View Full Version : Power failure during flash?

11-09-2002, 05:19 PM
I was flashing my 6150 with new flash. (after backup...)
I loaded new flash and it was ok but after ~75% there were failure (can't erase flash or something...) I switched my gsm on and it said "contact service". I tried to flash my backup to phone but now my phone does not even start. If i try to use charger there are no "chargin bars" on the screen... Is my battery totally empty or is my Nokia totally death?:confused:

20-09-2002, 01:47 PM
my advice is to full flash the phone again using rolis 4.77 and change imei back to original and calculate faid so long as its all done correctly your phone will be happy again :D

22-09-2002, 07:46 AM
what flasher are you using?
u just need to flash ur phone again..

23-09-2002, 09:01 AM
How to flash if i can't turn power on? All programs says "press power button shortly", "power on phone" etc. When I press power there are no signs of live on the phone... I was in "real" Nokia service and they said: No hope... even with their Wintesla & FPS4:mad:

23-09-2002, 11:11 AM
the fact that there is no sign of life does not mean your phone will not switch on. When you flash your phone and get it wrong (which does happen a lot) your phone is "dead" no lights no battery bars, no nothing...... so if you re-flash the phone(preferably in seperate elements - mcu, ppm, eeprom+pmm) then the phone will be resurrected............hallelujah!!!!!

i recommend rolis v4.77 (http://www.geocities.com/wonkypants/dload)

hope this helps
:D :D :D