View Full Version : 3650 128 MMC PC Suite Problem

13-12-2003, 08:05 AM
Hi I just put a 128 MMC into my nokia 3650 and now PC Suite complains that it could not connect to the phone.
It looks like it takes too much time to read the whole card.
I've filled it up with 110MB of mp3s.
The whole Nokia OS is running slower with the new memmory it is a SimpleTech memory.
Any one with ideas?

13-12-2003, 01:54 PM
Try to connect without a mem. card in the phone, and see if it works.

13-12-2003, 04:25 PM
wats the firmware version, and did u format the mmc b4 u use it?

15-12-2003, 03:13 AM
wats the firmware version, and did u format the mmc b4 u use it?
Version 3.16, and Yes I did formated the card the first time I've put in the phone.

The connection works when I use my original 16MB card