View Full Version : Locked C100, what to do?

The Coolest
12-06-2004, 01:08 PM
Hey people,
I recently bought a C100 from someone in the UK. I live in Israel, this phone is locked to Orange UK, so I thought that it should work with Orange Israel, well... It doesn't. (I got the phone without a SIM Card) When I put in my card it says "Wrong Card", does that mean that it is just locked or that I will not be able to use it on my network even if I unlock it? I just read in another thread that an A300 displays the message of enter an unlocking code?
I also bought a C100 USB cable, should I be able to unlock it with that cable?
Also I can query the modem (the phone) when its connected, but any phone managing software can't see the phone. Only EasyGPRS sees it for a second and then goes offline. What can I do?

Thanks in advance for any help.

08-07-2004, 09:56 PM
i have one of these phones and i don't get on with it at all.
mine is not seen by easygprs. i am waiting for some information on it and i'll pass it on if it is any good.

As for the "wrong card" message.
most UK phones are network locked yours is locked to Orange UK and will need unlocking to work on your network as long as your network and UK Orange are on the same gsm 900 or 1800 etc.

i have an unlock program for the samsung it hasn't worked on mine but i don't know if my cable is good as its serial port type.
it may work on usb i don't know.


The Coolest
08-07-2004, 10:06 PM
Thanks for the help, but I've unlocked the phone already, using a CODE not any hardware, cables or software.

I'm not sure if this code will work on other C100's but for mine it worked.
Here's the code if you're interested:

Insert your SIM Card into the phone and turn it on:

**Stage I**
type: "*#9998*627837793#"
wait till error message dissapears

**Stage II**
type: "*#9998*3323#"
press "Exit" and then press 7
*the phone will reboot*

**Stage III**
*now the phone will turn on like it would if it was unlocked*
wait till error message dissapears

**Stage IV**
then navigate in menu to 4.2.4 (4. Settings, 2. My Settings, 4. File Manager)
then execute menu item 4 (initialize) and 6 (recover).

Then the phone will be totally unlocked. If you don't follow stage III and IV, after you turn your phone off, and then back on, it will be once again locked, so, do not forget to follow the last 2 stages.

This has worked for me, hope it works for anyone else who tries this.

02-11-2004, 01:23 PM
thanx it worked on my fone cheers :)

03-11-2004, 09:20 PM
I have a c100 samsung which is not charging at all, untill i use a desktop charger which i find difficult due to the nature of my work, ps who can come to my aid?
thanks alot!!!