View Full Version : PLEASE!!! i need your Help.. :"((

13-12-2003, 05:41 AM
:sad: Hello to everyone.. i was an owner of a 3650 and i say i was because the day of my birthday (09/12) my phone was stolen from me.
Today i buy a brand new 6600 but all my contacts were on 3650 and nowhere else... The only thing i have is the backup files from the nokia software of 3650..... Please... is there any way to transfer my contacts from the backup files to 6600?? Or even a converter to see inside the files to handwrite the contacts and add them manualy to 6600...
I will apriciate any kind of help.
Best regards Akis
([email protected])

13-12-2003, 06:38 AM
If you can backup your data, you can reload the backup-ed data onto your new phone again (type in your password if you set one)

From what I remember from the 7250, there was a Nokia Content Copier. You either copy from phone to PC or PC to phone or erase the phone. So to backup your phone data, you choose phone to PC. However, in your case ... you choose erase the phone first then PC to phone.

But the 3650 is symbian, 7250 is a series 40. I have a Nokia 6600 as well. However, I have to wait until Christmas Eve for my two bluetooth dongles to arrive from Singapore before I can fiddle around with backup and uploading content from PC to phone.

i'm convinced that another member, who already has a 3650/3660/6600/7650 and a bluetooth dongle (or apparatus) can answer your question fully. As for me, I'll reply again if no one posts a message after this one about information on backuping and reloading backuped files from PC.

Yours sincerely,

13-12-2003, 01:47 PM
Hello dear Terminatrix. I remember those options from my old 6310.. but with the new Pc suite software (3650 & 6600) you dont have this option.You CAN backup allmost any of the nokia phones having IRDA or B/T but directly from Phone(read old phone) to Phone (write to new phone) You dont have the option to restore an old contact backup from your Hard Disk to 6600 or even 3650. I use "Pc Suite for Nokia 3650 V1.0.0" (the one in the Cd that it is provided in the box with the phone) to backup my stolen 3650. I even try to backup 6600 with "Pc Suite for Nokia 6600 V1.0.0" provided with the pnone's Cd and then i try to overwrite all the files from 3650 backup directory to 6600 backup directory on my H/D then run Pc Suite for 6600 and try to restore but nothing happens.The restore Button is not functioning. Probably the files in 2 directorys are not compatible... I even try to connect the 6600 via Bluetooth and run 3650's Pc suite but i get the message "Phone not compatible"
Damn.. :-o :sad: i think i will never find my contacts again... :( :cry:

13-12-2003, 10:56 PM
Forget about your contacts stored in PC, from now on, to avoid missing contacts try " SmartVcard", it's a perfect tiny softwaze for u.

14-12-2003, 04:32 AM
Okay dude, here's something you can try it, lol, you've got nothing to lose so you may aswell. Okay do a back up of your nokia 6600 using the PCSuit. Now using windows explorer browse to the location where you had your 3650 backup, copy the contacts.cbd file and then go to your nokia 6660's backup location and over-write the contacts.cbd with the one you copied from the 3650's backup folder. Then do a restore on your 6600, and let me know if it works. It should.

14-12-2003, 05:13 AM
Okay dude, here's something you can try it, lol, you've got nothing to lose so you may aswell. Okay do a back up of your nokia 6600 using the PCSuit. Now using windows explorer browse to the location where you had your 3650 backup, copy the contacts.cbd file and then go to your nokia 6660's backup location and over-write the contacts.cbd with the one you copied from the 3650's backup folder. Then do a restore on your 6600, and let me know if it works. It should.

Can't be done... cause 6600 provide a different method of backup. Which is convert all its backup files into *.dat files. 7650 used different method though. So, from what I seen its might be a lost contact information :(

As I agree with someone to try used SmartVCard as a backup solution.

Xp | qX
14-12-2003, 03:30 PM
Okay dude, here's something you can try it, lol, you've got nothing to lose so you may aswell. Okay do a back up of your nokia 6600 using the PCSuit. Now using windows explorer browse to the location where you had your 3650 backup, copy the contacts.cbd file and then go to your nokia 6660's backup location and over-write the contacts.cbd with the one you copied from the 3650's backup folder. Then do a restore on your 6600, and let me know if it works. It should.

Even if he could copy somehow the file contacts.cdb to his phone it would still not work,the reason for that is really simple : 3650 = symbian 6 series60 v1 6600 = symbian 7 series60 v2,the contacts database is not the same
the only solution would be to find a friend with a 3650,copy the contacts database to his phone and he could then using contacts manager export it
(i can help you with that just send me an email at [email protected] with the file contacts.cdb attached)

14-12-2003, 06:11 PM
start building your NEW contacts now.

15-12-2003, 09:11 PM
well....i manage to get a program named "Pc Suite tweaker v1.0" (anyone who need this drop me a mail to send it.. It ROCKS!!)
Now to the point..! using the tweaker i manage to get the contacts file in "contacts.cdb"format.. but now.. How i can read this file? Or is there any converter to .txt or .doc or something else that i can read? Searching whole day i manage to get some info reading some forums.. i read somewhere
""""""Yes it is possible, just go tu c:\system\data
ther you will find files CntModel.ini & Contacts.cdb this files contains all contacts, thats all you need, but i think that is possible to copy only in flight mode.""""""""
Well this is true.. Using Fexplorer i manage to find this files in C: disk on the phone... BUT!! The "Flight Mode" of System Tools (Psyloc) in 6600 is not working!!!! (Flight mode is needed in order to overwrite the CntModel.ini & Contacts.cdb (Contacts.cdb is used by the system and i can't overwrite it) Damn.. I'm so close.. but sooooooooo close...
Any help with the .cdb file?

Best Regards

16-12-2003, 08:04 PM
Yeah!! ;) :) :D
Xp|qX did an excellent Job!!!!!This guy Rocks!!!!!
My apreciate to all of you, who reply to my post and wanted to help...

17-12-2003, 08:00 AM
if u've done a backup from 3650 to ur pc... and restore it back.. What are included in backing up?

what files? applications? including my sms?

02-02-2004, 02:44 AM
Yeah!! ;) :) :D
Xp|qX did an excellent Job!!!!!This guy Rocks!!!!!
My apreciate to all of you, who reply to my post and wanted to help...

I had my 7650 stolen :sad: The difference is that i don' t have another nokia phone to import my contacts.. Is there any way to read my contacts? I convert my *.dat file with PC Suite Tweaker to Contacts.cdb but what is next? Thanks in advance... :sad: :sad: :sad: