View Full Version : Valid GX10 Flash Download links?

19-07-2004, 06:08 PM
Is there any valid gx10 flash download links about?
Crux your one has exceeded bandwidth limit, it used to be the best one it had all of them :( Im in search of the flash files for the GX10 please please please post me a working url with the GX10 A02 - 002 files!

20-07-2004, 10:38 PM
try http://sharp.x-mc.net

but it has a bandwith problem too :(

23-07-2004, 02:37 AM
i am starting to make a mirror here
u can download gx10 flash already

the other flashes, i will upload later when i get more free time

BR, Crux

23-07-2004, 04:19 AM
nice job crux
would you happen to have the older gx10 flashes?
Im looking for anything older than 0235 . plz!