View Full Version : Atmel Flash/Software for Phoenix Programmer

30-09-2002, 05:18 AM
Could someone tell me what flash code has to be on the Atmel chip on the ISO programmer and the software to use with it to read the phonebook and other things on my SIM. I currently was using it to read other types of SIM's not GSM SIM's.

30-09-2002, 02:00 PM
i'm not sure understand what u need
Do u need software for funcard or something related to AVR mode on your programmator for SIM reading or/and writing?

30-09-2002, 08:33 PM
I'm a newbie to SIM card reading. I want to read and Edit my GSM SIM Phonebook entries. I have a ISO 7813 reader, with a blank Atmel (AT90S2313-10PC), I want to be able to flash the Atmel chip on the reader with the correct code, and also the software to run on the PC to be compatible with the code that is on the Atmel. I have heard that the CARDinal software is compatible with the Phoenix programmer. But when I run it, it does not notice it on the COM port. If you could let me know the steps to get this going, that would be great. I've looked at the schematics to build a reader, but it does not tell you the type of code to use on the Atmel. Any information would be great.

30-09-2002, 08:59 PM
By the way, the card I'm trying to read is a GSM GEMPLUS wafer. Please let me know if you know what I need to do to use a Phoenix programmer. Thanks.

18-08-2003, 01:26 PM
i am also looking for atmel flash please help us out,thank you ill trade my knowlege of sattleite info for help:D

19-08-2003, 09:51 AM
What I know is that the ISO programmer always comes flashed for phoenix - there is no legal restrictions against phoenix operations-
the flashing is needed if another job is required..(not sim cards).
before doing anything try this :
1. change the power supply POLARITY
2. increase power up to 14V

for flashing codes check this link...

19-08-2003, 03:53 PM
thanks for all youre help ill keep you all posted on what i discover

21-08-2003, 09:27 AM
I've the same problem with me phoneix programmer, i can get it to work with anything, anyone could help me plz

thanx in advance