View Full Version : Changing FONTS on 6600 & 7610.
21-12-2004, 03:41 AM
Before I start with the tutorial, take a look at the pics below, those are the ones I tried on my phone (6600 firmware v5). It also installs nicely on frimware v3 & v4.
Modern Font
WARNING: You will lose your default font when you follow the steps below. SO please make necessary backup should something go wrong. :D
Also prior to installing this fonts, I suggest you install FExplorer ( on your phone. Ok so here goes...
Step 1. Download the fonts HERE (
Step 2. In the Zip file you will see
+ FontRemover.sis
+ tahoma.sis
+ modern.sis
+ set3v3.sis
+ mssans.sis
+ symbol.gdr
+ comic.gdr
Step 3. Then send the FontRemover.sis to your phone and install it. Once installed, launch the application and it should ask you if you want to delete font. Click on Yes and it should tell you to reboot your phone. Do NOT reboot first.
Step 4. Now send one of the font sis files, lets say modern.sis to your phone and install it to your C drive (your phone, NOT mmc). Once installed then reboot your phone.
Step 5. When it starts, you should see the default fonts replaced by the ones you have just installed.
Now I cant stress this more but you need to understand that you can only use ONE FONT at one time. If you want to use another font, you will have to go back to step 3 & 4.
As for the .gdr files, you will need to do it this way.
Step 1. Use FontRemover to remove the fonts.
Step 2. Open FExplorer and goto C:\system and create a "fonts" folder as shown below.
Step 3. Send the .gdr file to your phone. Do not open it as it will say unknown file format.
Step 4. Find the file in your mail folders (C or E:\system\mail\00001001_S\0-9, a-f) using FExplorer.
Step 5. Copy or Cut the file and then paste it to the C:\system\fonts folder.
Step 6. Exit FExplorer and then reboot you phone.
So its that simple. In my testing, I found that some fonts like tahoma & mssans does not make much different (well atleast to me) as the modern font did. I've only managed to try on one 7610 with firmware and I only see small changes, not like it did on a 6600. So you guys with the 7610 might be a little disappointed about this.
Anyway, Good luck! :cool:
Update: 23/12/04.
Please ignore the warning about you might lose your default font after following the steps. Your original font is stored in your Z:\system\font folder, so if you decide to remove the font you have installed with font remover or by deleting d C:\system\fonts folder, its totally safe. 8-)
Update: 16/09/05.
Easy GDR Creator attached. You can also download it HERE (,
21-12-2004, 01:55 PM
21-12-2004, 04:05 PM
so what? it's a great walktrough and i think many people will benefit from it
21-12-2004, 06:38 PM
Yes, i agree with's a great tutorial and i didn't want to be discourteous..
but there are other threads about it..
22-12-2004, 03:38 PM
thread moved.
nice one, i stickied this ;)
22-12-2004, 04:36 PM
Thank you for the sticky.
And HERE ( is the Easy GDR Creator! Now you can make your own fonts to your heart contents! Just dont forget to share! :D
Note: Please rename the .zip to .exe and then install the file.
23-12-2004, 09:42 AM
Its already discused :roll:
Chk this out:
To all
have a nice holidays :-D
23-12-2004, 04:06 PM
I know you started the topic mate but I dont see any clear and detail guides for it and plus no link to direct download to the necessary Apps needed to make it all work.
Dont worry, I'm not trying to steal the limelight from you. I'm a newbie so I'm very sure you know more. :cool:
23-12-2004, 06:14 PM
mm.. Slurpy69 is right..this thread is more clear :-o ..and it has a link for dlod gdr creator..good work :cool:
(Sorry if i have seemed discourteous) :razz:
23-12-2004, 06:21 PM
... I'm a newbie so I'm very sure you know more. :cool:...
"a newbie that knows more than experts" :-o :-o
.. :rolleyes: Cheers :rolleyes: ..
23-12-2004, 08:35 PM
Anyone else struggling to install/rename the easy grd creator? :-?
24-12-2004, 05:41 AM
Anyone else struggling to install/rename the easy grd creator? :-?
arent there any new fonts cn be use? or we cn use other fonts from the pc? and another thing is only .gdr file type of font cn be use here?tnx
24-12-2004, 09:27 AM
arent there any new fonts cn be use? or we cn use other fonts from the pc? and another thing is only .gdr file type of font cn be use here?tnx
I think you havent set on your PC to see full extensions/name of a file. To do this
1. Launch Windows Explorer and then select
2. Click Tools>Folder Options>View and "un-tick" the Hide extensions for known file type.
Now only can you see the full extension of a file and change the .zip into .exe and launch the Easy GDR Creator application.
You van actually use any .ttf fonts on your PC. It should be located in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts. I'm gonna do another tutorial on how to use the Easy GDR Convertor soon.
24-12-2004, 10:28 AM
I m have been using windows xp ... and have sucessfully installed Comic font in mobile...
First install the GDR creater as shown above then go to c:/windows/font direct ... select the font you wanne use. click on edit menu and select copy and paste it to dekstop.. Now run the software CLICK TTF font ????? button and select the font which u pasted on desktop.. then again click the ???? button undernet it it will preview your font do same with all Latin bold 12 latin 13 and so on with all tabs and then click to Compile To GDR... Its finish you have got .gdr file now paste the file in mobile C:/system/fonts dirctory and restart the phone...
I have been in hurry while trying to make tutorials hope u guys got the idea .. if not do pm me i will try to explain it in detail..
Bye and thanks for the software..
24-12-2004, 11:48 AM
eeehm, the ZIP file is corrupted...
24-12-2004, 03:22 PM
Have you renamed it in .exe?
24-12-2004, 08:05 PM
Thanks for the help slurpy69. That has worked a treat :)
25-12-2004, 08:22 AM
Have you renamed it in .exe?
Its not really a zip file, so thats why you cant unzip it. You have to rename it. Look at my post above on how to rename extensions on your pc. 8-)
27-12-2004, 08:10 AM
I know you started the topic mate but I dont see any clear and detail guides for it and plus no link to direct download to the necessary Apps needed to make it all work.
Dont worry, I'm not trying to steal the limelight from you. I'm a newbie so I'm very sure you know more. :cool:
Yeah u are newbie, because u don't know that al about font changing is already discussed on this forum at least one year ago.
Also I cant see any cool font which u created or any other work on s60 platform tunning, all stuff which u posted in this topic is nothing more than poor copy/paste and next time when u decide to share software which not yours, than at least be greatfull post links and source from developer homepage which make and share font changing application for free...
From other side Im in all this shit during many years, since first models of 7650,my nick and my works on tunning and improving s60 platform is known on every symbian forum all around the net, I have cooperations with all relevant application developer, u can chk my reference and find my patches on mIRC (both channels), GSM news group, yahoo groups, etc...
I'm receive and respond on many PM-s and mails every day and help many people to solve problem and other things with their phone,
what about u!?
So next time it will be so kind if u chk all about somebody before u post something like this, and also it will be better to keep posting in existing thread with same thematic, and not spam forum with starting same and already discussed and existing topic...
No hard feelings..
have a nice holidays
27-12-2004, 02:57 PM
Im a newbie too, i wrote lots of faqs, others wrote them too of course, and i moved them all to symbian faqs, a new section.
btw, i dun care if ur well known in the whole world, basic respect is one aspect on forums. im sure one way or another, this thread has helped some ppl. while U TINK u are V GOOD, there are always new symbian users/owners, and its this little faqs that can help them learn more. i dun tink newbies will use search anyway.
we are all here to share knowledge, not "ur a newbie!"
Newbie tzeonn.
27-12-2004, 04:56 PM
Wow! Didnt know my intention to help backfired on me. I still dont understand what makes you offended by it though. As far as I can see its been helpfull to others and that the Mods were kind enough to make it sticky. I think in no part of my tutorial was there a sentence of me claiming that I created those applications. I merely host it so that it wouldnt burden the bandwith of any other sites. Also when anyone installs the applications, they can see who created it which is definately not me. :grin:
The Wiep
27-12-2004, 08:15 PM
Yow slurpy69,
first, I would like to say thank you for this great tutorial
AND for the link to the Easy GDR Creator
second, don't pay any attention to Apocalypso, he's just beïng an ass
a lot of peeps have indeed been PM'ing him for the proggie and the fonst (including me) but getting no reply
third, any help in any way should be appreciated and not flamed!!
28-12-2004, 03:05 AM
very good and clear tutorial m8...
however changing the fonts on your fone disables some symbols on SMS, did anyone noticed that the "ENTER" symbol disappear?
anyway can we do this safely on other symbian fones (s60)? I've tried previously changing the font on my n-gage (months ago) and it fucked up, had to flash it unlike the s70 phones you could go away by just hard formating it.
28-12-2004, 06:09 AM
Thanks The Wiep & Shad0w.
Yeah indeed changing the fonts does disable the "ENTER" symbol. I guess thats a minor thing because it still works.
As for the N-Gage I'm not so sure but I have tested this on the 6260, 7610, 6670, 3660 and ofcourse on all firmware of the 6600. :grin:
01-01-2005, 12:46 PM
i installed font on my n-gage and made reboot and now my phone wun start up.Somone can help me?I't has that W.S.O.D.
The Wiep
02-01-2005, 10:48 PM
I'm currently trying to put the ??????? in Easy GDR Creater into plain english but I don't know a few things.
If someone could help me out here I will upload the exe when it is translated.
OK so now what do I need ;) :
in the program you have 2 frames
1 frame with caption "Font Size" here I need to know what the label should be in front of the dropdown box
1 frame with caption "Boudinng Box" here I need to know what the labels should be in front of all 4 dropdowns
any ideas are welcome
05-01-2005, 06:04 PM
hi guys,
i need someone to convert for me a font i found in windows folder and after trying a lot i finally couldnt do it.please someone do this for me,because i need it is tha zip with the ttf file.
thanks in advance
06-01-2005, 09:59 AM
hi guys,
i need someone to convert for me a font i found in windows folder and after trying a lot i finally couldnt do it.please someone do this for me,because i need it is tha zip with the ttf file.
thanks in advance
Well I've made the gdr file for you but I dont have an option to attach the zip file. So you might wanna pm me your email. Also the font didnt somehow come-up in the preview of the GDR so I'm not sure if its gonna work. Good Luck!
06-01-2005, 10:53 AM
I think you havent set on your PC to see full extensions/name of a file. To do this
1. Launch Windows Explorer and then select
2. Click Tools>Folder Options>View and "un-tick" the Hide extensions for known file type.
Now only can you see the full extension of a file and change the .zip into .exe and launch the Easy GDR Creator application.
You van actually use any .ttf fonts on your PC. It should be located in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts. I'm gonna do another tutorial on how to use the Easy GDR Convertor soon.
I tried using Easy GDR Creater but to no success. I don't know how to use this progy! :o
11-01-2005, 03:52 AM
I tried using Easy GDR Creater but to no success. I don't know how to use this progy! :o
Yeah it can be confusing a bit, you need to a lil bit of trial & error.
But basically its like click the first (top) ????? button to browse for your .ttf font. When you choose the font dont click/highlight it. You must type it. Then when thats done, click the second (bottom) ????? button to load it.
Do it for every tab and when all is loaded, then only can you only create the .gdr file. I hope that helps a bit. I'll do a basic tutorial about it soon when I have time. :cool:
11-01-2005, 06:45 AM
First of all, many thanks for the guide, I wouldn't have known about it otherwise :)
And apocalypse or whatever, you are a muppet. Noone cares how well known you are or how much "tunning and improving" you've done if you're carrying around an attitude like that :rolleyes:
Anyway, I'd like to know if anyone's tried this on a Nokia 6630. I'd love to give it a go as I think the original Series 60 font is proper ugly, but having heard about the N-Gage fuckups I'm reluctant to be the first to try it.
Any info much appreciated
13-01-2005, 05:09 AM
Anyway, I'd like to know if anyone's tried this on a Nokia 6630.
Yes it does mate! Somebody in another forum had a go at it and said its all ok. 8-)
I've been able to use it on my 6600 but it seems like it cun be done for 6670.
Checking the Z:/ drive bof the 6670, I notice there's 2 more new files there.
Perhaps thats y it doesn't work..
14-01-2005, 01:42 AM
Hmmm... what a pity. I guess those are the files thats restricting the change of some fonts. I'm gonna ask the developer of the GDR Creator if theres a possible patch for it. But then again, it being part of the firmware will be quite a lotta work I assume. 8-)
17-01-2005, 10:03 AM
Help! i got the .gdr file in my c:/system/font but when i reboot, the fonts remained unchange. What could be the problem? I'm using N6630. TIA
17-01-2005, 10:10 AM
Help! i got the .gdr file in my c:/system/font but when i reboot, the fonts remained unchange. What could be the problem? I'm using N6630. TIA
Did you install the Font Remover? You must launch that app first to remove the font. Then before you reboot, create the fonts folder in C and insert the .gdr file in it.
I think if you follow the guide I've given step by step, you shouldnt have any problem at all. 8)
17-01-2005, 11:31 AM
Help! i got the .gdr file in my c:/system/font but when i reboot, the fonts remained unchange. What could be the problem? I'm using N6630. TIA
Jusrt rename your fonts folder and make path like belowe:
c:/system/fonts :D
17-01-2005, 04:00 PM
Ok, here's what i've done.
Remove fonts.
Extract .zip file and copy to phone
Make dir in c:/system/fonts
Cut and paste to c:/system/fonts
Any steps where i went wrong?
17-01-2005, 04:05 PM
Looks alright to me.
I'm assuming when you reboot, theres not much changes right? But try open FExplorer and see if the text has changed. My friend using a 6630 managed to changed his, I didnt know what firmware he is on though. I'll have to get back to you soon about this. 8-)
17-01-2005, 04:19 PM
slurpy69, you're right, fonts changes at FExplorer but not at messenger or menu. Now what can i do?
17-01-2005, 04:23 PM
slurpy69, you're right, fonts changes at FExplorer but not at messenger or menu. Now what can i do?
I dont really know man, this happens on certain firmwares of the 7610 and 6670 too. So I hope somebody in the know can help us out in this matter. 8-)
17-01-2005, 04:40 PM
Please 6630 users, if you have successfully change fonts at main menu, messenger, phone book, pls let us know how to solve the problem.
18-01-2005, 07:15 AM
Someone from another forum I goto says he has managed to change the fonts of his 6630 Firmware v2.39 with no problem at all. Whats yours starworld?
18-01-2005, 08:23 AM
UPDATE: 18/01/05
Works on
Model Firmware
6600 - v3.42.1, v4.09.1, v5.27.0
6630 - v2.39
7610 - v4.0437.4
N-gage - v4.03 Nem-4
Doesnt work on or little effect only
Model Firmware
7610 - v4.0424.4
18-01-2005, 02:14 PM
V 3.45 110
19-01-2005, 02:49 AM
V 3.45 110
Which phone model did you meant? Also does it work or not? :cool:
02-06-2005, 02:37 AM
when i install a font it shows this virus.........
08-08-2005, 03:39 PM
Before I start with the tutorial, take a look at the pics below, those are the ones I tried on my phone (6600 firmware v5). It also installs nicely on frimware v3 & v4.
Modern Font
WARNING: You will lose your default font when you follow the steps below. SO please make necessary backup should something go wrong. :D
Also prior to installing this fonts, I suggest you install FExplorer ( on your phone. Ok so here goes...
Step 1. Download the fonts HERE (
Step 2. In the Zip file you will see
+ FontRemover.sis
+ tahoma.sis
+ modern.sis
+ set3v3.sis
+ mssans.sis
+ symbol.gdr
+ comic.gdr
Step 3. Then send the FontRemover.sis to your phone and install it. Once installed, launch the application and it should ask you if you want to delete font. Click on Yes and it should tell you to reboot your phone. Do NOT reboot first.
Step 4. Now send one of the font sis files, lets say modern.sis to your phone and install it to your C drive (your phone, NOT mmc). Once installed then reboot your phone.
Step 5. When it starts, you should see the default fonts replaced by the ones you have just installed.
Now I cant stress this more but you need to understand that you can only use ONE FONT at one time. If you want to use another font, you will have to go back to step 3 & 4.
As for the .gdr files, you will need to do it this way.
Step 1. Use FontRemover to remove the fonts.
Step 2. Open FExplorer and goto C:\system and create a "fonts" folder as shown below.
Step 3. Send the .gdr file to your phone. Do not open it as it will say unknown file format.
Step 4. Find the file in your mail folders (C or E:\system\mail\00001001_S\0-9, a-f) using FExplorer.
Step 5. Copy or Cut the file and then paste it to the C:\system\fonts folder.
Step 6. Exit FExplorer and then reboot you phone.
So its that simple. In my testing, I found that some fonts like tahoma & mssans does not make much different (well atleast to me) as the modern font did. I've only managed to try on one 7610 with firmware and I only see small changes, not like it did on a 6600. So you guys with the 7610 might be a little disappointed about this.
Anyway, Good luck! :cool:
Update: 23/12/04.
Please ignore the warning about you might lose your default font after following the steps. Your original font is stored in your Z:\system\font folder, so if you decide to remove the font you have installed with font remover or by deleting d C:\system\fonts folder, its totally safe. 8-)
i have followed all the steps ive read in this thread and its been very helpful thanks to everyone. =) but i saw this screen captured font from a site. i was wondering if you can tell me which font was used to make this???
here are the pictures...
any help will be very much appreciated....
15-09-2005, 05:34 PM
Link for Easy GDR Creator updated. :D
08-12-2005, 01:53 PM
That phone uses a Chinese firmware. I have a 6260 with a Chinese firmware having fonts like that.
For all people who have trouble with changing fonts (7610, 6670), your phone might have a Chinese firmware. Easy GDR Creator needs a little modification for it to create GDRs compatible with chinese firmwares. Follow the instructions on this site.
: )
01-01-2006, 05:48 AM
dude.. kindly send me those installer andd gdr files to my email.. i cant download it to the link u made.. thanks in advance...
01-01-2006, 05:53 AM
slurpy, the link that you posted for the download cannot be found.. plz send me those.. plzzzzz :) :)
01-01-2006, 07:19 AM
No send mes allowed! :x
15-04-2006, 02:53 AM
i just managed to change fonts in my phone, it works :]
it's for my mum - she's having big problems with any mobile w/o glasses. This would be just it if not for 1 problem, i cannot get the CE letters (polish to be exact) to appear in gdr file, not ever on symbol/unicode option thus i'm missing letters :( - is there any way i can add them ??
BiG thx for this topic - hope it's posible.
23-07-2006, 03:32 AM
is it applicable to N6680 also? thanks
23-07-2006, 03:36 AM
is it applicable to N6680 also? i mean the font change, thanks
23-07-2006, 12:58 PM
is it applicable to N6680 also? i mean the font change, thanks
Sure it is ;)
11-12-2007, 05:34 AM
thank you very , :)
im down load complete , good
09-01-2008, 08:40 PM
Nice thread , sheer prowess of firmware updates
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