View Full Version : tree things

13-12-2003, 09:48 AM

first i wanna know if there is any program that converts, via software of course, nokia7650 into a webcam by bluetooth?

second im on camera fx for a long time(better than photographer in my opinion) and im still in version 1.31. When does the next version came out(1.4 or 2.0)? Is there any beta out there already?

my father just bought a 7250 but i cant transmit from my 7650 any files from infra-red. why this?? any incompatibility?? or is there a way of doing this by any software?


13-12-2003, 03:03 PM

I think there is a program call mobile webcam
you can get it from 4mobile.it

no idea about camera thing coz' i am using n-gage

13-12-2003, 04:19 PM
u can onli send stuff from series 60 to another series 60. cant send to series 40.

aint heard of any beta for camerafx yet.

13-12-2003, 06:23 PM
but a series 40 phone can send thing to a s60...
ulukly,only things like contacts and appointaments....

13-12-2003, 11:30 PM
just found a nokia 7650 webcam software

its at http://www.7650forever.com/ :)

14-12-2003, 02:56 PM
I can send things like ringtones trough IR to a SE T610 from my N6600 but I can't send to other Nokia phones.. hahah Way to go Nokia .. You are the best.

14-12-2003, 06:14 PM
yeh its stupid there is more irda compatibility between s60 fones and ericsson ones than s40!!! its stupid!!

no news on cam fx you mite want to e-mail wildpalm and see it they plan on doin a new relase, to be honest i frefer flexi cam plus its freeware

21-09-2004, 01:02 PM
IO XWONIC you borradito !!!! mekie ta tudo!!! :)
how are you!!!! troll kando e k das noticias ...andas desaparecido!!! lol
Fica well my friend!! :P

21-09-2004, 02:49 PM
IO XWONIC you borradito !!!! mekie ta tudo!!! :)
how are you!!!! troll kando e k das noticias ...andas desaparecido!!! lol
Fica well my friend!! :P

hmmm, hi, eng pls??? :smile: