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View Full Version : 3330 -> 3410 Need Help

10-10-2002, 09:17 PM
I need help on How to convert my Nokia 3330 to 3410?
Which softwares to use and cable? Where to get the Nokia 3410 Fls? Please Help Me!

11-10-2002, 12:13 AM
1. you need a Flash cable (got mine from http://www.gadgets-galore.net)

2. an MBUS cable (got mine from http://www.logosunlimited.co.uk)

3. Flashing software I use Knok Phoenix

4. Nokia Tool by rolis version 1.8

5. a later version the 3330 main board with has the extra contact points (don't have a pic can somebody pls upload one) if you don't have this stop its to much work/money to make this work

6. a 3350 screen and button pad and case and keypad

7. a full flash of a 3410 (use google.com or post a request here).

if you get all this you can proceed with the making the phone a 3410

1. remove the OLD screen

2. fit the new screen

3. connect phone to pc with flash cable and leave it OFF

4. open knok select write flash, then browse to the full flash you downloaded

5. write it from the default address given and follow instrustions on screen

6. connect phone to pc with Mbus cable and turn on phone

7. open nokia tool by rolis etc

8. select read phone select unlock all, clear SP locks, change the IMEI to the one under the battery, SFR, Update faid

9. that should be it

11-10-2002, 12:29 PM
Read this...i've found it on another forum..

You need to change RAM chip!
Ram chip needed for 3410 is K6F 40xxxx...

In 3310 is K6F 10xxxx and in 3330 K6F 20xxxx....

Don't know about 3350 'cause that phone is for different market.

supergdl - from Italy

11-10-2002, 03:20 PM
Or not I have done the procdure on a few 3330 and they all work fine

11-10-2002, 03:39 PM
When you do a 3330 -> 3410, the "new" phone has ALL features that the original 3410 has???

How I can know if a 3330 that I buy is a potencial 3410???

11-10-2002, 08:05 PM
@cprafferty: cool!!i've never tried 3330 => 3410....
i've got 3410 MCU+PPM 4.09 and virgin eeprom!
if i flash my 3330 with those files,will my phone turn on or I need to buy a new PCB and display?

supergdl - from Italy

12-10-2002, 09:05 AM
I've tried to change GSM from 3330 to 3350 after change of my keypad and screen, work perfect
Now I've tried to flash à 4.09 and virgin eprom from 3410, but no chance to work, must change the Ram to K6F4016U4F