View Full Version : I Need Advice About 6600

31-12-2003, 12:45 AM
hi, im planning on buyin a 6600, at the moment ive got a 3650 but im not sure what software is compatible with the 6600 that works on the 3650. things like total IR remote, Mini gps, MGS Games, ETI Camcorder etc/ anyone got any info??? :-o a\and also could anyone tell me if the symbian version is the same...

31-12-2003, 01:04 AM
6600 has symbian 7 and 3650 has symbian 6 I think....maybe I'm wrong

31-12-2003, 01:18 AM
Well, 6600 has 65536 colours , better battery life, smaller, 32 MB MMC card,

And more...

31-12-2003, 01:39 AM
The 6600 is in every aspect better than the 3650.
And the amount of apps not working isn't that staggering high, and offcourse you can play N-GAGE games on it.
Here are few thing to mention, Better; Soundchip,speaker,Screen,C-Stick,Video Quality,Look. Furthermore it has 104 MEGAHERTZ,12MB ram 6MB internal Mem, standard Fileexplorer, a HELP mode for noobs.
And with the THEMES the possebilities are literally endless, the themes completly change your phone.
Every screen can be different bars and selection can be completely altered.

I can go on for hours but that wouldn't make me very populair around here.

Mgs works but wifout souwnd, MiniGPS works,IR Remote works. ETI works wifout sound.

If u really want an upgrade buy the 6600, i like it bet u do too, and besides (no offense to the 3650 owners) the 3650 looks horrid, i mean wif the keylayout and all.