View Full Version : Help me with Nokia 7650
14-09-2002, 01:00 PM
I bought a new Nokia 7650 with v3.12, I try everithing to unlock it but nothig works :( .
JIC DCT4 unlocker, Enters in Test Mode, Read IMEI, but can't write SL data.
DCT4 Cracked by Cyber, says everithing ok, but nothing is ok....:confused:
DCT4 Tools v1.0 Beta, can't even connect.
Please Help me I don't kown what to do......:(
If there is a ways to remote unlock please tell me, I need to put it to work.
21-09-2002, 03:07 PM
you can unlock the 7650 only with the Log-Solution from B-Phreaks or Dejan but this technology isn't 4 free until now.
the 7650 and the new firmware of 8310 (5.57) haven't 4 Locks anymore. They have 5 Locks and another unlock-algorythm.
And our free DCT-4- unlocker is not able to handle this locks.
but it's just a question of time...
greetz B-Maniac
22-09-2002, 09:05 AM
And do you know where I can get the logger and who can unlock it?
Email, web address?
It's because I need to unlock it.....
22-09-2002, 10:00 AM
Ģ34 at
22-09-2002, 10:04 AM
I don't want to send the phone only a LOG or something....
22-09-2002, 02:26 PM
you cannot unlock this mobiles with the normal Mbus datacalbe (I THINK!!)
i think you need a total new Hardware to unlock this things.
look at the "b-phreaks"-Site
the "drucrew"
there you get more infos and could bye this equipment
(use google)
23-09-2002, 10:53 AM
the nelix 2 unlocker now supports 7650.
from jic electronics
23-09-2002, 01:36 PM
The NeelixII donīt unlock yet these phones....
in next days and only via logs:(
neelixII support for flash 100%
Best Regards
GSM tools
24-09-2002, 07:26 PM
we can offer you fast and safe unlock solution for Nokia 7650
you don't need cable, open phone, buy logger....
check our offer and price at our website -
24-09-2002, 10:11 PM
do you calculate the unlock code from the IMEI or do you have access to the Unlock Code-Database from Nokia?
best regards!
03-11-2002, 07:53 AM
hey guyz
wicked forum setup. Ok im kinda new to all this and a bit confused. im getting loads of different opinions about unlocking this phone via mbus cables and some sort of program. only thing is none of them seem to work. is therer somewhere where i can get a step by step guide on how to do this, if this is possible at all. or can someone explain.:p
would be great if someone could back to me.
either here or direct email
[email protected]
only thing is i dont particulary want to pay for this program, so ideally all done 4 free.:confused:
03-11-2002, 01:03 PM
no way yet, dude
03-11-2002, 04:03 PM
Well I got a friends done via IMEI here ( cost Ģ30 but didn't need to buy any cables etc.
03-11-2002, 10:20 PM
thanks for such a prompt service!! If only all of life services were so responsive hey!
But another question. BUT WHY?!?! :p
Why hasn't anyone made a program to do this. What you guys doing with your time get your heads together and get one sorted!!! (joking)
Ok this is the koo. I had my phone stolen, and had it replaced with another phone. Now my old phone has turned up at the shop that it was stolen from. And now im thinknig that If I do this remote thing, the Imei thingy number will come up as stolen, right or wrong. I mean I don't want to get in to trouble but I want to give this phone to someone I know. So someone please tell me.
Cheers guys.:D
04-11-2002, 12:23 AM
Why hasn't it been done? It just a matter of time I mean that people have only just finished learning all we can from DCT-3 (but I am sure that there is more to learn) and that took almost 4yrs to do.
Also I read that the UK networks are now sharing their blasklist so unlocking a listed phone will not help as it will not work on any UK network.
The trouble is that people kept hassling the authors and a lot of "newbies" are DEMANDING solutions RIGHT NOW THIS MINUTE I ask you how would you feel if people keep asking you to do something that requires TIME and EFFORT make and not understanding that.
We wouldn't be were we are without the likes of Dejan, Rolis et al who DID release there ideas and software for free.
So give these people so breathing room and they will deliver what you need.
This is my own personal point of view. This message is not directed at anybody.
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