02-08-2004, 08:33 AM
I want to warn people for the software published in ... Despite of the fact that he anounces the motorola package in the list. There is NOT such package. you only recive cheap stuf
take care!!
He also, had the cynicism to assure me via ICQ(<removed>), that, he had the software. Hope you buy something nice with my money!, damned.
Be careful with this guy!. Don`t buy here.
this is the information of the guy that rob me.
The country: Ukraine.
City: Kiev.
The address: <removed>.
LastName: <removed>
FirstName: <removed>
MiddleName: <removed>
Hola quiero advertir a la gente del software publicado en Apesar de que el hombre anuncia el paquete de software para Motorola en su lista, No hay tal!!. lo ùnico que uno recibe es software obsoleto.
Mucho cuidado con el!!
Ademàs tuvo el cinismo de asegurame via ICQ que lo tenìa. Espero que se compre algo bonito con mi dinero, perro.
Tengan cuidado y no compren nada en este sitio.
Aqui esta la informaciòn de este cabròn que me robò.
The country: Ukraine.
City: Kiev.
The address: <removed>
LastName: <removed>
FirstName: <removed>
MiddleName: <removed>
I want to warn people for the software published in ... Despite of the fact that he anounces the motorola package in the list. There is NOT such package. you only recive cheap stuf
take care!!
He also, had the cynicism to assure me via ICQ(<removed>), that, he had the software. Hope you buy something nice with my money!, damned.
Be careful with this guy!. Don`t buy here.
this is the information of the guy that rob me.
The country: Ukraine.
City: Kiev.
The address: <removed>.
LastName: <removed>
FirstName: <removed>
MiddleName: <removed>
Hola quiero advertir a la gente del software publicado en Apesar de que el hombre anuncia el paquete de software para Motorola en su lista, No hay tal!!. lo ùnico que uno recibe es software obsoleto.
Mucho cuidado con el!!
Ademàs tuvo el cinismo de asegurame via ICQ que lo tenìa. Espero que se compre algo bonito con mi dinero, perro.
Tengan cuidado y no compren nada en este sitio.
Aqui esta la informaciòn de este cabròn que me robò.
The country: Ukraine.
City: Kiev.
The address: <removed>
LastName: <removed>
FirstName: <removed>
MiddleName: <removed>