View Full Version : a little help plz.. :)

13-02-2004, 02:03 PM
hey all.. im new to these forums and i was wondering if i could get some helpful adice. i have a nokia 6600 and have recently downloaded some games although they are in zip format. they do not contain .sis or .jar files in them. what do i do?? how do i install them?

thanx :)

13-02-2004, 02:12 PM
Hi there,

You bought a great device... you need a bluetooth usb adapter or dongle as they say... for you to transfer you files from your pc to your mobile... another alternative is get a memory card reader and copy your sis files from your pc to your mmc card. and then use file manager to browse the file that you copy then install... m kinda in a hurry so, hope this help and everything goes well... by the way you can install my theme:


and here's the sis file:


13-02-2004, 03:05 PM
if u unzip the file and u get mani folders like meta, inf, etc, u haf to rename the whole zip file to .jar extension.

for win98, u haf to change the folder settings, enable both "allow uppercase letters" and the "display full path in title bar" options.

14-02-2004, 06:14 AM
thanx. it really helped me..i got both of the infra red and the card reader b4 anyway but i find that the infra red works the best

14-02-2004, 02:13 PM
when u r transferring big files, irda will take years. mmc card reader is for big files or when u wan lots of stuff in at once.

great u got it working :)