View Full Version : SysIconz Releases here!
14-09-2004, 11:08 AM
Mike wrote:
SysIconz v1.01
Developer: Mike (
[email protected])
FAT, Fake It & Quarzk Blue Artwork: Twolf
Predator Blooded Artwork: Soulness
Testers: Mike, Carapau80, Kamikaze, Twolf, Soulness, Blue_Dragon74
- A collection of apps that acts like "shortcuts" to the real system apps installed in the Z: Drive in order to change icons
- A Manager that allows to change the current SysIconzPack
- FAT SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Fake It SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Quarkz Blue SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Predator Blooded SysIconzPack by Soulness
Changes all system icons except:
MidpUi, VoiceRecorder, RealPlayer and Folders
Duplicates these icons:
MidpUi, VoiceRecorder, RealPlayer
(Unfortunatly it's impossible to create "shortcuts" to these programs that's why i decided to duplicate them to allow the icons to be changed, the user can always hide the default icons in a folder.)
Here (
Just install the sis into the MMC and restart the phone.
ATTENTION: Select the correct phone model with a cross.
Just Uninstall the Package and restart the phone
Compatible with Nokia N-Gage, Nokia N-Gage QD, Nokia 3650 and Nokia 3660
Not Compatible with Nokia 6600/7610
Lacks "shortcut" to the Game Application Icon in Nokia N-Gage QD
tzeonn : this thread will only be for future releases of SysIconz, or any icons changer for symbians.
Post all qns in this thread (
Irrelevent posts will be deleted! Sorry for any inconveniences caused!
14-09-2004, 12:34 PM
he did a v v good work :)
14-09-2004, 12:41 PM
he did a v v good work :)
Thanks :smile:
Next version will suport more languages. :)
gr8 wrok again :D
does myke post in this forum?
whats his nickname? :D
14-09-2004, 01:38 PM
errrr...... His nick name is MikePT...
lol. he posted before me. but i waited too long before making a reply, so i didnt read his post :D
myke, i'l talk to u later. i just want to know the really first steps to make symbian appz. i may be thinking in something
15-09-2004, 04:44 AM
Thanks TWolf, MikePT for the great great work, well done.
i m a beginner here, just want to know what software to pack all .sis file into one icon pack?
15-09-2004, 07:49 AM
to be honest i never used that....i believe it is called SIS MAKER or something..
remenber to install in the correct folder.
15-09-2004, 11:22 PM
I made a new iconpack for SysIcons, but dont have webspace to put it on. I'm also the guy that made the Crystalized iconpack, but someone else allready made it for you. This is Series90. Hope you like it.
If anybody has webspace, contact me.
PS. Can you give me the UID of the SysIcon app, so i can change that icon too?
15-09-2004, 11:32 PM
I made a new iconpack for SysIcons, but dont have webspace to put it on. I'm also the guy that made the Crystalized iconpack, but someone else allready made it for you. This is Series90. Hope you like it.
If anybody has webspace, contact me.
PS. Can you give me the UID of the SysIcon app, so i can change that icon too?
cant nokiafree host it, tzeonn???? this isnt warez??
p.s. i love the series 90 one!!!!
16-09-2004, 01:51 PM
cant nokiafree host it, tzeonn???? this isnt warez??
p.s. i love the series 90 one!!!!
no prob uploading to here, i will def approve it.
its his choice where he wans to upload it to.
16-09-2004, 02:35 PM
Ok, i attached the Series90 IconzPack FOR N-GAGE. You can download now.
Just copy the folder to E:\System\Apps\SysIconz\IconzPacks.
Enjoy 8)
16-09-2004, 07:13 PM
[Play-Mobile Iconz Pack v1.0 for SysIconz]
Design: TWolf | Testers: Mike
this is gr8
when will a 6600 theme come :D
17-09-2004, 03:18 PM
[ SX1 IconzPack for SysIconz for N-Gage ]
Made and Tested by Royal_21
File attached.
Unpack the ZIP file and copy the SX1 folder to E:\System\Apps\SysIconz\IconzPacks
17-09-2004, 05:17 PM
Royal_21 those look really good. How about a 6600 version?
17-09-2004, 09:38 PM
Royal_21 THX A LOT~:D
18-09-2004, 10:32 PM it possible to extract .bmp files from .aif files just like extracting .bmp from .mbm files using bmconv. If so what program could do this?
20-09-2004, 08:14 AM
Is there any chance to get this application working on the new Sendo X?
If you need help, i would gladly do my best :-D
20-09-2004, 09:03 AM
I have no clue, sorry...
21-09-2004, 12:27 AM
how about the aif files? can we extract the bmp's from it? :roll:
btw i found this.. but i don't think it would work for series60, think its for pda's and series90 only.
21-09-2004, 08:49 AM
[Fake-IT Iconz Pack v1.0 for SysIconz]
Design: TWolf | Testers: Mike & Tzeonn
26-09-2004, 06:59 AM
hey twolf,
just checked out ur site..its a great site, full of flashes! why not making the icons available on your site for download? Your icons would be of great use even for desktop icons..just a suggestion.
keep-up the good work, hope you can make more icons! w00t! :D
26-09-2004, 09:11 AM
thanxs....but i prefer for them to be nokia-only.
anyways, im not that attached to my icons...i keep giving them away for ppl to do 6600 themes and still they dont surface anywhere...whats up ppl?
26-09-2004, 09:10 PM
Series90 IconzPack for SysIconz better version.
27-09-2004, 09:38 AM
royal, how about a screenshot?
27-09-2004, 03:51 PM
Guys, these icon packs are fantastic. Been a while since ive been here, but this is a very nice thing to come home to.
Ill try and develop my own icon packs for you guys at a later date...Seeking out some how-to info just now ;)
TWolf, thanks for the amazing icon sets (love the FAT one and crystallized). Mike, thanks for the amazing program (SysIconz) and Royal - looks like your some tough competition for TWolf ;)
27-09-2004, 07:34 PM
royal, how about a screenshot?
Sorry, man. Was in a hurry. ;)
Changed the icons of SysIconz, MusicPlayer, Radio and FDN
28-09-2004, 09:41 PM
my friends was making this icon pack! Call it "SpiderMan"! But this icon pack not full of change system icon! :P
SpiderMan Artwork by grunge
02-10-2004, 03:52 PM
hope u like it, only for ngage though...screenshots included in the zip file.
cheers! :D
02-10-2004, 08:32 PM
tsc tsc tsc, no screenshot outside? can we see it before download it?
02-10-2004, 08:54 PM
sorry but i don't have a place to upload the pics, anyway its just 100+ kb thus dl'ing it would cause no problems, if you don't like what u see on the screen shots then simply don't install it.
03-10-2004, 01:04 AM
"Attachments Pending Approval"
so i cant see the screenshot thru there either...
04-10-2004, 09:43 AM
How can I edit the *_caption.rsc files? Witch coding does it use? If I edit on the phone with a regular editor, it won't accept it. I want to translate it to hungarian.
04-10-2004, 10:01 AM
use windows good-old notepad.
04-10-2004, 10:58 AM
If i open with notepad, between each caracter there is a square. Should I leave this? And what's the {programname}.rsc? That is full with unreadable characters.
04-10-2004, 11:35 AM
yes, leave the character, but i cant help you more there, i never did that, only read about it...
04-10-2004, 05:04 PM
hey twolf / mike[pt]
at irc i found sysiconz v1.0.1, is this an official release from u guys? anyway just want 2 inform u abt it, nevr tried to dl it yet and try.
cheers! :D
06-10-2004, 02:01 AM
yes, mike just released that. its not here yet, its just in the PT forum so far.
06-10-2004, 11:07 AM
Quarkz Iconz Packz v1.0 for SysIconz
Design: TWolf | Testers: Mike, Blue_Dragon74, phillipos
QuarkBlue - QuarkDark - QuarkGreen - QuarkPink - QuarkRed - QuarkGay - QuarkOrange
Each PAck includes a wallpaper and a operator logo (they have to be installed manually), here are two examples:
(use save target as)
(mirror thanks to jony3650) (825kb)
I wanted to make a series of iconpacks of one color only, to combine with the celphone palletes. So i created the orange, blue, red, pink, green, black and gay (multicolor).
Note that the bluetooth and infrared mantain the same color for obvious reasons. Also note that all the explorers icons are the same, that made sence to me.
Besides all the system icons i also created extra icons for 3650/3660, Fileman, SeleQ, FSCaller, Picodrive, SymBoot (another program from mike), SmartVCard and SmartMovie. (of course it only changes the icons for programs that are installed in the MMC)
I thank again to Mike for all his precious help and for the Sysiconz, of course!
06-10-2004, 11:24 AM
Perfect! Thanks a lot TWolf. ~;) Cheer~:D
Like you say "SysIconz" was update to v1.01 ! You 'll post it here?
06-10-2004, 11:53 AM
already updated in the original post, but the thread remains 1.0.0, even after changing it to 1.01
can this be fixed?
06-10-2004, 12:13 PM
I see~:P
Say thanks again~:D
06-10-2004, 01:42 PM
already updated in the original post, but the thread remains 1.0.0, even after changing it to 1.01
can this be fixed?
changed ;)
or u wan me to change to something else?
06-10-2004, 02:06 PM
no, thanx...
good ideia, that way its not necessary to change it everytime a new version comes up.
08-10-2004, 11:40 AM
How much memory do i have to have free on my phone. I have 1966kb free, but i get an "Out of memory, installation aborted" error.
08-10-2004, 02:24 PM
that should be enough to install, never install things on C: drive unless you really have to.
one thick i found in a forum: with seleQ change the properties of the SIS you want to install to read-only (ONLY IN SELEQ, not in windows, if you do that in windows your f**ked) and install it normally, since its read-only the system cant move it to the installation folder on C: and it installs from where he is.
08-10-2004, 06:36 PM
I'm fairly new to symbian, so how do i control, where the programs are installed to?
08-10-2004, 06:39 PM
I think that's what you try to explain, but i don't really understand what you mean. :-D
08-10-2004, 09:46 PM
the sis file (installer) is copied by the system to c:\nokia\installs and then installed to the drive of your choice (E: is better) it then stays in e:\system\apps\(name of the program), some files may be in other places, depends of the program or game, or course.
The SIS file is then deleted from the installation folder and a new sis created (not sure about if its created or if it is just the old sis modified) to stay in the manager folder so it can be uninstalled by your request.
09-10-2004, 10:28 PM
hii ppl
how cum sum iconpacks are .sis files ? i installd one but then i switchd over to quarkz but now i cant switch back to it ..... :(
do i hav to install it again ? how do i bring it into sysicons ?
4giv me im a newb to all dis...... ;)
11-10-2004, 07:36 AM
Anyone in here got this program to work, without any extra memory in excess of the memory of the phone?
11-10-2004, 08:24 AM
Grotesce, the old version of sysiconz just replaced the aif files in the system folders, the new version saves a copy of them in the sysiconz folder, so it can chosen with the sysiconz manager.
that way, if you want to choose a (now) badly made iconpack you must re-install it again, or extract it manually to the e:\system\apps\sysiconz\iconpack\ folder.
Sisdious, what do you mean with "extra memory"?
the program doesnt stay "on" wasting baterry, its a simple file-over-system way to change the icons.
11-10-2004, 10:47 AM
Sisdious, what do you mean with "extra memory"?
the program doesnt stay "on" wasting baterry, its a simple file-over-system way to change the icons.
What i mean, is that i don't have an extra MMC card in the phone (yet). And i'm having trouble installing the program. It keeps saying that i don't have enogh memory. And right now i have 1731K free. Is it possible to install the program without an extra memory module?
11-10-2004, 12:21 PM
Dont install in c: its dangerous.
always install in the MMC.
11-10-2004, 12:26 PM
Dont install in c: its dangerous.
always install in the MMC.
Damn, that means i wan't be able to install it before i get myself a MMC card. :-(
11-10-2004, 07:28 PM
There's 1 that's out called, Predator. I think it's based on the Predator Movies. Not 100% sure if it is or not.
12-10-2004, 08:59 AM
yes, there is series of PREDATOR iconpacks, one of them is included in the updated version, as you can see in the first post:
"Predator Blooded Artwork: Soulness"
its from a portuguese creator also.
12-10-2004, 09:14 PM
i'ts a cool icon
tank's... :-D
ppl is there no way to change the white back groung behind the wall paper in the main screen???
16-10-2004, 04:02 PM
yes, with smartlauncher, buy a extra-batery to use it. ;)
twolf you seem to be the scripting wizard, tell is there no possible way to get the themes for 6600 to work on ngage. i mean exactly like in 6600.
and if yes when would that kind of software be out
17-10-2004, 09:37 AM
i'm not a scripting wizard, i make icons only, i know nothing of programming, Mike did the sysiconz program, not me.
as far as Mike told me there is no good clean easy way to make themes for non-themed phones, you can only go around making a brand new menu system like smartlancher.
i dont think no one (other than themerizer) is working on that now...sorry
oh ok
anyways thankyou for your replies
22-10-2004, 05:48 PM
i'm using SysIcons on my ngage and appear to have found a bug when applying icon packs.
instead of the AIF files being copied to E:\System\Apps\, they are copied to E:\system\. the AIF files are placed in their respective folders, but all the AIF files have been renamed to Apps. :razz:
is this happening to anyone else?
22-10-2004, 05:52 PM
wow... whats your firmware version?
22-10-2004, 06:20 PM
Thread moved to new symbian fun area ;)
15-11-2004, 09:42 AM
thats wierd, thats the same as mine...
try a format...
21-11-2004, 07:51 PM
ar, the download link is ...
22-11-2004, 10:41 AM
like said before..."save target as"
22-11-2004, 01:53 PM
i mean the link for the sysiconz program, not the icon packs
22-11-2004, 02:51 PM
oh, sorry
i've updated the link.
22-11-2004, 04:57 PM
Thanks a lot
28-12-2004, 10:47 AM
im interested in making my own icon packs, how can i repackage it to sysiconz format? thnx.. .happy new year.
30-12-2004, 11:00 PM
hi i'm making a iconpack, i can't find the uid of the folder!!!??? somebody tried it?
to find uid try using system explorer v1.70
31-12-2004, 05:40 AM
what program do you use to make iconz using packaged in sysiconz format? will someone help me?
31-12-2004, 10:01 AM
Hi there :)
I am using SysIconz, finally, on my 3650. Cuirrently with the "Fake It" pack. I have several questions about this brilliant application.
When i tried to install it first, it came up with "memory low, please delete some data". At that time i had 2.150 MB free in phone memory, and some 22 MB in the MMC (a 256 MB module). It however was phone memory which the program wasn't happy with. Using eFileManager i found that it DID copy the file to the installer, but then still complained that there was not enough memory. So i started deleting "some data" and eventually ended up with no app shown in "Manager" because i deleted all those uninstaller SIS files - i had nothing else to be deleted from c:!
Ok i gained 2.3 MB in the end and it would STILL not install! So i did dangerous things - temporary cut-and-pasteing files from c: to e: hoping the phone would remain running, with some success - once i reached 2.55 MB free, SysIconz installed finally.
To the developer: Is it possible for a new version to cut this memory-needs down a bit?
Now, my other question is: Is there a way to change the icon for own folders? Since my main menu consists exclusively of own folders (trans-X for Connect, play-X for games, sys-X for tools - etc) and so i can not see the beautifull new icons before opening one of those folders. Ok, the "Messaging" icon is still there :) I have previously tested an app called "Smart Launcher" which did also replace those folder icons, but i wasn't happy with that app - it didn't stay on when i powered down the phone, i.e. every time i rebootet i had to restart Smart Launcher first, and that sucks - i want something like that to be auto-starting, yet couldn't figure out how to. Besides Smart Launcher consumed a large amount of memory when active (i don't care for the battery that much because i charge daily anyway).
Second, is there a theme pack/icon pack that emulates the icons of windows XP? I liked those in Smart Launcher - maybe you "create" those upon request, or eventually give some hints how could i do it myself? That MSN icon is just cute for "contacts" :)
I had one more question but actually i forgot it now... when i remember again, i will post again :) Till then, congratulation and many thanks to you for this nice piece of software :) It helps me in my quest to customize my 3650 :)
Kind regards.....
your Thanh
15-01-2005, 11:29 AM
How about a SX1 IconzPack for 3650?
22-01-2005, 05:51 PM
Hey,, i think i found 1 bug for sysiconz !!
but first my phone = N-Gage v4.03
the problem is when you finished playing or do something that take much RAM you cannot back to standby mode even if you press the red button, and if you hold menu button and select the phone, my phone will hang for 3-4 seconds and it will reboot by itself
or if you just press exit button on menu or press red button, it will take much time to get back to standby mode.
!! how to fix that problem ??? :-? i really love SYSICONZ but that problem make me mad :-x !! please,, please,, thank's bro !!
(i'm sorry if my english was bad, i'm indonesian) :D
24-01-2005, 12:21 PM
Hello :)
I just asked this question also in another thread, not remembereing that this one was there as well.........
I can no more start "Opera" on my 3650, it complains "Not enough memory". There are only system processes running, according to both Stacker and AppMan.None of the running processes can be stopped.
My question: I have SysIconz installed and active. Does it hog up memory? If so, how much of it? Can i disable single iconz that i actually don't use? (i need only the ones in the main menu, basically). SysIconz, altough "on", does not show up as active process, that's why i am asking this question.
I had Opear running on my phone before i installed SysIconz! But that's long ago.
Kind regards......
24-01-2005, 01:22 PM
well, i have the same verion on my ngage and i never had a shutdown because of that before...
sysiconz has its own icon manager application, thats the only program in it, everything else is just shortcuts to aplications, theres no program working in the background envolved here.
BUT, theres always a but, it does "consume" space in the mmc, and that is the problem, the menu itself may be a little slower, depending on what you have installed in your mmc.
if you already have a slow system (3650/3660 is slower than ngage) then my advice is to delete all the e:\system\apps\freak... shortcut aplications that you dont use and are in a faraway folder in your menu. that way you only have the icons you actualy use.
also delete the iconzpacks that you dont use, to save disk space.
If Mike ever has time to do another version of SysIconz i hope he will do a zipedd manager version of the iconpacks...but dont hold your breath, he has a lot of work lately (wich is good, for him, of course).
25-01-2005, 02:13 PM
Hello again :)
Thank you for answering that for me. But it is not disk space that i need... it is RAM. I have well over 100 MB free still in the MMC so that is no issue. I just tought that all those "freak" things were permanently loaded in the RAM and therefor hogging up that memory. My problem is that i can't start OPERA because of too low RAM.
Also, instead of a zipped "MAnager" i would wish for a iconZ for the "folders". Because regardless how beautiful the iconZ are, the folders (which dominate my menu) are still same old, boring style. "sLauncher" can replace those, so why not SysIconz..? :)
Kind regards.....
your Thanh
26-01-2005, 10:05 AM
ahhh..the folders once again...
you can read the three pages before this one, or just ask it again.
like i said before, the icons are merely shortcuts, not real aplications, therefore, an icon is changed thru those shortcuts.
a folder is not a program, so it cant be "shortcuted", so, no icon.
I like smartlaucher, but i like my batery more, plus, SysIconz is free.
You decide, nice looking folders or a batery for more than half-a-day.
27-01-2005, 03:16 PM
Hi there :)
Ya the folders "yet again". And don't acuse me of not willing to read, i have probably read every single post in this entire forum, so please.
However yesterday i had a nuclear meltdown, trying to play "Siberian Strike, 2nd Episode" while having "Memory Monitor" running (actually i wanted to know how much RAM those JAVA things need) resulted in a hard freeze from which the phone didn't wake up anymore. Result: "Phone startup failed. Please contact retailer". No "safe mode" attempt helped - it was gone.
So i went and contadted some retailer, in this case a small shop in MBK where i spend a great part of my freetime - and two hours later i had my phone back, v4.17 instead of 3.14 and totally blank memory. I also had to format the MMC, otherwise it wouldn't start, so i really ended with a totally virgin phone.
Well i reached home around 8pm and around midnight i had it where it was before...... unfortunately also in regards to memory problems! Just that now there is 3.036 MB free on c: where before was only 2.610 (if lucky), even tough i have exactly the same stuff installed and the same pictures etc. Also now, when rebooting in safe mode, it makes a difference - before it went from 2.1 to 2.2 MB free, now it goes from 1.8 (yes lower than before!) to a whopping 2.3 - still not enough for Opera, so screw Opera.
However, 1.8 is the case with SysIconz installed and active. When uninstalled, it is 2.1! I tested that four times to be sure, and then decided to keep SysIconz off. Sad because i loved it. Uninstalling WorldMate frees the same amount off RAM, but THAT one i need for my job (WorldClock would be an alternative, but i'm healed from Psiloc and their non-existing customer support).
And regarding those folders: Why not make a version 2.0 of SysIconZ with the option for the user to decide like, what icon for which shortcut? Something like giving the user full control. I am sure that should be possible? And then, since folders can well be "shortcuted", also enable icons for folders. (i am able to put a shortcut to some folder in favourites, for example, via SeleQ). Since there is basically a small application running to link the iconZ to the actual applications, why not another such application for each folder.... with the value not being "run target application" but instead "open target folder" (i'm no programmer, just good in imagining things).
Kind regards.........
your Thanh
27-01-2005, 04:01 PM
ok, sorry for all the trouble you had, but for now on...just remove the battery, plug it back on and start the phone again. it works for me. ;)
SysIconz is not the one responsible for that, thats one of the setbacks of having too many files on one fragmented MMC (sometimes i have to remove the batery five times until it works again).
about your idea, talk to MikePT, the man behind the SysIconz... he has a lot to do right now, but you never know...
02-03-2005, 08:31 PM
Hi guys,
Awesome work here! I have been looking for a long time for a way to change iconz on my NGage QD.
If any of you need reliable hosting for your themes/icons, etc, just send me an email (robert AT exosyphen [DOT] com) and I will gladly host them on :
15-03-2005, 02:24 PM
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="176" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="176" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="176" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
i made alll the iconz by myself !!!and the icons are basically from Windows XP dll files......temme if u liked it ...stolen some icons frm cristalized :D
15-03-2005, 07:44 PM
Man, these icons look good....well done!! :-D :-o
16-03-2005, 09:49 PM
dd u try them neruanza ?? coz my job isnt done if u guys dont use it :D
17-03-2005, 12:27 AM
Hello :)
Those look great! Now my question: Can SysIconz be used together with a "regular" theme on a symbian 7.0 phone? I am using 6600 meanwhile, and i love the theme i am using. But these icons look so good, i wish to use them together with that theme :)
Kind regards....
your Thanh
17-03-2005, 02:47 PM
u can always try....i dont think it will coz ne problems ...but the problem is which mobile will u choose ...when installing .sis file ..i think i shud leave it for the creators to answer this question
17-03-2005, 03:46 PM
This has been questioned and answered here before several times, its also in the readme file, PLEASE take some to search it before asking.
17-03-2005, 03:52 PM
i also just noticed..its in the original post too...argh!
27-03-2005, 04:56 AM
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="176" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="176" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="176" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
i made alll the iconz by myself !!!and the icons are basically from Windows XP dll files......temme if u liked it ...stolen some icons frm cristalized :D
why this pack is too big?
27-03-2005, 09:37 PM
wht do u mean size as in kbs ???
if it is tht is coz of the screenshots in da file
27-03-2005, 10:43 PM
ohh sorry...let my donwnload the Pack tanks! :cool:
An this is a pack for the application SYSICONZ!! enjoy! :eek:
only copy the folder "macOSX" and paste into the packs of Sysiconz
tested in :N-gageQD
20-04-2005, 05:23 AM
does sysiconz releases the latest version beside sysiconz v1.01?
would u mind if u send me the latest version of it?
would u mind if u send me another iconz... especially for n-gage...
i luv so much the fake it & quarks iconz but unfortunately it didn't have an icon for music player, fm radio & screen cap, can u send me the iconz of its? sorry my english so bad...
Mike wrote:
SysIconz v1.01
Developer: Mike (
[email protected])
FAT, Fake It & Quarzk Blue Artwork: Twolf
Predator Blooded Artwork: Soulness
Testers: Mike, Carapau80, Kamikaze, Twolf, Soulness, Blue_Dragon74
- A collection of apps that acts like "shortcuts" to the real system apps installed in the Z: Drive in order to change icons
- A Manager that allows to change the current SysIconzPack
- FAT SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Fake It SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Quarkz Blue SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Predator Blooded SysIconzPack by Soulness
Changes all system icons except:
MidpUi, VoiceRecorder, RealPlayer and Folders
Duplicates these icons:
MidpUi, VoiceRecorder, RealPlayer
(Unfortunatly it's impossible to create "shortcuts" to these programs that's why i decided to duplicate them to allow the icons to be changed, the user can always hide the default icons in a folder.)
Here (
Just install the sis into the MMC and restart the phone.
ATTENTION: Select the correct phone model with a cross.
Just Uninstall the Package and restart the phone
Compatible with Nokia N-Gage, Nokia N-Gage QD, Nokia 3650 and Nokia 3660
Not Compatible with Nokia 6600/7610
Lacks "shortcut" to the Game Application Icon in Nokia N-Gage QD
tzeonn : this thread will only be for future releases of SysIconz, or any icons changer for symbians.
Post all qns in this thread (
Irrelevent posts will be deleted! Sorry for any inconveniences caused!
21-04-2005, 09:53 PM
does sysiconz releases the latest version beside sysiconz v1.01?
would u mind if u send me the latest version of it?
would u mind if u send me another iconz... especially for n-gage...
i luv so much the fake it & quarks iconz but unfortunately it didn't have an icon for music player, fm radio & screen cap, can u send me the iconz of its? sorry my english so bad...
1.01 is the latest (and maybe last) version.
what do you mean another icons? there are a lot of them around the net...
i made fake and quark, all the icons packs are complete, no missing icons (at least in NGage).
my english is bad too ;)
28-04-2005, 05:58 AM
ok thx for the reply...
it's mean a lot...
ok, where can i find those icons that you said "there are a lot of them around the net..."? (i hope u get my point)
ok... when i install fake it & quark, i found that the icons FMRadio, MusicPlayer & ScreenCap weren't change at all... so where's those icons?
1.01 is the latest (and maybe last) version.
what do you mean another icons? there are a lot of them around the net...
i made fake and quark, all the icons packs are complete, no missing icons (at least in NGage).
my english is bad too ;)
28-04-2005, 03:02 PM
Hi, really appreciate u guys hard work... btw, wat software u guys able to create this stuff... :)
29-04-2005, 09:42 AM
ok thx for the reply...
it's mean a lot...
ok, where can i find those icons that you said "there are a lot of them around the net..."? (i hope u get my point)
ok... when i install fake it & quark, i found that the icons FMRadio, MusicPlayer & ScreenCap weren't change at all... so where's those icons?
Well, there are a few in this forum:
you need to register, btw.
about the other question...did you read the readme file?
Hi, really appreciate u guys hard work... btw, wat software u guys able to create this stuff... :)
Youll have to ask Mike, i just did some icons...
04-06-2005, 03:31 AM
hi my name is dennie
it can't change real one , recorder,app icon on my ngage....
btw ican't download this file from you.... why
Mike wrote:
SysIconz v1.01
Developer: Mike (
[email protected])
FAT, Fake It & Quarzk Blue Artwork: Twolf
Predator Blooded Artwork: Soulness
Testers: Mike, Carapau80, Kamikaze, Twolf, Soulness, Blue_Dragon74
- A collection of apps that acts like "shortcuts" to the real system apps installed in the Z: Drive in order to change icons
- A Manager that allows to change the current SysIconzPack
- FAT SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Fake It SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Quarkz Blue SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Predator Blooded SysIconzPack by Soulness
Changes all system icons except:
MidpUi, VoiceRecorder, RealPlayer and Folders
Duplicates these icons:
MidpUi, VoiceRecorder, RealPlayer
(Unfortunatly it's impossible to create "shortcuts" to these programs that's why i decided to duplicate them to allow the icons to be changed, the user can always hide the default icons in a folder.)
Here (
Just install the sis into the MMC and restart the phone.
ATTENTION: Select the correct phone model with a cross.
Just Uninstall the Package and restart the phone
Compatible with Nokia N-Gage, Nokia N-Gage QD, Nokia 3650 and Nokia 3660
Not Compatible with Nokia 6600/7610
Lacks "shortcut" to the Game Application Icon in Nokia N-Gage QD
tzeonn : this thread will only be for future releases of SysIconz, or any icons changer for symbians.
Post all qns in this thread (
Irrelevent posts will be deleted! Sorry for any inconveniences caused!
04-06-2005, 07:12 AM
Hi Twolf..I can't download the Sysiconz from the links that you gave. Is it has become a broken link? If it so, please sir, can you activate it again? Thanks for your kindness.. :smile:
04-06-2005, 03:33 PM
could someone please post a mirror of the file? i dont have a host at the moment...thanks
18-08-2005, 05:08 AM
Dont install in c: its dangerous.
always install in the MMC.
Can I get your Freak Sysicons v1.01
Please give me a link wherein from i can download your software
Or you can send me as an attachment to
[email protected]
Thanks a Lot...
30-09-2005, 09:50 PM
Hi everyone! Don't know if anyone is going to like my first post,so I apologise to everyone in advance...I just need to know..
Why does AVG antivirus for windows find Sculls.C virus in the sis file?
Same with F-secure antivirus for mobile phones...
Infected file in sis is the text shown during installation.
Infected file in mobile after installation is E:\System\Apps\FreakMenu\Freak
Any ideas?
12-01-2006, 01:42 PM[/QUOTE]
can i change my folders icon like at the picture above?
tell me please...
12-01-2006, 03:25 PM
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="176" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="176" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="176" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
i made alll the iconz by myself !!!and the icons are basically from Windows XP dll files......temme if u liked it ...stolen some icons frm cristalized :D
05-02-2006, 06:00 PM
Mike wrote:
SysIconz v1.01
Developer: Mike (
[email protected])
FAT, Fake It & Quarzk Blue Artwork: Twolf
Predator Blooded Artwork: Soulness
Testers: Mike, Carapau80, Kamikaze, Twolf, Soulness, Blue_Dragon74
- A collection of apps that acts like "shortcuts" to the real system apps installed in the Z: Drive in order to change icons
- A Manager that allows to change the current SysIconzPack
- FAT SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Fake It SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Quarkz Blue SysIconzPack by Twolf
- Predator Blooded SysIconzPack by Soulness
Changes all system icons except:
MidpUi, VoiceRecorder, RealPlayer and Folders
Duplicates these icons:
MidpUi, VoiceRecorder, RealPlayer
(Unfortunatly it's impossible to create "shortcuts" to these programs that's why i decided to duplicate them to allow the icons to be changed, the user can always hide the default icons in a folder.)
Here (
Just install the sis into the MMC and restart the phone.
ATTENTION: Select the correct phone model with a cross.
Just Uninstall the Package and restart the phone
Compatible with Nokia N-Gage, Nokia N-Gage QD, Nokia 3650 and Nokia 3660
Not Compatible with Nokia 6600/7610
Lacks "shortcut" to the Game Application Icon in Nokia N-Gage QD
tzeonn : this thread will only be for future releases of SysIconz, or any icons changer for symbians.
Post all qns in this thread (
Irrelevent posts will be deleted! Sorry for any inconveniences caused!
can n e 1 help me download this sysiconz file i m clicking on the link but it says cannot find server so plz if n e 1 can email it to me
[email protected] :-o or gimme n e other link
07-02-2006, 01:55 PM
can n e 1 help me download this sysiconz file i m clicking on the link but it says cannot find server so plz if n e 1 can email it to me
[email protected] :-o or gimme n e other link
Try again, check whether the server has moved somewhere else.
13-04-2006, 07:22 PM
i already install sysIconz v1.0.0 to my n-gage qd. it's working. i wanna change the FAT icon to [PredatorDawn_SysIconzPack1.0].. but it's still da same.. somebody help me... :???:
16-08-2006, 01:19 PM
please help i can't open the link..
can u post me the new link to download the sysicon.
or plz mail me on
[email protected]
thnx for the help ..i really need that one..
21-12-2006, 05:00 AM
Can I get your Freak Sysicons v1.01
Please give me a link wherein from i can download your software
Or you can send me as an attachment to
[email protected]
Thanks a Lot...
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