View Full Version : Need help to remove read only "Clouds.jpg" on N 6100

18-07-2004, 04:18 PM
Yesterday,i upgrated my Nokia 6100 at NCS under warranty. Now my phone firmware version is
27-02-04 .

In the past any media files in my phone could be deleted. But after firmware upgrade i cannot delete the file "Clouds.jpg" because it is read only :sad: . Furthermore, i cannot delete the images by PC based softwares :evil: .
This 15 KB image is so bad for 6100's 4096 STN screen. Sometimes, 15 KB out of 600KB is not negligible for 6100 memory. i wanna remove and load my preferred images as i could do before. i really need help to solve this problem without firmware downgrading.

Please help!...

Thanx :)