View Full Version : Programing a gold
02-10-2002, 06:39 PM
I could extract with no problem the Ki from my cards with Cardinal.
Using twinsim to make the hexs, i then program my sim and the result is "card error"....
If i use IC prog, it does not want to load the hex for the prom saying that there is a checksum error in the hex :-(
My question is: what is the best software to make the Hex and the best to program the gold card ? is there a special loader to program the card ?
Thanks for your cooperation, Regards
03-10-2002, 04:20 AM
Hi, i got the same error with IC Prog using an eeprom made in TwinSim. I tried the eeprom in my millenium programmer and it worked after a few tries(changing settings)
I put the sim card in a phone and it asked for a pin, but wouldnt accept anything. So I put it in another phone and it didnt even recognise the sim. So maybe the phone just wasnt compatible with the cloned sim(gold card)
I just entered any old crap into the IMSI & KI because I haven't successfully read a simcard yet...
So if you have a different programmer and software then try that. Or just try to burn it with IC prog ignoring the error(didnt work for me)
03-10-2002, 08:05 AM
I've tried so far quite all the programs i have with my millenium and VX multi..... Still can't read the card with 3 different phones and still the same errors while programming.
I suppose that some hex makers are different, could someone tell us which one make hexs without reading errors ??
Can't use simscan, apparentely it does not like the VX multi.
03-10-2002, 03:23 PM
I will tell you the settings that I used in millenium programmer if that helps.
They probably only work with a gold card, but i am not sure.
Load up the millenium software and let it find your millenium programmer and card.
Then choose the HS Oscillator and disable power up and protection. And choose 16C84, even if you card is not that chip, the program will fix it(dont know why i needed to do this, but it worked for me)
Click on the eeprom tab an open the eeprom file, now program it.
Then goto the PICs tab and open the pic file, now change the settings to the same as mentioned above and program the card ignoring the errors.
It should work if you have had no vertification errors, if you have then just play about with the settings. That is how I got it done. And it worked in a Nokia 3310, but I had no network obviously as I had fake imsi and ki's loaded into the card.
17-10-2002, 12:08 AM
2 things u have to verify..
the 1st: if u used cardinal Ki is 'scrambled', u need reorganize it as described with twinsim (v1.1 let u choose from wich software Ki was extracted, but v1 don't)
last thing: u need convert the eeprom file (generated by twinsim) with HEX2BIN converter by choosing (I)ntel hex format
.. all this must give u a working clone
but u should prefer use sim_scan to extract Ki (fastest than cardinal and more secure) and burn goldwafer
btw maybe this will came too late
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