View Full Version : Lost in cyberworld on the Eclipse

03-01-2004, 08:05 PM

I'm having problems with my eclipse as I cannot use wap. When I on the link of the page that I wish to visit it says 'No profile defined'. What do I need to do? My firmware version is 4RA09110 date 10/04/2002. I am on the O2 network if that helps.

If you know anything about this or could tell me your profile it would be a big help! :-?

19-09-2008, 03:18 AM
自助终端 IDE系列触摸自助终端是江苏淮安恒天伟业公司引进国际最新技术自行研制自助终端 (http://www.jcx.com.cn/cpzs.asp?Cid=3&id=89)生产并获得国家专利的自助服务设备,(为目前市场上最为领先的触摸自助设备划卡键盘 (http://www.jcx.com.cn/hkjp.htm)技术上全国领先。其应用国际最新嵌入式技术,采用一体化、[评价系统 (http://www.jcx.com.cn/)自助终端模块化整机设计、并具有超强的扩展性,壁挂、立式整体设计、灵活拆分、可扩展刷卡器柜员身份证系统 (http://www.jcx.com.cn/cpzs.asp?Cid=3&id=89)打印机等外部设备。配合本公司开发的公众上网(TBWeb)浏览器、排队软件以及各种多媒体软件可广泛应用于柜台排队系统、自助终端公众上网INTERNET浏览密码小键盘 (http://www.jcx.com.cn/)政府上网、医疗保险系统查询、自助终端业务介绍、形象宣传、媒体广告播放等领域