View Full Version : Strangest Things on 3150i

18-07-2004, 11:21 PM
The cellular has been locked, i have unlocked it with a DTC4, tried all the combinations, only the 1st was said "unlocked" and now when i try place a call it gives me a "busy" line and when i try to recieve a call i get an odd sound as if my cellular disconnected. i've called the cellular company they say my sim isnt locked but the phone still is.

my imei: <REMOVED>
nokia 3510i.

anyone can help?

19-07-2004, 12:33 AM
sounds more like a blocked stolen phone to me....did you buy it from someone ??

19-07-2004, 02:09 PM
Yes it sounds as if this phone is black-listed
I would assume you are talking about the 3510i yes?

well this is the wrong section for this and as you broke a rule
I am closing this thread
