View Full Version : Engineeering Field options in 8310

02-12-2004, 01:45 PM
Dear All,
I am having a Nokia 8310. I would like to enable Engineering Field/Test option ( Net monitor ) in my 8310. Can anyone help me out? I tried contacting "Logo manager", the reply i got was in DCT Ver 4 handsets the net monitor cannot be anabled... Is it so? Can any one help me out?

03-12-2004, 12:24 PM
I would like to enable Engineering Field/Test option ( Net monitor ) in my 8310.
see next...

I tried contacting "Logo manager", the reply i got was in DCT Ver 4 handsets the net monitor cannot be anabled... Is it so?Thats it! Theres no NetMonitor on the firmware of an DCT-4 phone, so you can't enable. And of course not with LogoManager :)

You need special firmware with NetMon implemented. but you'll never get one! You need expensive licenses to get and they are registered to you only!
If they get around, you'll have some problems, so...


gsm community
11-12-2004, 12:15 AM
net monitor is in every firmware!

but it's disabled

it can only be enabled by patching flash, so if dct-4 modding is possible netmonitor will be, too

03-01-2005, 03:10 AM
yep, its in the flash...
i just didnt find yet how to enable the netmon...

i dont like netmon... its so confusing (its nearly the same as in dct3)