View Full Version : help me!! my phone will not get a SIGNAL

08-01-2004, 08:13 PM
my phone will not get a SIGNAL how can i fix it??
if you know please email me at

08-01-2004, 08:45 PM
Give details about phone type and how the problem occurrd!
eg, water damage etc.

08-01-2004, 09:04 PM
well it does not look like water damaged its a 3310 the inside looks fine can you still help me

08-01-2004, 09:09 PM
Have you got a datacable??

If so run the dsp test in eeprom tools and it will say about some problems!

09-01-2004, 03:02 PM
of course, at this moment.. if you tell us that you (or someone else) flashed it recently, then we will advise to Set the FAID... Flashing without FAID = no signal and often, a reset every 15 -45 seconds

15-01-2004, 06:46 PM
my data cable does not work the thing says connecting all the time

18-01-2004, 04:18 PM
fbus mode cable? switch iot to mbus, or buy an mbus cable. i use rolis noktool 1.9, press ladybird icon to auto-detect phone, then press FAID button... see also http://blight.dk for tuts