View Full Version : TDMA vs CDMA
05-10-2002, 06:23 AM
I have a burnout number that works on my TDMA Nokias.Should it work on an Alltel CDMA?It is not workin.Is there freeware CDMA unlocking software cause i think they may be locked.....Thanks
11-10-2002, 02:08 PM
What you mean by a burnout number?
11-10-2002, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by ismael_mj23
What you mean by a burnout number?
Ok .I take it yall dont talk about that here....Sorry
13-10-2002, 11:03 PM
Apparentlly we don't but if you start we sure will follow.
green gerbil
14-10-2002, 03:15 AM
I believe he means a phone # that when put into the phone with a non local sid will let you place calls since the company thinks it is roaming and doesn't verify the esn-min pair match or can't do so. Its a variation of the old analog scam of putting in random esns and mins into phones and setting them to roam and the company would let the first few calls go thru before it banned the esn and then you would change it. This is what the oki 900 tumbling firmware was for (if you are aware of this phone and its stuff). I believe the new scam is also called ghosting by others. And to answer the dude's question, it shouldnt work on CDMA nokias even if it works on the TDMA providers since it is a provider specific exploit. The TDMA/AMPS provider may not have upgraded his equipment and this works but the CDMA stuff is new so its most likely patched. In my area there is esn verification for all roamers (as far as I have seen) so this scam doesnt work at all.
14-10-2002, 04:31 AM
@Green Gerbil
WOW... you just aged yourself... You must be a real die hard phone fanatic.. I cant believe we heard you say OKI 900 tumbling, havent heard that well.... since the days of Oki 900's, 5min/esn slotted 4712 firmware! Ooops guess we just aged ourselves tooo..... :) :))
I would be amazed if a TDMA network still allows it, if so thats some aged equipment. Doesnt everyone use like a PVS or PRV now a days?
14-10-2002, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by ismael_mj23
Apparentlly we don't but if you start we sure will follow.
Yes green gerbil is correct.Thanks for clearing that up........
green gerbil
15-10-2002, 11:59 PM
I was pretty surprised it works for some people too. I guess nobody bothered to update equipment in some places to stop people. Heh, i still have an oki 900 with the 4712 and flip and brick phones that work with mot 6.6.
16-10-2002, 01:15 AM
You see, we'll follow!!!!!!!
Although I'm not that old my self.
16-10-2002, 12:17 PM
@green gerbil
Of course your 900 still has the original OKI, 4712 software in it though :) :)
Remember the 8000/brick mods... You talking PC-550 flip?? Dont remember that soft...but then again when we gave up on Motorola ... that had to be 1 of the biggest piles of sxxx.
Don't worry, years from now you'll be talking about how you used to hack DCT-3 Nokia's ..And someone will be like whats a DCT-3 Nokia, because by then they will probably be on DCT-11 or something :):)
PHONEDUDES :) :grin: :)
green gerbil
18-10-2002, 02:25 AM
yeah, DPC-550 flips (the fat ones) and microtac elites (somewhat managable newer ones). There were also slim and fat bricks. It was like a big deal that they had names and numbers and not just names. Yeah, the motorola stuff sucked but what was better?
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