View Full Version : Please help.....

16-12-2003, 05:20 PM
Does anyone know a program to find out the passwords of the zip files?

Please help.

16-12-2003, 08:13 PM
Well..dont know one..but tell me..where are from files downloaded..

17-12-2003, 02:05 AM
Well I once had one, but it used the brute force method, i.e. it tried out all the possible combinations of characters. One could tell which characters could be used (like, only digits or alphanumerics) to narrow the search criteria. I think this could be easy to write but I don't know how long it would work (I had it when I was using a 486... ;-))

18-12-2003, 09:56 AM
Does anyone know a program to find out the passwords of the zip files?

Please help.

u try entering the link where u got tt file as the pass? some movies zipped i got has pass like tt too. a 1 in a million chance, hope it works for u.