

Now I just heve to find out why my PPM starts @ 120040..

By the way:
For pasting I use embedem (attached) whitch also generates a g3n0 script..

Make shure mspace.bin is EXACTLY the size as embeded.fls
(use a hex editor to copy and paste some rows of FF).

23-01-2004, 04:03 PM
I have a strange problem:
I backed up my 3310 (V4.02) flash (with Flasher478b6 by rolis)
This backup (2048 Kb) was cleaned up (removing some unused languages with FLSEdit).

g3n0lite v2.0 I reserved 150000 bits PPM space and fixed all checks.
I saved the flash as nokia.fls and started compile_all.sh with mc (with edited compile.conf: fullembedded and 3310_old).
In g30lite I can see my PPM space begins @ 120040 !! )

Compiling is ok, no problems, but after linking the following error occurs:
"wrong nokia.fls.."

I also tried with a virgin.fls (backup only cleaned up unused languages).
But with the same error..

How is it possible that my PPM space begins @ 120040 in the flash and not @ 140040?

do not make any nokia.fls

just copy to mados folder a virglin flash and name it virgin.fls

thats it

23-01-2004, 04:46 PM
do not make any nokia.fls

just copy to mados folder a virglin flash and name it virgin.fls

thats it

To bad that Virgin flash also the error occurs: wrong nokia.fls (virgin will be transformed in nokia)

I will try to do it manualy, maybe I have more luck that way..

24-01-2004, 01:24 AM
OK thanks for the info.

Now I just heve to find out why my PPM starts @ 120040..

By the way:
For pasting I use embedem (attached) whitch also generates a g3n0 script..

Make shure mspace.bin is EXACTLY the size as embeded.fls
(use a hex editor to copy and paste some rows of FF).

I just wrote a program to resize mspace.bin (used by Embedem which I attached 3 posts above) so you don't have to do it manualy.

Enjoy :)

26-01-2004, 05:14 PM
To bad that Virgin flash also the error occurs: wrong nokia.fls (virgin will be transformed in nokia)

I will try to do it manualy, maybe I have more luck that way..

thats no error message... its normal that virgin.fls gets nokia.fls...
that nokia.fls is then used for the EMBED.fls

26-01-2004, 09:14 PM
thats no error message... its normal that virgin.fls gets nokia.fls...
that nokia.fls is then used for the EMBED.fls

I was under the impression that "WRONG nokia.fls" meant that there is something wrong..

30-01-2004, 07:01 PM
Some problems:
When I extract the MADos.exe i get an error in . I have had this problem in Windows ME suchs as in W2k. It says "5284 files could not be extracted" i get this when it trys to extract Mc.hint.zh.

I have tryed to work with the program anyways, wincvs works good, but when i try to exec the cygwin.bat it says "Program to large to place it in memory" (spanish to english translation :) );
Any help?

Thx & also show my admiration to those who share his knowledges!!

(sorry for the english)

30-01-2004, 08:31 PM
Has the password on wincvs changed??

I cannot seem to login with "behave!"


30-01-2004, 08:52 PM

Did you changer server to g3gg0.de? Check my first post in this thread

30-01-2004, 08:59 PM
I just changes the server in the generals tab

I can now login but when I query update it tries to login on the old server again?? :-?

Anymore thoughts?


31-01-2004, 12:49 AM
delete or move all old mados files to another folder.

it will work

31-01-2004, 01:33 PM
BOEBOE told me to do that yesterday and it now works 100%


31-01-2004, 01:33 PM
I've chatted on MSN with him, and it worked by removing the whole MADos directory (including CVS dirs) and doing a new checkout

02-02-2004, 04:22 PM

Just updated my first post to compile and use FULLEMBED MADos

:-o A lot of text

Should be usefull for newbies :lol:

12-02-2004, 05:14 PM
I'm trying this compiling mados. Ive got the very latest from cvs, compiled fullembed, ppm reserve etc etc... embedded it into a plain 3310v6.07, selected fast mados, and created the mados shortkey script. Now, i run shortkey_main in g3n0lite, that is fine. Then i run mados_short, and it says:

'shortkey * and your selected number toggles g3gg0's [MADos]'
by 'fastinvert by krisha edited by Spaceimpact33 for [Mados]'

locating the shortkey_main and finding the table...

located at: 0x0012F8C4
exceeded 100.000 calls... aborting script (endless loop in line 10?)

Any help as to why it is saying this?


12-02-2004, 11:05 PM
use this script it works 100%

13-02-2004, 01:28 AM
@ asgaardro

Excellent, works a treat, thankyou !

Why does the script generated by embedem not work then, any ideas ?


13-02-2004, 01:04 PM
hi there can any 1 hlp me i have compiled my own standalone flash using mados.exe and i have updated all the files by wincvs and wen i have compiled my standalone flash the size of the flash is 158kb and in order to flash it has to 64kb or / 128kb or / 192kb can any 1 tell me what im doin worng here coz i tried resizing the file with 1 of cruxs resizer program it only goes to 64kb but wen i flash that it doesnt work . thanks in advance

13-02-2004, 04:11 PM
hi mados is getting bigger, so u need to remove some languages with ppmmaker. then

put a virgin flash in same dir as the mados compiler

edit compile.conf and select FULLEMbeD and ur phone model

then run ./compile_all.sh

then u can run fastmados.gsc (select a key)

flash it. to run mados use the key u selected.

13-02-2004, 05:52 PM
alrite crux i got nokia 8210 virgin_eeprom is that what i need which is 192kb or do i need to extrract it from a full clean nokia flash n which direcxtory do i put the file n coz i tried alreadly n didnt get any luck. anotha thing do the files need to be renamed to virgin.fls etc

13-02-2004, 07:16 PM
Anyone please do correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought the compiler refers to a virgin flash as in the meaning of the word, ie. an untouched or unmodded flash, not the network virgin ?? Or am i way off !!?

13-02-2004, 09:26 PM
its not eeprom

its a virgin flash. name it virgin.fls

14-02-2004, 11:07 AM
yo crux i did that n i got this error i got a clean nokia 8210 5.31 flash n got rid of sum languages from it and renamed it virgin.fls and put it in the cygwin directory and this error came up.. picture of error is attached below

this is how my compile.conf settings are set are they right?


#export TYPE="PC"
#export TYPE="EMBED"
#export TYPE="BEAUTY"
# can be redefined by argument 1 of compile script

#export PHONE="3310_old"
#export PHONE="3310_new"
#export PHONE="3330_old"
#export PHONE="3330_new"
#export PHONE="6210"
export PHONE="8210"
#export PHONE="2100"
#export PHONE="AUTO"

#export OS="WIN98"
# uncomment it, if your operating system is M$ Windows 98

# all .o & .c files
export C_FILES_ALL="core/fs core/ffs apps/screenshot apps/demo_1 apps/tictactoe apps/alcatel apps/samsung apps/meas apps/matrix apps/charger apps/othello apps/hangman apps/txtreader apps/lgunlock apps/dct3 apps/dct4 apps/st55gd55 hw/timer hw/genio hw/mbus hw/xbus hw/clock hw/flash hw/int hw/dspblocks hw/mdi hw/dsp hw/vibra hw/buzzer hw/ccont hw/kpd hw/io hw/led hw/lcd_font hw/lcd core/bitmap core/ipc core/menu core/lib core/sched core/ui core/stdio apps/fire apps/snake apps/tetris apps/bomberman apps/stars apps/main"
export O_FILES_ALL="apps/dct3algo_ARM apps/dct3algo_PC apps/dct4algo_PC apps/dct4algo_ARM apps/lgunlock_table_arm apps/lgunlock_table_pc"

# excluding area & compiler options
export O_EXCL_STANDALONE="apps/dct3algo_PC apps/dct4algo_PC apps/lgunlock_table_pc"
export O_STANDALONE="-DARM -Os -mpoke-function-name -Iinclude -mcaller-super-interworking -DPHONE_${PHONE} -DTYPE_${TYPE}"

export C_EXCL_EMBED="apps/snake apps/othello apps/stars apps/fire"
export O_EXCL_EMBED="apps/dct4algo_PC apps/lgunlock_table_pc"
export O_EMBED="-DARM -DEMBED -Os -Iinclude -mcaller-super-interworking -DPHONE_${PHONE} -DTYPE_${TYPE}"

export C_EXCL_LOADER=""
export O_EXCL_LOADER="apps/dct4algo_PC apps/lgunlock_table_pc"
export O_LOADER="-DLOADER -DARM -Os -Iinclude -mcaller-super-interworking -DPHONE_${PHONE} -DTYPE_${TYPE}"

# PC
export C_EXCL_PC=""
export O_EXCL_PC="apps/dct3algo_ARM apps/dct4algo_ARM apps/lgunlock_table_arm"
export O_PC="-DPC -Iinclude -ggdb -DPHONE_${PHONE} -DTYPE_${TYPE} -DOS_${OS}"

# same as STANDALONE

# Linux -- wumpus
# export DIALOG="tools/dialog"

14-02-2004, 01:48 PM
u need to put virgin.fls in same dir as the compile_all.sh

then tun fast_mados.gsc

14-02-2004, 02:35 PM
this is what i tried i got a clean nokia 8210 5.31 flash got rid of sum languages and reserved ppm space 1000k and ran fix all checks and saved the file and then renamed it virgin.fls and put it in cygwin directory i put the compile.conf setting to make fullemed and phone as 8210 and then ran the compiler and got this error

14-02-2004, 04:25 PM
cant u read?

it says "Wrong nokia.fls"

so, delete that file.

14-02-2004, 11:19 PM
yo crux i tried it says them errors all the time for any flash i use what wud be wrong i updated mados cud u try n make 1 4 me i wanted it intergrated in nokia fm for 8210 thanks in advance

15-02-2004, 12:17 AM
To be honest, i don't use it that way, i followed the instructions at mados.tk, i don't have any full flashes in cygwin\mados, i just compile a fullembed, then use the embedem prog to embed it into a clean flash (which i previously strip out any unnecessary languages with flsedit, and then reserve enough ppm space with g3n0lite).

I find this method works good for me ! :)

15-02-2004, 04:22 PM
i dnt understand y i get a 157kb or 158kb flash not a 192kb wot cud i be dooin wrong

15-02-2004, 04:50 PM
you are compiling a embed or a fullembed file.

if u want the 192kb file, change options in compile.conf to STANDALOne

thats it :)

16-02-2004, 01:22 AM
finally got all the files to download correctly !! Now getting following error:

NEW CVSROOT: [email protected]:/root (password authentication)
cvs -z9 checkout -P nokia/MADos (in directory C:\)
cvs checkout: authorization failed: server g3gg0.de rejected access to /root for user public
cvs checkout: used empty password; try "cvs login" with a real password

16-02-2004, 02:58 AM
finally got all the files to download correctly !! Now getting following error:

NEW CVSROOT: [email protected]:/root (password authentication)
cvs -z9 checkout -P nokia/MADos (in directory C:\)
cvs checkout: authorization failed: server g3gg0.de rejected access to /root for user public
cvs checkout: used empty password; try "cvs login" with a real password

Check your admin preferences, that authentication is set to <"passwd" file on the cvs server>.

16-02-2004, 10:46 AM
Spark - its all as was stated in first post - i have tried to do it 3 or 4 times and mae sure each time the settings are correct !

16-02-2004, 04:03 PM
used empty password;

use password behave!

16-02-2004, 10:25 PM
i have updated mados and im now gettin a 150kb flash file instead of 192kb. b4 i updated mados i was gettin a 158kb can any 1 tel me wat im doin wrong??

16-02-2004, 11:15 PM

16-02-2004, 11:22 PM
i done that crux loads times but i still get a 150kb file

17-02-2004, 09:03 AM

maybe u can help a bit more ??

Done the password - which i had put in everytime :S but now its working

Goto command prompt and cd.. until i get to c:cygwin, then type cygwin.bat and get the following:

Bash.exe: WARNING: counld not find /TMP, please create!

Then prompt

I know type MC

and it says Bash: mc: command not found

Grrr this is bugging me now lol !!

Please help :)

17-02-2004, 09:15 AM
i cant login with wincvs . is the server down? i got the following error.

(Logging in to [email protected])
cvs [login aborted]: connect to g3gg0.de:2401 failed: Connection timed out

*****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

17-02-2004, 09:26 AM
Yes, happens sometimes, wait a few hours...

And what is the sim.c in the CVS tree???

17-02-2004, 10:49 AM
Bash.exe: WARNING: counld not find /TMP, please create!

Then prompt

This is due to CYGwin not being registered properly

You're running 98 aren't you??


17-02-2004, 03:57 PM

2004-02-16 VeZz
* apps/main.c 1.207:
* core/lib.c 1.67:
* include/core/lib.h 1.30:
* include/hw/int.h 1.7:
* include/hw/ioports.h 1.20:
Initialization of SIM :)

* hw/sim.c 1.1:
* include/hw/sim.h 1.1:

u can get info about what are the files and what is updated by selecting mados dir in cygwin and go to menu macro/cvs/build change log

then open changelog

u have all updates listed there

17-02-2004, 05:36 PM

maybe u can help a bit more ??

Done the password - which i had put in everytime :S but now its working

Goto command prompt and cd.. until i get to c:cygwin, then type cygwin.bat and get the following:

Bash.exe: WARNING: counld not find /TMP, please create!

Then prompt

I know type MC

and it says Bash: mc: command not found

Grrr this is bugging me now lol !!

Please help :)

r u sure that u installed the right .reg file?
cygwin_d.reg or cygwin_c.reg depending on which drive you installed...
maybe there is still something to change in the reg file if you installed on C...

anyways... try installing it on drive D: then you are on the safe side

but.. look on the post a page before:

18-02-2004, 08:59 AM
g3gg0 n crux

Yeah it does have something to do with reg file - everytime i click the cygwin_c.reg now it says cannot import - the specified file is not a registry script ...have tried the copy n paste thing and also downloaded the one posted at start - still no luck

And yeah i am using win98

18-02-2004, 10:52 AM
I will install the Cygwin reg on my 98 machine manually and then save the reg file so that it is compatible with 98

What hard disk are you using?? (c or d)


18-02-2004, 07:21 PM
g3gg0 n crux

Yeah it does have something to do with reg file - everytime i click the cygwin_c.reg now it says cannot import - the specified file is not a registry script ...have tried the copy n paste thing and also downloaded the one posted at start - still no luck

And yeah i am using win98

AFAIK the compiler doesnt work with 9x...
use 2k/XP instead ;)

18-02-2004, 10:40 PM
Dan that would be good man - am using c drive !!

@g3gg0 win 2k / XP not an option at mo mate !!

18-02-2004, 11:18 PM
Well I tried it by entering the registry in manually and :sad: I couldn't get it to work

I think someone did though, I mean there is the option to compile under win 98 in the compile.conf??

I will try again later on


19-02-2004, 02:21 AM
Just done a fullembed 8210, and in mados it has the single nav-key text in the centre, like on a 3310. Is this normal ?

Also shortkey doesnt work on the * key, instead it works on the # key.

19-02-2004, 04:29 AM
still no luck in login in. been trying for the pass few days. anywhere i can dl mados directly?

i cant login with wincvs . is the server down? i got the following error.

(Logging in to [email protected])
cvs [login aborted]: connect to g3gg0.de:2401 failed: Connection timed out

*****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

19-02-2004, 10:07 AM
thanks spaceimpact. going to try it out later. ;)

19-02-2004, 11:05 AM
@ mazon;
go to www.g3gg0.de and in the mados section there is a mados cvs snapshot
just like downloading the source of cvs


19-02-2004, 12:21 PM
Just done a fullembed 8210, and in mados it has the single nav-key text in the centre, like on a 3310. Is this normal ?

Also shortkey doesnt work on the * key, instead it works on the # key.

21-02-2004, 02:12 AM
I have a little different problem.. I installed wincvs 1.2 and the mados.exe file from the links given in the first post. I extracted mados into d: and put mados in d:\cygwin\mados\. Then i followed the steps and when i "ran" compile_all.sh i got a dialog with the title "dialog.exe - Entry Point Not Found" and the text "The procedure entry point __getreent could not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll." and then the same message for _fopen64. I also get a warning that i have multiple copies of cygwin1.dll on the system and i deleted all i found excluding the one in the cygwin\bin directory but i still seem to get this message.. i also had a file cygwin1.dll.new in the bin directory, and i renamed it to cygwin1.dll and the old one to .dll.old, but it didn't make any difference. I have no idea what to do so if someone could give some instructions i would be very grateful.

22-02-2004, 03:54 PM
hmh you have the cygwin version shipped with MADos?

23-02-2004, 04:44 AM
yeah i ran mados.exe and choosed D:\ drive, and it made the cygwin directory.. i did a search on all my partitions for cygwin1.dll and deleted all but the one in d:\.. but still doesn't work.. it doesn't seem to locate some functions in the library..

25-02-2004, 01:51 AM
Got a problem inserting mados on a 6210. got it embedded, but shortkey_main wont run, comes up with error processing own_get_ram. 7barsC by yak wont run on it either. There's plenty of ppm space. Any ideas ?


01-03-2004, 04:46 AM
ive downloaded mados.exe, extracted it, updated with cvs but wen i run cygwin.bat it says bash isnt valid win32 program? how i fix this? is it because i havent got python installed??

01-03-2004, 01:38 PM
ive downloaded mados.exe, extracted it, updated with cvs but wen i run cygwin.bat it says bash isnt valid win32 program? how i fix this? is it because i havent got python installed??

Did u install the right registry file ?

01-03-2004, 05:27 PM
yeh i ran the one for C: and edited it to use correct paths, it says " application failed to initialise properly" when the bat file tries to run bash.exe

01-03-2004, 05:44 PM
if i was u i would just try installing it where it wants to be, (ie: c\cygwin)

01-03-2004, 06:10 PM
thats where it is installed :-? ne ideas?? in running xp

06-03-2004, 07:02 PM
finally got cygwin.bat to work and now getting the following (the reg file needs changing for win98 - instead of "windows registy" etc at to change to "regedit4"

21-03-2004, 06:12 AM
Hi! I tried to compile Mados to FULLEMBED and I get this error message during compiling:
/home/-gamez-/gccarm/arm-thumb-elf/bin/ld: region rom is full (flash.o section .rodata)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
But I managed to compile the embed and the standalone
What is the difference between embed and fullembed?
My embed.fls is only 137 KB, and after compiling it cygwin shows missing virgin.fls. Is this matter?
I use win xp.....
Has anyone the same problem? Can anybody solve this?

22-03-2004, 12:56 AM
Hi! I tried to compile Mados to FULLEMBED and I get this error message during compiling:
/home/-gamez-/gccarm/arm-thumb-elf/bin/ld: region rom is full (flash.o section .rodata)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
But I managed to compile the embed and the standalone
What is the difference between embed and fullembed?
My embed.fls is only 137 KB, and after compiling it cygwin shows missing virgin.fls. Is this matter?
I use win xp.....
Has anyone the same problem? Can anybody solve this?
same problem latest version is buggy when u try com[plie embed or full embed
but try and sersch this file
at 3310_old or new directory
and this line

om(RX) : ORIGIN = 0x00340040, LENGTH = 1*0000
ram(RWXAIL) : ORIGIN = 0x00100040, LENGTH = 127K

mod so

rom(RX) : ORIGIN = 0x00340040, LENGTH = 180000
ram(RWXAIL) : ORIGIN = 0x00100040, LENGTH = 127K

28-03-2004, 08:34 AM
I am using win 2k and have downloaded mados and installed it successfully and have downloaded and run wincvs also.
but when running cygwin.bat getting a strange error program too big to fit in memory.

PLZ Help

28-03-2004, 03:05 PM
Just out of interest, i'm curious to know why the mados team keep updating and adding fancy bits to the system when it has bugs stopping it from compiling properly ???

For about a month now its not been possible to make a 3310 embed or fullembed due to some "region rom full error". I'm not being critical here, cos they have done a lot of work, for free, and i appreciate this. I'm just curious as to why these new items are being added, when we can't make use of them because the bugs haven't been fixed and we can't compile it ??


28-03-2004, 11:48 PM
The answer to your question is 2 posts above you need to go to mados/data/3310/ and change the line to the 1 shown above also if you try a fullembed with the 3410 you need to increase from 150000 to 200000 to make it work

Good luck :-o

29-03-2004, 02:20 AM
The answer to your question is 2 posts above you need to go to mados/data/3310/ and change the line to the 1 shown above also if you try a fullembed with the 3410 you need to increase from 150000 to 200000 to make it work

Good luck :-o

i checked that file as soon as asgaardro posted, but my file had no such error, it was fine. Yet i still get the region rom full error on compiling.

20-04-2004, 09:53 PM

Cygwin package from UniqueSW is corrupt...

Please download here: http://www.doom-of-flash.de/gsm/mados.exe

And Cygwin will work

23-06-2004, 12:42 AM
Hi! I tried to compile Mados to FULLEMBED and I get this error message during compiling:
/home/-gamez-/gccarm/arm-thumb-elf/bin/ld: region rom is full (flash.o section .rodata)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
But I managed to compile the embed and the standalone
What is the difference between embed and fullembed?
My embed.fls is only 137 KB, and after compiling it cygwin shows missing virgin.fls. Is this matter?
I use win xp.....
Has anyone the same problem? Can anybody solve this?

SAME ERROR HERE... trying an embed for 8210... how can i solve it?
i looked in the memmap but it doesn't look like assgard said up a few posts... i have 200k and then 127k next row

edit: i put 300k instead of 200k and it worked... i'll try embeding into the flash now...

26-02-2005, 09:21 AM
I tried to compileMADos but i had this error :
bin/ld -luser32 error
also i can't start compiling only PC version and the others the compiling process can not start.

10-03-2005, 09:43 PM
After installing cygwin i must obtain this directory /home/-gamez-/gccarm/arm-thumb-elf/bin/ contained the gcc compiler or the gcc compiler and linker are in /bin

12-03-2005, 11:44 PM
How can I compile mados under linux ?

13-03-2005, 11:59 PM
I'd like to compile on linux (freebsd actually, but it should be the same way).. Can anyone post info on that please? Also would be nice if someone could post the commands for cvsuping the tree.. I'm downloading the daily snapshot right now..

I tried uncommenting the following line in compile.conf
# Linux -- wumpus
export DIALOG="tools/dialog"

and i get:
[: xEMBED: unexpected operator
./compile_all.sh: tools/dialog: not found
./compile_all.sh: tools/dialog: not found

if i don't do that i get:
[: xEMBED: unexpected operator
MZ˙˙¸@ş´: ┼⎺├ °⎺┤┼␍
ş´: ┼⎺├ °⎺┤┼␍
FŤć?: ┼⎺├ °⎺┤┼␍
⎻: ┼⎺├ °⎺┤┼␍
├⎺⎺┌⎽/␍␋▒┌⎺±.␊│␊: 6: S≤┼├▒│ ␊⎼⎼⎺⎼: ")" ┤┼␊│⎻␊␌├␊␍
MZ˙˙¸@ş´: ┼⎺├ °⎺┤┼␍
ş´: ┼⎺├ °⎺┤┼␍
FŤć?: ┼⎺├ °⎺┤┼␍
⎻: ┼⎺├ °⎺┤┼␍
├⎺⎺┌⎽/␍␋▒┌⎺±.␊│␊: 6: S≤┼├▒│ ␊⎼⎼⎺⎼: ")" ┤┼␊│⎻␊␌├␊␍


14-03-2005, 11:42 AM
you must comment all line that contains Dialog before trying to compile.
if you succeed to compile and generate flash file inform me plz.

14-03-2005, 10:32 PM
i get this error when i compiled mados :
apps/main.o(.data+0x2a8): In function `main_read_prov':
/home/Administrateur/MADos/apps/main.c:168: undefined reference to `_sony_imei'
apps/main.o(.data+0x2b8):/home/Administrateur/MADos/apps/main.c:168: undefined reference to `_sony_calc'
apps/main.o(.data+0x2e8):/home/Administrateur/MADos/apps/main.c:168: undefined reference to `_vitel_imei'
apps/main.o(.data+0x2f8):/home/Administrateur/MADos/apps/main.c:168: undefined reference to `_vitel_calc'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

can someone help me

12-04-2005, 01:21 PM
hey,can any1 give a link for the mados.exe file as ive tried lots but none are available

26-04-2005, 04:01 AM
plz sum1 tell me whats wrong

26-04-2005, 02:47 PM
Hi, Does mados work with Neelix III?

Please Reply,
