View Full Version : Me45 Is Dead :( Help Please)

21-08-2002, 04:56 AM
First must say'Thanks' to all's for try to help me.....But my me45 is dead,and i can't do something to see it 'ALIVE'........If someone want to help me please send me a file with the right method to repear my dead mobile :(...... E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] again...

21-08-2002, 05:27 AM
Flash with this Me45-14_06_01.flx (http://www.spspart.sk/Zaloha/Siemens/Me45-14_06_01.flx) file using Zee's Flasher (http://www.spspart.sk/Zaloha/Siemens/all34209.zip). Then create a log and map for your phone to revive it.