View Full Version : Help, i have menu without possibility of enter in 3210

11-02-2004, 11:25 PM
Sorry for my english, I'm polish guy. :)

I have problem with menu, i created it with g3nolite and when i flash it to phone i have it, but i can't enter and manu have number (it's 11) but haven't name (it's without it).

What i do wrong ??? :-?

This is my menu structure: (in polish, but i think it will be ok to understand :)

# PPM is located (via MCU info) at offset 000F0000
# using 'POLI' lang chunk

# ---------------------------------------------

# FLS : 2097152 bytes

# with PPM at 000F0000

# offset: 000D0EF0

# ---------------------------------------------


# checking given ROOT-entry..

# ... seems to be okay


[0x002E86F8] (0x0C) (0x10) (0x0101) [0x00112262]
# --------------
[0x00000000] [0x00000000] [0x00000000] (0x0114) (0x00DC) (0x0000) (0x000C) (0x0100) (0x0019)

(i cutted this part of menu, cause it is standard)

[0x002E3AA0] [0x00000000] [0x002E9260] (0x0000) (0x0387) (0x0000) (0x0036) (0x0000) (0x0019) Dodatki
[0x002E926C] (0x01) (0x80) (0x0101) [0x00000000]
# --------------
[0x00000000] [0x00000000] [0x00000000] (0x0114) (0x00DC) (0x0000) (0x000C) (0x1100) (0x0019)
[0x002E5E80] [0x00000000] [0x002E9294] (0x0000) (0x0387) (0x0000) (0x0005) (0x4000) (0x0016) Rytmiczne podswietlenie
[0x002E92A0] (0x02) (0x80) (0x0000) [0x00000000]
# --------------
[0x00000000] [0x00000000] [0x00000000] (0x0114) (0x00DC) (0x0000) (0x000C) (0x0100) (0x0019)
[0x002E4C78] [0x00000000] [0x0000007F] (0x0114) (0x05E0) (0x0000) (0x000C) (0x0100) (0x0019) Wlacz
[0x002E4C86] [0x00000000] [0x0000007E] (0x0114) (0x05E0) (0x0000) (0x000C) (0x0100) (0x0019) Wylacz
# --------------
# --------------
[0x00110A6C] [0x00000000] [0x00000034] (0x009C) (0x05E0) (0x0000) (0x0036) (0x0000) (0x0017) INVALID ADDRESS
[0x002D5924] [0x00000000] [0x0000002E] (0x00A3) (0x05E0) (0x0000) (0x0036) (0x0400) (0x0019) Net monitor
# --------------

11-02-2004, 11:28 PM
oh, i don't tell you which menu, my menu is that with title "Dodatki"

what i wrong ??

15-02-2004, 12:28 AM
do anyone read this post, or anyone can't answer my question :/