View Full Version : UFS-3 Original Help!

07-06-2005, 06:25 PM

i bought a UFS-3 Tornado box, it worked in the beginning for some phones, unlocking and flashing.

I have this problem now, everytime i flash a phone, the flash goes perfect till it checks the flash ID, then i get this error message.


i heard from some people that i need to update the firmware of my tornado box, but this fbi file i can not get, and even if i had it, i would not use it becauese there is a chance that is destroys the box totally.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


05-12-2005, 04:00 PM
when i bought my ufs-3 i got a web site with it that i had to regier the box so i could update it and download flash files,

www.ufsxsupport.com :grin: